WWE Live Event Results (3/14): Milwaukee, WI; Brad Maddox Returns, Cena & Orton Team Up, Triple Threat U.S. Title Match & More

wwe live event resultsSource: PWInsider.com

WWE Live Event Results
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Before the show even began, they announced they were returning to Milwaukee for Smackdown on Tuesday, July 7.  Tickets are available now on Ticketmaster using the presale code wwepre.

The lower bowl of the BMO Harris Bradley Center was full and the top 5-7 rows of the upper deck were largely full as well.  Normally, the upper level is curtained off, so it was good to see the attendance up for the house show.

Prime Time Players defeated Heath Slater and Adam Rose.  It was the long awaited battle of Slater vs. Gator.  Titus hit the Clash of the Titus on Adam Rose for the victory.

Adrian Neville defeated Curtis Axel.  Curtis Axel came out and declared that he has been in the Royal Rumble for over 47 days and then started going into the Hulk Hogan speech about Axelmania brother.  Funny stuff.  Then his opponent, Adrian Neville, came out.  Good back and forth match with Adrian Neville winning after landing the Red Arrow.

Zack Ryder defeated Brad Maddox.  Zack Ryder came out to the ring.  Then the lights went out a drum roll started with spotlights going around the ring until Brad Maddox appeared on the stage.  The crowd went mild.  Maddox really didn’t do a whole lot the entire match.  Ryder won with the Rough Ryder.  Not really sure why Brad Maddox returned, the whole thing felt unusual and the crowd was by far the least into this match.

Goldust defeated Stardust.  Lots of Cody chants for Stardust.  Stardust spent a lot of time outside of the ring trying to avoid Goldust, spit water in his face.  Goldust won the match, to be honest, I can’t even remember how.  Was really wishing for more out of this and can see why this isn’t happening at Wrestlemania.

They aired the Connor the Crusher video.  Great reaction for a great video.

They aired the stupid vehicle destruction video.  Not even sure why they air that during WWE events.

Rusev defeated Jack Swagger and Ryback to retain the WWE U.S. Championship.  Rusev came out first in the United States title match.  Sadly Lana did not accompany him.  Rusev gave his usual America hating promo before the match.  He was defending his title against Jack Swagger and Ryback in a triple threat match.  Standard triple threat, everyone got their stuff in and one guy laid outside of the ring, the spots they did to knock the third man out were all good. Lots of USA chants from the crowd.  Rusev won after putting Swagger in the Accolade.  Swagger almost broke free, but Rusev applied more pressure knocking Swagger back down and forcing the tap.  After the match, Rusev celebrated momentarily before locking in the submission again, Ryback came into the ring and hit Rusev with the Shellshock.  Swagger and Ryback celebrated, momentarily doing each other’s Feed Me More and We The People.  That sent the people to intermission happy.

Paige and Naomi defeated The Bella Twins.  Intermission ended with a Divas Tag Team match as voted on by the fans.  When they showed the percentages on the screen earlier it was like 95% voted for a Divas singles match to 5% for a Divas Tag Team match, but somehow, it ended up being a 51% to 49% Divas Tag Team win (to be fair that was the better decision).  Whatever, the Bellas came out and faced Naomi and Paige.  Naomi had on really cool light up shoes, kind of like Jericho’s coat but in shoe form.  Kind of cool until one of them stopped working mid-match.  Paige won with the Rampaige on Nikki Bella.

Miz with Damien Mizdow came out.  Usual booing the Miz, cheering for Mizdow stuff.  Before the match, Miz made Mizdow grab a chair and sit in the corner away from the ring staff. They teased Mizdow hitting The Miz with the chair but Miz said he’d fire Mizdow and he’d never work again.  Miz berated Mizdow and Milwaukee and called everyone losers.  He said if they wanted to watch a winner, they could subscribe to the WWE Network and watch him win a bunch of titles.  Jimmy Uso came out (not sure where Jey was) doing usual Uso entrance and cut a promo on the Miz saying that Miz was a loser and you could watch Miz lose on Raw, on Smackdown, on Main Event, on Superstars, on every other show on the WWE Network for $9.99.

Jimmy Uso defeated The Miz.  Overall, they had a very funny match.  Mizdow did some of his stunt double work which was great.  They had an impromptu dance battle, where The Miz just got ridiculous with his dancing.  Mizdow was eventually getting too good of a reaction so The Miz sent him to the back.  Mizdow instead came in the ring to challenge Miz but backed down only for The Miz to turn around and get superkicked in the face and pinned by Jimmy Uso.  Very enjoyable and fun match.

John Cena and Randy Orton defeated Seth Rollins and Bray Wyatt.  Lastly, Bray Wyatt and Seth Rollins teamed up to face Randy Orton and John Cena.  The match was very heavy on Rollins and Wyatt beating down John Cena, with Cena trying to make the hot tag to Orton, but being stopped.  Eventually the hot tag happened, Orton got in and cleaned house.  Cena hit an AA on Bray, Orton nailed Rollins with the RKO and Orton pinned Rollins for the victory.