Former Champion Returns To WWE Raw Tonight, Cesaro Gets New Trophy, Superstars Matches Taped

Champion Returns

AJ Lee returned to WWE Raw on Monday night. She saved Paige from Nikki and Brie Bella. AJ Lee and Paige would follow up with a backstage segment, where they say they are friends.

WWE Superstars Matches

The following matches were taped for WWE Superstars this week on the WWE Network.

– The Ascension vs. Prime Time Player

-Adam Rose vs. Zack Ryder

Cesaro Gets Trophy

WWE awarded a new trophy to Cesaro, representing his victory at WrestleMania XXX and the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal.


Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal? First ever winner #FACT #ATGMBR #RAW #TagTeamChampions

A photo posted by Cesaro (@wwecesaro) on