WWE Smackdown Results (12/12) – Rollins Calls Out Cena, Swagger vs Titus, Big Six Man Tag Main Event

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WWE Smackdown Results
December 5th 2014
Report by Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

John Cena comes out and talks about WWE TLC this Sunday, but Seth Rollins immediately cuts him off and tells Cena to just shut up. Rollins says Cena’s act is tired, and he’s usually been right about outcomes because Cena is that good, but he’s going to set a new standard this Sunday. Rollins says Cena talks about the future a lot, but the future doesn’t exist without Seth Rollins, and he will spell it out for him. Rollins says Cena said “step up or step aside”, and Rollins tells Cena his time is over, and it’s his [Rollins’] time now. Cena says today is the day Rollins finally became a man because there’s no Shield or Authority, and Rollins is standing confident on his own.

Cena says that’s exactly what he wants, because now Rollins will have no excuses when he loses on Sunday, and he will find out why he’s always been at his best for over a decade. Cena says the future isn’t years from now, days from now, or anything, because John Cena is the future and he’s still here. Rollins says the future isn’t a far off place, and he embodies the future right now and for the past two years, all leading up to TLC this Sunday. Rollins says he will put Cena through a table, and he won’t just beat him or take away his title shot, he’s going to mark the beginning of the end for John Cena.

Rollins says he’s listened to enough of the chants for Cena, so he is going to make sure he takes Cena out and he’s nothing more than a ghost and a whisper. Rollins says it’s his time to rise, but Cena says his confidence is hurting him, because even though he has a bright future, he is wrong just like all of the others who thought they would push Cena out the door. He says he survives because of passion and guts and the drive to never give up, and Rollins shouldn’t think Cena already lost, because he’ll surprise him and stick his foot up Rollins’ ass.