WWE NXT Takeover R Evolution Results (12/11) – Kevin Owens Debuts, The Ascension vs Balor & Itami, Sami Zayn vs Adrian Neville: Who Is The NXT Champion?

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WWE NXT Takeover R Evolution Results
December 11th 2014
Report by Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com 

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Kevin Owens vs CJ Parker

Owens charges the corner and hits two splashes and a somersault splash, then he tears Parker’s sign up and hits a somersault dive on the floor. The fans chant ‘holy shit’ as Owens says it’s just the beginning, then he whips Parker in the corner and throws a few punches before Parker kicks him in the face. Parker throws a few more strikes and connects with a kick, then Steen connects with a lariat and hits a pump handle slam and a pop up powerbomb for the win. 

Winner – Kevin Owens 

NXT Tag Team Championship
The Vaudevillians vs The Lucha Dragons (c) 

Cara breaks a wristlock by SImon and sends him into the ropes, then he kicks him before Aiden tries to interfere. Cara armdrags him outside and Calisto hits a senton for two, then he whips Simon and Cara kicks him in the face. Cara connects with a sitout slam for two, then Aiden gets the tag and slams him down before applying a headlock. Gotch assists with a double clothesline, then he applies a chinlock but Cara breaks it, so Gotch hits a side suplex for another near fall. Aiden comes back in and Cara takes him down and tags out, then Kalisto hits a corkscrew splash and a roll through kick before sending both men outside. Cara and Kalisto set up for a suicide dive, and Aiden shoves Gotch out of the way, getting hit himself before Kalisto hits the Salida del Sol for the win. 

Winners – Lucha Dragons