More Details on WWE Network Airing Advertisements, Were Politics Involved in Nick “Eugene” Dinsmore’s WWE Release?

More Details on WWE Network Airing Advertisements

nick dinsmoreAs we reported moments ago, WWE has announced the WWE Network will begin airing video advertisements.

AdAge is reporting Pepsi, Mattel and Kmart are among the first advertisers. Ads will begin appearing this week, and 1-2 30 second spots will be shown on every fourth stream for on-demand content.

Nick Dinsmore Talks His WWE Release

Steve Juon of recently interviewed released NXT trainer Nick “Eugene” Dinsmore and below are some interview highlights:

What does the future hold?

“I’ve been talking to some of the highest profile wrestling companies around the world. I’m gonna let you in on a little something – you’re gonna see Nick Dinsmore very very soon.”

What led to his departure from NXT as a trainer?

“I’ve been with NXT for the past year and its been a phenomenal experience. I’ve grown as a coach, as a performer, as a business man, it was a great experience. I just wasn’t the right fit for this time, and I understand that but ‘never say never’ brother because I’ve been back to WWE three times so you never know that’s gonna happen in the future.”

Were there politics involved in his leaving?

“Honestly I don’t know. I didn’t do anything I felt on my part to get fired, but that’s the way big business goes sometimes – sometimes you just don’t get an answer. There was no ill will, I didn’t burn a bridge, I didn’t do anything wrong so – I’m actually happy just to be able to get out and start performing again and make a splash on the independent scene.”