aj lee

Reddit User Responsible For Breaking Past WWE News Claims AJ Lee is Pregnant

Reddit user MetsFan4Ever is claiming a WWE source informed him AJ Lee is pregnant, which is why she continues to be on hiatus with the company.

While this might seem unreliable coming from Reddit, this same user broke news of AJ Lee and CM Punk being married last Friday, and that rumor proved to be true. Additionally, the user broke news of JTG’s WWE release before it was announced by WWE, and the user has also leaked several Raw scripts in the past.

The Reddit user had the following to say:

“I have gotten word from a reliable source that AJ Lee is pregnant. I am looking more into this story and can’t confirm yet. But I figured I would share this story here first with you fans. We may not be seeing AJ for a very long time or ever again if this is true.”