When Does JR Think the Shield Should Break Up?, Swagger Briefly Wins IC Title (Photo), “Oculus” Has Solid Opening Weekend

"Oculus" Has Solid Opening Weekend

The newly released WWE Studios produced film "Oculus" took in over $5 million at the box office in its opening weekend, and finished at #3 at the box office behind Rio 2 and Captain America.

When Does JR Think the Shield Should Break Up?

Over in the the Q&A section of JRsBarBQ.com, Jim Ross had the following to say regarding The Shield eventually breaking up:

"I think it's best it ALL the Shield break up eventually but no time soon. Perhaps around the Royal Rumble build in 2015."

Swagger Briefly Wins IC Title (Photo)

As we noted in our live events results article, Jack Swagger briefly won the Intercontinental Title from Big E during last night's live event in Hidalgo, TX. The match was restarted, however, by GM Brad Maddox, after it was discovered that Big E's leg was under the ropes during the three count. You can check out a photo of Swagger's brief IC Title reign at this link.