Daniel Bryan Talks Negotiating His Beard with Brie, Huge WM30 Press Conference Photo Gallery & Video, New “Signature Sounds” Review

wm30 press conference​Newsday.com has posted a ton of coverage for WrestleMania 30 this week, and you can check out the content in the links below:

WrestleMania 30 Press conference video: http://www.newsday.com/sports/pro-wrestling/wrestlemania-30-kickoff-event-in-nyc-1.7575043

Press conference story, including Daniel Bryan talking about his wedding and negotiating with Brie Bella on his beard for the nuptials: http://www.newsday.com/sports/pro-wrestling/wrestlemania-30-news-conference-wwe-network-takes-center-stage-1.7569460

45 Newsday photos from the news conference: http://www.newsday.com/sports/pro-wrestling/wrestlemania-30-1.7566630#1

Newsday review of WWE "Signature Sounds" DVD: http://www.newsday.com/entertainment/pop-cult-1.811972/wwe-s-greatest-entrance-themes-square-off-on-dvd-1.7584135