WWE’s Opinion of CM Punk Situation Reportedly Continues to Change, More on Lei’D Tapa’s TNA Release

WWE's Opinion of CM Punk Situation Reportedly Continues to Change

According to PWInsider.com, the opinion of the current CM Punk WWE situation continues to change backstage in WWE, as it has gone from "Vince is going to take care of this, everything will be fine," to a very negative tone when the subject is brought up.

The general feeling has shifted more to general resentment at this point, as many feel WWE made CM Punk a lot of money and then he just left.

More on Lei'D Tapa's TNA Release

As we noted several days ago, Lei'D Tapa is officially finished with TNA, and there had been rumors circulating that TNA released her because they felt she lacked in-ring skill and she was a "ticking time bomb" waiting to go off. For what it's worth, Tapa denied those rumors online, and Rip Rogers noted she has returned to OVW: