WWE Live Event Results (11/10): Cardiff, Wales

Thanks to WZ reader Cory-Lee for sending in the following match results from WWE's 11/10 live event from Cardiff, Wales:

WWE Live Event Results
November 11th, 2013
Cardiff, Wales

Los Matadores w/ El Torito vs The Real Americans w/ Zeb Colter
– Colter cut a promo before hand, called Wales Scotland to annoy the crowd. Did his usual immigration speech against Los Matadores. After the match Real Americans attacked, tried to demask El Torito but Los Matadores made the save. El Torito then gore'd Colter.

Wade Barrett defeated Zack Ryder
– Barret criticised the Welsh football team, said the English team and Wade Barrett will be World Champions in 2014.

Natalya defeated Aksana
– Typical Diva's Match, Aksana kept flirting with the ref

Kofi Kingston Defeated The Miz
– Both guys started off as Faces, until Miz turned heel mid-match by assaulting Kofi after he held the ropes for Miz to get back in the ring. Then your typical Face vs Heel match. 

Cody Rhodes/Goldust/Big E Langston defeated The Shield
– Best match of the night by far, pretty much what you'd expect from these guys.

Santino beat Fandango in a Dance Contest, which was voted for by the fans.
– Fandango did his usual dance with Summer Rae, Santino has some crazy moves. Santino wins with fan reaction. Fandango attacked Santino after, until Santino hit him with the cobra.

Damien Sandow defeated Dolph Ziggler
– Damien Sandow insulted the crowd before the match, his usual uncrowned champion shtick.

Randy Orton defeated Big Show in a WWE Championship Match
– Show was aiming for the Knockout punch until Kane's music hit. Kane came out in his suit and distracted Big Show who turned around into an RKO and got pinned. Kane came down to the ring and shook Orton's hand then called for the Shield who came down and beat on Big Show whilst Orton posed and Kane watched on. Setting up for the triple power bomb Big Show threw the Shield off, Chokeslammed Ambrose then Double Chokeslammed Reigns and Rollins then hits a knockout punch on Orton. Show dares Kane to come fight up, Kane seems to remove his cuff links of his shirt but then backs down and walks up the ramp. Orton rolls out the ring and retreats. Big Show thanks the fans and the show ends.