WWE World Tour Results (7/31): Cape Town, South Africa; Was Randy Orton Well Enough to Work the Show?

WWE Live in Cape Town, South Africa
31 July 2013 (Night 2 in Cape Town)
Grand Arena, Grand West Casino

Justin Gabriel beat Fandango after 11 minutes with the 450 splash. This match was set last night after Fandango attacked Gabriel post match. It was actually quite a good match, and much more competitive than their matches last night. Best match of the first half for me.

R-Truth beat Titus O’Neil after 8 minutes.

AJ & Brie Bella faced Kaitlyn & A Funkadactyl (Naomi?). Kaitlyn won the match by spearing AJ after 7 minutes.

RVD defeated Big E Langston after 8 minutes. I’m really glad we got to see RVD after so many years. The fans were really behind him in this solid match..

Randy Orton defeated Wade Barrett with an RKO after 11 minutes. This was a No DQ match that was chosen by the fans. Barrett taunted the crowd by speaking in a horrible SA accent. South Africa loves guys like Orton so he got a huge reaction, possibly the loudest of the night. A good match.

Tons of Funk vs. Cody Rhodes & Damien Sandow ended in a DQ after 4 minutes. Rhodes got on the mic and wanted a match with Sandow.

Cody Rhodes defeated Damien Sandow with the Crossroads after 8 minutes. After the match Tons of Funk celebrated with Rhodes.

Fatal 4-Way World Heavyweight Championship Match: Alberto Del Rio defeated Sheamus and Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger (w/ Zeb Coulter). The finish came after Sheamus did the Brogue Kick to Swagger, Del Rio then threw Sheamus out of the ring and pinned Swagger for the win after a solid 15 minutes. Lots of good action to be expected in a big match like this.This was my favourite match of the second half and match of the night.

Additional Notes:

– I don’t recall Justin Gabriel getting as much attention during the 2011 tour, so it seems his superstar status has finally risen to the deserved height in South Africa.

– Lillian Garcia was the ring announcer for the tour. This is the first time she has announced in SA.

– The security on night 2 was definitely stricter than normal but a bit more relaxed compared to last night after the fan incident. They actually let people up to the barricade between matches, so that was nice.

Overall, it was another solid show. I would give it a live rating of 7/10 again.