Former WWE Tough Enough Star Speaks on TNA Gut Check Experience, the Voting Failures & More

Former WWE Tough Enough star AJ Kirsch spoke with Jon Alba and Doug McDonald of on his reality show experience, the struggles with the TNA Gut Check system and more. 

On the original failed Gut Check system: 

"After Tough Enough I was just trying to make as many contacts in the business as I could. I ended up doing a Gut Check seminar with D'Lo Brown in October of 2011 … I thought it was a one-and-done type of thing, so I didn't think much else of it.

So the first time they did it, they had unlimited voting. God bless them, but left the door wide open for some tomfoolery, chicanery and some shenanigans … People who had zero social media following, and zero notoriety on the indies were getting thousands, and thousands of votes which was quite impossible. So they suspended the competition, and … re-relaunched Gut Check. It apparently worked, because voting was far more reasonable, and lucky for me I won bracket three of TNA Gut Check." 

His experience with WWE Tough Enough: 

"It was just so much at once. I had no idea how to handle it; no idea how to prepare for something like that. There were moments I had to remind myself, out loud, that I wasn't dreaming. Just as a fan for so long, being under the daily tutelage of Stone Cold Steve Austin, and Bill DeMott, and Booker T and Trish Stratus." 

Follow the link provided above to check out the complete 30-minute interview.