JR Addresses Fans Complaining About His “Succinct” Raw 1,000 Assignment

Jim RossJim Ross has posted a new blog over at JRsBarBQ.com, and the following is an excerpt responding to fan complaints that he wasn't given adequate TV time on Raw 1,000:

Too many Twitter followers @JRsBBQ had issues with my succinct assignment on Monday night but I had none. Some apparently don’t know what it means to be a team guy and do what is asked. In football vernacular, I got a uniform and ran the plays that were called and was pleased to do so. It’s an easy mindset to maintain but many in this generation would rather do what is convenient for them or do what they perceive is more individually enhancing.

One is either a team player or they aren’t. Simple. End of story. I preached it when I was EVP of talent relations and I still believe in that philosophy today.

The reality of the matter is this…it is highly unlikely, thanks Gorilla, that exact collection of performers will EVER be under the same roof again. I look back upon my attendance at RAW1000 as a privilege and am grateful to have had the opportunity to see so many old friends that have meant a great deal to me over my long career.

I’d equate complaining about the amount of air time one received on a three hour, loaded show with the same illogical and selfish reasoning some have when they have major issues regarding their individual win/loss records within the genre. This just in…sports entertainment isn’t the Olympics.