Lesnar Putting The Fun In Wrestling

Brock LesnarEveryone is talking about Brock Lesnar and that’s great news for the wrestling industry. Everyone from kids to those who follow the behind-the-scenes news is happy that Lesnar is back. Of course, all the boys watching the monitor and seeing that big stiff bastard pound on Cena at Extreme Rules aren’t, until they get the paycheck.

Now, kids have someone else to emulate on the playground besides John Cena. Think about that for a second… who could kids be before Brock other than Cena? When I was a kid, someone was Dusty Rhodes and someone was Superstar Graham. For others, kids were either Hulk Hogan or anyone of his great rivals. Now, one kid can be Cena and the other can be Lesnar. A great rivalry is born. The hope is Kid Lesnar doesn’t potato Kid Cena during recess.

Lately, who could kids emulate anyway? All of the kid-friendly characters are mid-card at best. Kofi does little of significance; Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio are both on the wrong side of injury and the Wellness Policy. That’s why every kid is Cena. The case could be made that Cena hasn’t had a great rival since Edge.

Speaking of Edge, retirement and age have taken quite a few of the stars that kids loved to be. Austin, Rock, Undertaker, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Edge, Kurt Angle and many more aren’t part of that level of play with kids today like they were a few years ago. No one has really filled that void because the company really hasn’t made new stars.

CM Punk would be the one exception but I don’t know if he clicks with young kids. Same for Randy Orton. I think Punk does much better with the older fan, who understands what makes him so special.  But any kid on the playground who portrays CM Punk would have to cut one helluva promo. Also, every pale redhead could be Sheamus but that may be by default, almost typecasting on the schoolyard.