If you are new to WrestleZone.com, me, or just this specific column, in general, let me take a quick second to explain it to you. It's rather simple. Each week, I take a look at what "is" or what is "not" bothering in professional wrestling. This particular week is the negative version of the feature. Let's get started…
#3. Wasting Hulk Hogan
I'm a fan of Bischoff. Eric, that is. The other Bischoff has a LONG way to go. And even then, I don't see "Superstar". So, why is Hulk Hogan's big return to television being spent on the Bischoff feud?
It seems like a waste.
Hogan is larger than life. Eric is a credible, effective heel (when used appropriately). Garrett Bischoff! I added the exclamation point to see if the name jumped off the page a bit more when you read it. Hopefully it worked for you.
I understand the dynamic between dad and son. We all know about Hogan's relationship and history — on and off camera — with Eric. The entire angle is very…logical. The story is by the book and makes complete sense. If Garrett had all the qualities of a wrestler with great potential, but just needed that big rub to push him over the top, I'd be happy with the execution. He doesn't.
I have an idea. Build Garrett up, as you are, and put him in the X Division. Then he would at least have a payoff and purpose at the end of this, which leads me to my next point…