TNA “Turning Point” PPV Results – November 13, 2011

TNA "Turning Point" Results

Written by Matt Boone for

TNA "Turning Point" PPV Opener:

The show opens with a typically solid video package, focusing heavily on Bobby Roode turning on James Storm. The video also focuses on historic leaders lying a lot throughout history.

TNA TV Championship: Robbie E. vs. Eric Young

Eric Young gets out of the ring and runs into Rob Terry to start things off. The guys get back into the ring finally and Young hits a head scissors on Robbie after a spot in the corner. Young again leaves the ring to lock up with So Cal Val, but gets clotheslined by Terry for his troubles. Back in the ring, Terry hits a flying forearm shot on Young for a nearfall. Young eventually regains his composure and hits a jawbreaker on Robbie to slow things down. Young removes his pants, revealing that he's wearing a pair of Robbie's trunks. Young hits a belly-to-belly suplex on Robbie. Young hits a big elbow drop on Robbie. During a pinfall, Rob Terry yanks Robbie out of the ring from the floor to stop the count. Young removes his trunks again and reveals another pair underneath that read, "Thank God." Terry trips Young on the ring apron and Robbie ends up getting the pin to become the new TV Champion.

Winner and NEW TNA TV Champion: Robbie E.

TNA Tag-Team Championships: Mexican America and Sarita vs. Ink Inc. and Toxxin

Ink Inc control the action early on. Mexican America tries for a comeback early into the match, but Ink Inc utilizes double-team offense to remain in control of the offensive flow of the contest. Toxxin, who accompanied Ink Inc to the ring tries to interfere, but her attempt was thrawted. Mexican America is now in control of the action, and they are making quick-tags in and out to remain in control. Neal finally makes the hot tag to Toxxin, who quickly takes control of Sarita. Toxxin gets a nearfall on Sarita, but Hernandez breaks up the pin attempt. Neal and Moore then take out Hernandez. Neal and Toxxin take out Anarquia and remove his pants. Didn't we just see that in the last match? I digress! Rosita distracts Toxxin, allowing Sarita to hit her in the back with one of the tag-belts. Sarita ends up pinning Toxxin shortly afterwards, scoring the victory for her team.

Winners and STILL TNA Tag-Team Champions: Mexican America and Sarita

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