**SPOILERS** TNA Impact! Taping Results For 2/4/05!

Thanks to Jonathan Sawicki of PWInsider.com for these:

Impact! for Friday 2/4:

*Petey Williams pinned Shark Boy.

*Backstage, Raven stopped Dustin Rhodes and Cassidy O’Reily from having a conversation and vowed to defeat Rhodes at Against All Odds.

*TNA X-Division champion AJ Styles defeated Buck Quartermaine. Christopher Daniels did guest commentary. After, Styles dared Daniels to get in the ring and face him. Daniels said he would wait until the PPV.

*Backstage, Dusty Rhodes told Trinity and Traci Brooks that the tag teams they brought are “awesome” and would face each other on the Against All Odds PPV Pre-Game show. Rhodes did not identify either team.

*Jeff Hardy pinned the returning David Young. Abyss attacked Hardy and they brawled in the crowd.

Backstage, Michael Shane and Kazarian asked Young if he wanted to wrestle Jeff Hammond. All three got into it with 3 Live Kru

*Abyss pinned Lex Lovett. Jeff Hardy attacked him after the match but was put through a table.

*Off the air, Jeremy Borash introduced the designers of the X-Division championship.

*Backstage, Kevin Nash was getting a massage when NWA champion Jeff Jarrett attempted to ambush him with a guitar. Nash was able to get up and run off Jarrett.

*Diamond Dallas Page & Monty Brown defeated The Naturals.

*Backstage, Kevin Nash entered Jeff Jarrett’s locker room as Impact! went off the air.