Random Thoughts: “Let’s Go Rangers!”

*I just love it when the internet pundits talk about how certain angles won’t get people to buy the pay per views. Now maybe I’m being a little overanalytical, but why would I respect an opinion of someone who says shows don’t entice viewers to get the ppv’s, when these same people get EVERY ppv themselves? I would respect the Meltzers, Kellers, and Powells opinions more if they said, “I didn’t watch the ppv tonight because i just wasn’t interested in buying it.” But these guys watch ALL the shows and ALL the ppvs, and then try to tell everyone what will draw and what won’t, usually to less than 50% accuracy. I’ve never understood how someone can watch shows they don’t like every week, and then spend the rest of their time on the internet talking about them. What does that say for that person’s existence? If I don’t like a show I stop watching it, and I think that’s what every nother normal human being on the face of the earth does. But spending your life burying wrestling doesn’t seem like the best living in the world.

*Jason Powell on prowrestling.net had some pretty unwarranted , harsh criticisms of TNA’s creative after last week’s show. He feels that the creative team needs a transfusion and new blood. Mind you, this is after the rating dropped for the first time after a four week uptick. When are these guys going to realize that they’re fans of a product that doesn’t draw? Two weeks ago the show was ripped apart by the internet community and it did the highest number since February. Archive some of the Raw reviews since CM Punk won the belt. “Raw is must see tv now!” “I can’t wait for next week’s Raw!” Now check Raw’s numbers the past couple of weeks. Powell feels TNA needs to get someone with the pulse on the target demographic, as if the internet wrestling community has a pulse on it. I’m more interested in Powell’s sleepers and busts in his fantasy football rankings than I am in his product review of TNA, because I think he knows more about what he’s talking about when it comes to football.

*Kurt Angle is a beast. He and AJ rocked the house at the ppv Sunday. You cringe sometimes when you see him take bumps on his neck, but then you realize that he may be one of the toughest guys on the face of the planet earth. Seriously, think about what being the best wrestler on the planet means. That means if you lined everyone up against him in the world, he could take them down. If you personally know someone that you think is tougher than Kurt Angle, than I’d like to meet him.

*Sometimes I feel really lonely on this site. Honestly, when i read the internet sites I can’t seem to find anyone that shares my opinions. Now of course there are some people on the message boards with half a brain that can understand what I’m talking about and respect my opinions, but in all honesty there is just a universal anti-TNA vibe from the writers on the web. I think what they do is that they spend so much time reading each other’s stuff, that they’re basically collectively brain washing each other. Unfortunately, the sites have less credibilty than TMZ.com. But what you get is basically one universal opinion worded different ways. At least this site has Scott Hudson besides myself. He calls it like HE sees it, not like how everyone else does.

*If you watch the brawl and chain match in mute, you would probably see a pretty good match for what it was. Unfortunately the Trenton/Philly crowd felt that the boring and Fire Russo chants would enhance the match. This is the same part of the country that boo’ed Bob Backlund out of the building for ten years straight when he was the babyface champion of the WWF. They also boo’ed Santa Claus at Veterans stadium for good measure. What a great crowd. It’s such a shame that good sports teams are being fed to those fans that don’t deserve it. I’m a die hard N.Y. Ranger fan, and one of my favorite moments of my career was getting to wear my Ranger jersey to the ring the first time I ever wrestled at the Spectrum. “Let’s Go Flyers!” the crowd screamed at me. So when I was getting my heat I grabbed the mic and said, “Let’s sing a little song. After me. LET’S GO RANGERS! LET’S GO RANGERS!” I’ve never heard so much venom and distaste and lack of class from a crowd as I did at that moment. I hate the Philadelphia flyers with a passion. On a related note, you can include the UNC Tar Heels, Auburn Tigers, Florida Gators, Detroit Pistons, and Washington Redskins as my most disliked sports teams of all time.

*What 18-49 male would watch women’s gymnastics unless you were a total pervert? Those Chinese girls looked like they were 11 years old, and the American girls looked 13. I’m sorry, but the summer olympics are just flat out boring to me. But i love the way NBC tries to make the stuff look important by killing time with slow motion replays of swimming. “What a beautiful stroke!” And i’m sorry, but Michael Phelps has got to be doing some type of new steroid that they can’t test for yet, because you just don’t squash records like that without performance enhancers.

*What were you doing the night of AUG. 11th? That’s what you’re going to be asking yourself years from now when look back at the night that Kane pulled Rey Mysterio’s mask out of a bag.

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