WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT Results (1/23/24)

WWE NXT Results
January 23, 2024
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Semi-Final Match: Baron Corbin and Bron Breakker vs. Axiom and Nathan Frazer

Corbin makes his entrance with a wolf headdress on… yeah, that’s a thing that happened. Axiom and Frazer land superkicks. Frazer and Axiom land a flurry of offense on Corbin and Breakker. Breakker and Corbin are both dumped out of the ring. Axiom and Frazer land stereo dives. Breakker fires up but gets kicked into the ring steps by Frazer. Corbin gets tossed back into the ring, and the bell finally rings. Missile dropkick by Axiom. Corbin kicks out. Axiom and Frazer take turns working over Corbin’s arm. Corbin surprises Frazer with a big boot. Corbin tags in Breakker, but Breakker eats a kick from Frazer. Axiom tries a rana off the apron, but Corbin counters with a powerbomb on the announcer’s desk. Frazer dives off the top. Breakker catches Frazer and drops him in a front slam.

Corbin and Breakker work over Frazer. After the break, Corbin and Breakker beat Axiom. Axiom manages to tag in Frazer. Frazer clears the ring. Frazer lands a crossbody outside on Corbin and Breakker. Back in the ring, Frazer lands a splash on Breakker. Axiom immediately lands the low down. Breakker kicks out. Corbin lands deep six on Frazer. Axiom takes Breakker off the top with a Spanish fly. Frazer follows that with a Phoenix Splash. Corbin breaks it up and hits the End of Days on Axiom. Frazer counters Corbin’s End of Days attempt and lands a superkick. Breakker cuts Frazer in half with a Spear for the win.

Winners- Baron Corbin and Bron Breakker

In the locker room, Wren is freaking out over her match tonight. It’s her first singles match tonight. Fallon Henley walks in and offers Wren some kind words.

Lash Legend w/Meta-Four vs. Wren Sinclair

Sinclair gets tossed into the corner. Sinclair tries to run away, but Legend blocks her path. Wren jumps on Legend’s back. Legend tosses Wren around the ring. Torture rack by Legend. Sinclair tries to counter with a sunset flip, but Legend puts on the brakes. Legend launches Sinclair into the corner. Legend misses a spear and gets posted. Enziguri by Sinclair. Sinclair tries another sunset flip. Ms. Jackson hops on the apron and holds Legend’s hands to stop her momentum. Sinclair manages to rolls Legned up. Legend escapes and hits a pop-up powerbomb for the win.

Winner- Lash Legend

After the match, Legend is about to attack Sinclair, but Fallon Henley makes the save.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (1/16/24)

Earlier today, OTM and Jadia Parker caused a ruckus at The D’Angelo Family restaurant. Parker leaves Rizzo lying.

Elektra Lopez arrives at the arena. She’s angry and looking for Lola Vice.

Dijak vs. Joe Gacy

As Dijak makes his entrance, Gacy attacks him from behind. Dijak and Gacy fight all around ringside. Multiple referees try to break up the brawl. Dijak pulls a chair from under the ring after tossing Gacy into the crowd. Gacy dives off the barricade onto Dijak. Gacy hits Dijak with the chair multiple times.

Dijak avoids a chair shot and lands a tornado boot that sends Gacy flying through a wall near the announce desk. Dijak celebrates. Gacy crawls out of the hole and begs Dijak for more. Gacy and Dijak brawl. Dijak chokeslams Gacy through the announce table. Dijak gets to his feet. Gacy jumps on Dijak’s back. Gacy will not stay down. The referees are finally able to separate both men.

No contest

Von Wagner and Mr. Stone train for Wagner’s Heritage Cup match in a football stadium.

Lexis King vs. Trey Bearhill

Bearhill is in control early, landing a series of strikes. King takes control after avoiding an elbow drop. King hits his finish for the win.

Winner- Lexis King

Supernova Sessions

Noam Dar and Oro Mensah make fun of Von Wagner’s training. Dar’s guest tonight is Lola Vice. Vice joins them in the ring and craps on Elektra Lopez. Their friendship always had an expiration date. Elektra Lopez interrupts and tells Vice that she got her by shaking her ass. Lopez calls Vice the biggest phony in WWE. Vice asks Lopez if she knows what she’s getting into. Lopez says she is ready to burn Vice City to the ground. Lopez spears Vice. Both women trade strikes until referees separate them.

Dragon Lee vs. Scypts w/OTM

Oba Femi watches the match from the bird’s nest. Lee gets the win after the D’Angelo Family runs in with a distraction.

Winner- Oba Femi

After the match, Femi tells Lee that he will grant him a rematch, and it will be at Vengeance Day.

Carmen Petrovic vs. Blair Davenport

Petrovic lands a series of strikes. Davenport eventually gets the win after hitting her finish.

Winner- Blair Davenport

Backstage, Ridge Holland says he’s going to take on Gallus himself.

Ilja Dragunov is out to watch the main event.

Trick Williams vs. Josh Briggs

Briggs lands a nasty elbow followed by a body slam. Williams catches Briggs with a dropkick. Briggs and Williams trade strikes. Briggs tosses Williams over the top. Dragunov screams at Williams to get up. After the break, Williams fires up and lands a flurry of offense. Side walk slam by Briggs. Williams rolls out of the ring. Dragunov yells at Williams to show him what he’s made of. Williams ducks a boot by Briggs. Briggs boot connects with Dragunov. Williams lands a cyclone boot. Willaims goes up top. Dragunov tries to get in the ring. Carmelo Hayes hops the barricade and pulls Dragunov off the apron. Williams rolls up Briggs for the win.

Winner- Trick Williams

Briggs clotheslines Williams after the bell rings. Briggs leaves. Hayes checks on Williams. Williams pushes Hayes away. Referees outside the ring hold back Dragunov.

After the break, Hayes yells at Williams to wake up. Dragunov is trying to play Williams. Williams says Dragunov is straight up. Hayes tells Williams that Dragunov is messing with him like he did Baron Corbin. Hayes storms off.

NXT Women’s Championship Contract Signing

NXT GM Ava is in the ring to officiate the signing. Roxanne Perez is out first. NXT Women’s Champion Lyra Valkyria is out next. Valkyria and Perez put each other over. Perez says Valkyria is in the same place Perez was at this point in her career. Perez had to watch Valkyria rise as she was forced to crawl back to the top. She wants her title back. Valkyria tells Perez she’s had a great run, but she’s replaced Perez.

Perez asks Valkyria if she will be able to rebuild herself after Perez regains her title. Valkyria and Perez get in each other’s faces. Ava steps in and says they are going to save THIS for Vengence Day and sign the contract now. Both women sign the contract. Perez and Valkyria shake hands and stare daggers through each other. As Valkyria leaves the ring, Tatum Paxley sneaks up behind Perez and puts her through a table. Valkyria runs back into the ring. Paxley hugs her. Valkyria pushes Paxley away and tells her to stay the hell away from her.

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