WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT Results (11/7/23)

WWE NXT Results
November 7, 2023

Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Heritage Cup Championship Match: Noam Dar (c) w/Meta-Four vs. Akira Tozawa w/Alpha Academy

Round One:

Dar and Tozawa trade submission attempts. Tozawa hits the ropes, and Dar trips him. Dar stomps Tozawa before attempting a suplex that Tozawa reverses. Dar sends Tozawa out to the apron. Tozawa lands on his feet and lands a head kick. Tozawa starts to go up top but gets distracted by the Meta-Four. Dar ends up superplexing Tozawa as the bell rings.


Round Two:

Tozawa misses a head kick and gets rolled up. Dar grabs a handful of tights to secure the three count. When the bell rings, Dar cheapshots Tozawa with a leaping elbow to the face.


Round Three:

The clock runs out as Dar is elbowing Tozawa in the head. Dar continues his assault even though the round has ended.

Dar- 1/Tozawa- 0

Round Four:

Dar lands a leaping elbow to Tozawa’s head. Basement clothesline by Dar. Tozawa kicks out. Dar works an ankle lock. Tozawa sends Dar flying out of the ring. Tozawa lands a dive. Dar rolls back into the ring. Tozawa puts Dar in an ankle lock. Dar taps out.

Dar- 1/Tozawa- 1

Tozawa lands a nasty backdrop driver for a near fall. Dar walks into a rana. Dar kicks out. German suplex by Tozawa. Dar kicks out. Tozawa tries a senton, but Lash Legend pulls Dar out of the way. Dar lands the Nova Roller for the win.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Halloween Havoc Week Two Results (10/31/23)

Dar- 2/Tozawa- 1

Winner and STILL Heritage Cup Champion, Noam Dar!

After the match, Oro Mensah gets in Tozawa’s face. Otis flattens Mensah with a slam.

Backstage, Lola Vice gets into an argument with Kelani Jordan. Roxanne Perez gets in Vice’s face. Vice and Lopez walk off.

Backstage, we find out that Shawn Michaels has told the referee for the Bron Breakker vs. Von Wagner match to use his discretion. There must be a winner.

In-Ring Segment: Lyra Valkyria

Valkyria puts over Becky Lynch. Valkyria notes that she knows there are a lot of hungry women in the back who want their shot at the NXT Women’s Championship. Before Valkyria can finish her thought, Xi Li enters through the crowd. Security is trying to hold her back. Valkyria tells them to let her through. Li asks Valkyria if she saw what she did to her hero, Becky Lynch, on Raw? Li wants a shot. Valkyria tells Li if she wants it, she’s got it.

Iron Survivor Challenge Qualifier Match: Tiffany Stratton vs. Fallon Henley

Stratton slams Henley’s head into the mat. Henley pops up and pops Stratton in the face with a slap. Single-leg crab by Henley. Stratton goes up top. Henley cuts her off and lands a superplex. Henley goes back to the single-leg crab. Stratton screams in pain as she tries to reach the ropes, which she eventually does. Henley lands a nasty right hand.

After the break, Henley tries a crossbody off the top, but Stratton catches her and tosses her clear out of the ring. Stratton works over Henley’s leg. Muta lock by Stratton. Henley tries a leapfrog. Stratton catches Henley again and hits a Finlay roll. Henley avoids Stratton’s moonsault. Stratton chop blocks Henley and hits the Prettiest Moonsault Ever for the win.

Winner- Tiffany Stratton

Backstage, Wes Lee says he’s going to slap Dominik Mysterio and get his North American Championship back. Baron Corbin walks in and dumps on Lee for running away when things get tough.

WWE NXT Results Continue on the Next Page!

Bron Breakker vs. Von Wagner w/Mr. Stone

As soon as the bell rings, both men trade strikes. Wagner sends Breakker out of the ring. Breakker dives off the apron into a big boot from Wagner. Wagner ducks a clothesline and lands one of his own. Wagner fires up and starts to stumble around the ring. He is very clearly still injured from getting the ring steps dropped on his head. Breakker beats down Wagner and traps him in the Recliner. Wagner eventually fights his way out of it.

Wagner fires up and lands a flurry of offense. Breakker escapes Wagner’s finish and tries a Spear. Wagner counters with a leaping leg lariat. Breakker rolls out of the ring. Wagner tries to powerbomb Breakker through the commentary desk. Breakker escapes and low blows Wagner. Mr. Stone bows up at Breakker. Breakker tries to press slam Mr. Stone. Wagner breaks it up. Breakker Spears Wagner. Breakker sends Wagner back into the ring and hits another Spear for the win.

Winner- Bron Breakker

After the match, Mr. Stone hits Breakker with a chair. Wagner gets to his feet and powerbomb Breakker through the table.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Halloween Havoc Week Two Results (10/31/23)

Lola Vice and Elektra Lopez vs. Kelani Jordan and Roxanne Perez

Before the match starts, Arianne Grace comes to ringside and sits down in a chair on the ramp to watch the match. Jordan lands a flurry of offense. Perez tags in but is quickly cut off by Lopez. Vice and Lopez work over Perez. Perez fires up and manages to tag in Jordan. Jordan clears the ring and hits the overdrive on Vice. Lopez breaks up the pin. Perez gets the tag and eats a spin kick to the gut by Vice. Vice and Perez set up their finish on Perez. Perez escapes and lands Pop Rocks on Vice. Perez tags in Jordan before diving out of the ring onto Lopez. Jordan hits a split-legged moonsault for the win.

Winners- Kelani Jordan and Roxanne Perez

Otis vs. Drew Gulak

Otis toses Gulak into the corner. Gulak grabs a headlock. Otis easily breaks it. Otis is in control until Gulak sidesteps a spear in the corner. Gulak works over Otis. Otis escapes a triangle by Gulak with a powerbomb. Back suplex by Otis. Caterpillar by Otis. Otis hits a powerbomb for the win.

Winner- Otis

Backstage, Tiffany Stratton and Kiana James bond over how awesome they both think they are.

At Chase U, Andre Chase is given a letter that very clearly came from The D’Angelo Family. Chase doesn’t read it but looks worried.

Iron Survivor Challenge Qualifer: Tyler Bate vs. Dijak

Dijak runs over Bate. Bate lands a knee, followed by a diving European uppercut. Dijak kicks out. Bate lands a dropkick that sends Dijak out of the ring. Superman dive by Bate. Bate tries a crossbody, but Dijak catches him. Dijak tosses Bate over the barricade. After the break, Bate hits a superplex. Dijak and Bate trade strikes. Bate lands bop and bang. High Justice by Dijak.

Bate kicks out. Bate ducks a cyclone boot and picks Dijak up for an airplane spin. Dijak kicks out. Rebound lariat by Bate. Kick out by Dijak. Dijak counters a suplex and lands one of his own. Dijak goes up top. Bate cuts him off and tries a suplex. Dijak lands on his feet and lands a cyclone boot. Bate kicks out. Dijak tries Feast Your Eyes. Bate escapes. Bate goes up top. Dijak pulls Bate off the top and hits Feast Your Eyes for the win.

Winner- Dijak

Trick Williams arrives at the arena.

In-Ring Segment: Carmelo Hayes

Hayes asks Trick Williams to come to the ring so they can talk. Williams walks to the ring. Hayes says without Trick, there would be no Melo. Williams says he always had Hayes’ back. He took all the hits and made sure that when Hayes shoots, he didn’t miss. Williams asks why Hayes couldn’t be there for him the way he was there for Hayes. Williams tries to ask Hayes if he attacked him, but Hayes cuts him off and puts Williams over. Williams says he just wants to have his moments and his main events. When he got jumped, Hayes was nowhere to be found.

Williams didn’t see who attacked him. Williams asks Hayes again if he attacked him. Hayes asks if Williams wants the truth. Lexis King interrupts. King says everyone knows who did it. Williams tells King to leave. Williams accidentally decks Hayes, trying to hit King. King rolls out of the ring. Williams tries to help Hayes up. Hayes smacks Williams’ hand away. Hayes is seething. Williams pulls Hayes to his feet, and they embrace. Hayes has rage in his eyes as the show fades to black.

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