Dominik Mysterio Rhea Ripley WWE NXT WWE NXT Heatwave Results
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WWE NXT Heatwave Results (8/22/23)

WWE NXT Heatwave Results
August 22, 2023
Report by Lovell Porter for

Ilja Dragunov vs. Trick Williams

Williams and Dragunov charge at each other as soon as the bell rings. Dragunov boots Williams in the face. Dragunov lights Williams up with chops. Williams fires back with a few punches. Dragunov escapes a slam and tries a German suplex. Williams stuffs it. Dragunov lands an enziguri. Dragunov works over Williams. Willams fires back with a few strikes. Dragunov eats a dropkick. Williams lands a glancing blow with a popup knockout punch. Dragunov rolls out of the ring. Williams follows. Dragunov German suplexes Williams out on the floor.

After the break, Dragunov lands machine gun chops. Williams fires back with a vicious slap to Dragunov’s face. Dragunov lays in more chops. Williams catches Dragunov’s hand and asks him if he’s out of his MF’n mind. Williams unloads on Dragunov. Dragunov lands another enziguri. Williams lands one of his own. Dragunov and Williams trade strikes. Williams stomps on Dragunov’s chest. Dragunov tells Williams to bring it. Williams does, stomping Dragunov out some more. Williams almost decapitated Dragunov with a running knee.

Williams sets up his float-over suplex. Dragunov reverses it into a DDT. DDT again by Dragunov. Williams kicks out. Dragunov sets Williams on the top rope. Williams manages to Rock Bottom Dragunov off the top. Dragunov kicks out at 2.9. Williams sets up his patented boot. Dragunov avoids the cyclone boot. Dragunov manages to hit the bomb. Knockout shot by Dragunov. Williams somehow kicks out! Dragunov goes up top and hits a diving Knockout Shot for the win.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (8/15/23)

Winner- Ilja Dragunov

Backstage, Nathan Frazer asks Tyler Bate to be his second when he defends the Heritage Cup against Noam Dar. Bate agrees but tells Frazer he owes him twice now. Frazer agrees to give Bate a title shot once he’s done with Dar.

Ivy Nile vs. Ava w/Schism

Nile is distracted by the rest of Schism outside of the ring. Ava body slams Nile multiple times. Back breaker by Ava. Ava misses a splash in the corner. Nile fires up and lands a few strikes. Ava floors Nile with a scorpion kick. Ava tries another slam. Nile reverses it into the Dragon Slayer. Ava taps out.

Winner- Ivy Nile

Schism and their masked followers hop up on the apron. Nile grabs Ava for the Dragon Slayer again. Several Schism followers try to attack. Nile suplexes them all over the ring. One of the Schism members pulls Ava out of the ring and carries her away.

Heritage Cup Championship Nathan Frazer (c) w/Tyler Bate vs. Noam Dar w/Meta-Four

Round One:

Dar and Frazer trade submission holds. Neither man can get an advantage. Frazer misses a springboard moonsault but lands on his feet. Dar slaps Frazer, and Frazer goes nuts and lands a flurry of rights and lefts as the first round ends.


Round Two (happened during the commercial break):

Dar got a pinfall after Dabba-Kato Attacked Bate, which distracted Frazer. Dar rolled Bate up for the first pinfall.


Round Three:

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (8/15/23)

Dar works over Frazer. Dar locks in an ankle lock. Frazer sends Dar out of the ring. Tope Suicida by Frazer. Backflip DDT by Frazer. Standing shooting star by Frazer. Dar kicks out. After the bell sounds to end the round, Dar cheapshots Frazer with an elbow to the face.


Round Four:

Frazer lands a superplex followed by a final cut for the pinfall.


Round Five:

Most of this round happened during the break. Frazer lands a dive that takes out Mensah and Dar. Lash Legend holds Frazer’s leg to stop him from getting in the ring long enough for the time to expire during his pin.


Round Six:

Dar and Frazer trade strikes. Both men are spent. Dar tries a stomp off the top, but Frazer avoids it. Dar tweaks his knee in the process. Frazer tries another backflip DDT. 70 seconds left on the clock. Dar counters with a knee bar. Frazer kicks his way out of the hold. Frazer goes up top. Mensah tries to get involved. Frazer kicks Mensah off the apron into Lash Legend. Frazer misses the Phoenix Splash. Dar hits the Nova Roller for the win.


Winner and NEW Heritage Cup Champion, Noam Dar!

Backstage, Ava cuts a promo telling Ivy Nile to meet her. She knows where to find her. Two Schism followers flank Ava.

WWE NXT Heatwave Results Continue on the Next Page!

In-Ring Segment: Tiffany Stratton

Stratton goes on and on about how awesome she is and how it’s been “The Summer fo Tiffany.” Gigi Dolan interrupts and says she wants to see The Fall of Tiffany. She wants a title shot. Kiana James walks out and says she deserves a shot before Dolan. Blair Davenport joins the fray and she wants a shot. Stratton tries to leave. Roxanne Perez walks to the ring and says she has something to tell Stratton. Perez decks Stratton. A brawl between everyone breaks out. Stratton dips out of the ring.

WWE Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley and NXT North American Champion Dominik Mysterio vs. Lyra Valkyria Dragon Lee

Lee lands a few strikes before double-legging Dominik. Dominik turns the tables and lands a few strikes of his own. Dominik and Lee strikes. Lee floors Dominik with a dropkick. Dominik takes in Ripley. Valkyria tags in. Ripley badmouths Valkyria. Valkyria sends Ripley flying with a hip toss. After a series of reversals, Ripley runs over Valkyria. Ripley avoids Valkyria’s roundhouse kick. Ripley slaps Valkyria in the face.

Valkyria tries o fire back, but Ripley responds with a series of short-arm clotheslines. Ripley tries a slam, but Valkyria slips out and slaps Ripley across the face. Valkyria lays in a flurry of strikes. Ripley blind tags Dominik, so Valkyria has to leave the ring. Dominik gets superkicked by Lee. Valkyria lands na crossbody to Dominik. Lee and Valkyria clear the ring. Valkyria lands a baseball slide on Ripley. Lee lands a dive on Dominik. After the break, Ripley is working over Valkyria.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (8/15/23)

Valkyria manages to tag Lee. Dominik is forced back into the match. Lee sends Dominik flying with a rana. Lee lays Dominik across the top rope. Double foot stomp off the top by Lee. Dominik kicks out. Lee ducks the 619. Lee hit his elevated powerbomb. Ripley breaks up the pin. Valkyria kicks Ripley out of the ring. Valkyria tries a rana off the apron. Ripley catches Valkyria and swings her into the barricade. As Ripley tries to get back in the ring, Raquel Rodriguez runs down to ringside and attacks Ripley. In the confusion, Lee catches Dominik with Destino for the win.

Winners- Dragon Lee and Lyra Valkyria

Von Wagner w/Mr. Stone vs. Baron Corbin

Corbin attacks Wagner during his entrance. Corbin ad Wagner trade shots outside of the ring. The match never officially started. Stone sends Corbin into the ring steps. Wagner tries to clear the commentary desk. Corbin attacks from behind and suplex Wagner out on the floor. Corbin picks up Mr. Stone. Wagner boots Corbin in the face. Wagner sets up a powerbomb through the table. Bron Breakker appears out of nowhere and Spears Wagner in half.

No contest

NXT Championship Match: Carmelo Hayes (c) vs. Wes Lee

Hayes and Lee trade counters. Both men try dropkicks at the same time. Lee and Haye both kip up. Hayes smiles. Lee dropkicks him. Hayes and Lee trade strikes. Hayes walks right into a standing Spanish Fly from Lee. After the break, Hayes and Lee are trading strikes. Hayes lands the fadeaway. Lee and Hayes trade strikes again. Hayes floors Lee with a lariat. Manhattan drop by Hayes. Superkick by Hayes. Lee kicks out. Meteroa by Lee. Hayes kicks out.

Hayes leaps right into a kick from Lee. Michinoku Driver by Lee. Lee goes up top and hits the Final Flash. Hayes kicks out. Hayes avoids the Kardiac Kick. Suplex Cutter by Hayes. Hayes lands the First 48. Lee kicks out. Hayes lays Lee on the commentary desk. Hayes leaps off the apron backward and DDTs Lee through the desk! Lee isn’t moving. Hayes sends Lee back into the ring.

Hayes tries Nothing but Net. Lee moves and hits the Kardiac Kick. Hayes rolls out of the ring to avoid getting pinned. Lee tries a suicide dive. Hayes moves, and Lee goes crashing head-first into the barricade. Lee struggles to get back into the ring to break the count. Hayes and Lee lock eyes. Hayes tells Lee to stay down. Lee defiantly rolls into the ring and gets hit with Nothing but Net. Hayes pins Lee.

Winner and STILL NXT Champion, Carmelo Hayes!

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