WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT Results (8/15/23)

WWE NXT Results
August 15, 2023
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (8/8/23)

NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Tony D’Angelo and Stacks (c) vs. The Dyad w/Schism

D’Angelo and Stacks take and early advantage. Fowler and Reid take control after a a sneak attack. D’Angleo fires up and clears the ring. D’Angelo launches Stacks over the top onto Reid and Fowler. After a distraction from Ava Rayne, The Dyad takes control again. Reid knocks Stacks off the apron into he commentary desk.

After the break, The Dyad is working over Stacks. Stacks manges to tag in D’Angelo. D’Angelo stomps Reid and Fowler at the same time. Ivy Nile runs down ringside and gets into it with Gacy, Rayne, an dhe rest of their followers. In the confusion, two people in Schism masks hop the barricade and attack Reid and Fowler. One of the masked men hits a Julius Creed style spinebuster. D’Angelo pins Reid.

Winners and STILL NXT Tag Team Champions, Tony D’Angelo and Stacks!

During an autograph signing, Wes Lee interrupts Carmelo Hayes. Lee puts Hayes on notice that after he defeats Dijak, he’s coming for the NXT Championship.

Blair Davenport vs. Dana Brooke w/Kelani Jordan

Brooke is wearing all black and seems to have a new attitude. She is needling Jordan on the way to the ring. Brooke attacks Davenport as soon as the bell rings. Brooke works over Davenport. Brooke gets hung up in the ropes. Davenport lands a double stomp off the top. Brooke misses a cartwheel splash in the corner. Davenport sets up the corner ten punches. Brooke counters with a walking powerbomb. Davenport kicks out. Brooke tries to grab the ring bell. Jordan snatches it out of Brooke’s hand and askes her what she’s thinking. Brooke bugrudgeningly lets it go. Brooke rolls back in and after a few reversals, Davenport lands the Kamigoye for the win.

Winner- Blair Davenport

Back at the autograph signing, Dijak barges in and tells NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes he’s coming for the title. Hayes tells Dijak to focus on his match with Lee tonight, since as of right now, he’s the only one in the title match at Heatwave.

Trick Williams vs. Drew Gulak w/Damon Kemp and Charlie Dempsey

Williams tries a leapfrog, but Gulak pulls him into a pin. Williams kick out. Kemp decks Williams while the referee is distracted. Dropkick by Williams. Pop up uppercut by Williams. Gulak falls out of the ring. Williams sends Gulak back into the ring. While the referee has his back turned, Dempsey German suplexes Williams out on the floor. Gulak works over Williams. Briggs and Jensen hit the ring and attack Kemp and Dempsey. Back in the ring, Williams lands a Cyclone Boot for the win.

Winner- Trick Williams

In-Ring Segment: Baron Corbin

Corbin runs down NXT and everyone in the crowd. Von Wagner and Mr. Stone interrupt. Wagner challenges Corbin to a match next week at Heatwave. He has a reservation for one at Heatwave and Corbin is going to get his ass tabled. Corbin tries a cheapshot. Wagner ducks and sends Corbin out of the ring. Wagner sets up a table powerbomb. Corbin drives Wagner into the ring apron. Security breaks it up.

WWE NXT Results Continue on the Next Page!

Number One Contender’s Match Wes Lee vs. Dijak

Wes Lee and Dijak trade strikes. Lee dropkicks Dijak in the knee. Lee spears Dijak’s knee. Dijak rolls out of the ring to collect himself. Lee tries to pull Dijak back in, but Dijak stuns Lee’s arm on the top rope. Dijak works over Lee’s arm. After the break, Lee surprises Dijak with a DDT. Dijak misses a boot. Lee counter with a powerbomb. Meteora by Lee. Dijak kicks out. Lee tries the Cardiac Kick, but his arm gives out.

Dijak picks up Lee and tries to give him Feast Your Eyes, but his knee gives out. Dijak lands High Justice instead. Lee kicks out. Dijak swings Lee into the ringsteps, head first. Dijak tosses Lee into the crowd. Eddy Thorpe comes to ringside. Dijak takes a swing at Thorpe. Thorpe ducks. Lee dives off the barricade and lands a rana that sends Dijak into the ringsteps. Lee lands the Cardiac Kick. Lee goes up top and hits the Final Flash for the win.

Winner and NEW Number One Contender, Wes Lee!

Tyler Bate vs. Mark Coffey w/ Gallus

After a bit of back and forth, Bate lands a dive. Dabba-Kato hits the ring and beats down both men to cause a no contest.

No contest

Thea Hail w/Andre Chase and Duke Hudson vs. Jacy Jayne

Hail stomps to the ring. She what’s nothing to do with Chase. The bell rings and Hail lands a few strikes. Hail sends Jayne flying out of the ring. After the break, Jayne is working over Hail. Hail fires up and lands a series of clotheslines. Exploder suplex by Hail. Senton combo by Hail Jayne kick out. Spinebuster by Jayne. Hail kicks out. Jayne exposes one of the turnbuckles. Jayne tries to send Hail into the turnbuckle, but Hail reverses it, only to find Chase has fixed the turnbuckle. Hail yells at Chase. Jayne rolls up Hail for the win.

Winner- Jacy Jayne

Lee barges into Haye’s autograph signing again. Lee want’s Hayes to sign the contract for their title match now. Hayes says he’ll see Lee next week. Lee says he ain’t waiting. Lee knocks everything off the table in front of Hayes and drags the table and the contract to the ring.

In-Ring Segment: Wes Lee

Hayes joins Lee in the ring. Hayes tells Lee to calm down because he’s about to turn him into the old him. Lee says doesn’t know what that means. Lee tells Hayes to sign the contract. Hayes says Lee took a few L’s and faced a little adversity and he folded like a chair on the Alabama boardwalk. Lee notes all the people who told him he couldn’t do this or that and he proved them all wrong. He became the greatest North American Champion of all time. Hayes says next week at Heatwave, Lee CAN’T beat him. Lee says he will not fail anymore and signs the contract. Lee tells Hayes to sign it. Hayes says gladly, but cautions Lee to not go chasing waterfalls. Next week, it won’t be Melo don’t miss, it will be Melo CAN’T miss. Hayes holds up the NXT title. Lee leaps in the air and double stomps the table in half.

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