WWE Raw Results

WWE Raw Results (8/7/23)

WWE Raw Results
August 7, 2023
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

In-Ring Segment: Cody Rhodes

Rhodes asks the Minneapolis crowd what they want to talk about. He wants to talk about a beast who sharpened their team in this very state. Rhodes notes that he stood face-to-face with Brock Lesnar and could never have imagined what happened next. Rhodes throws to a pick on the ‘Tron of Lesnar, shaking Rhodes’ hand. He was talking to his mother about it, and she told him he was stupid because he didn’t realize Lesnar acknowledged him. Rhodes feels like he can beat anyone right now. Seth “Freakin” Rollins interrupts. Rollins welcomes the crowd to Monday Night Rollins. Rollins remembers Rhodes interrupting him weeks ago, so he is returning the favor.

If Rhodes feels like he can defeat anyone, they should put that to the test. The Judgement Day (sans Finn). Rhea Ripley says they run Raw, not Rhodes and Rollins. Priest says he dictates championship matches around here. Dominik tries to speak but gets drowned out. Finn Bálor attacks Rollins from behind. Priest and Dominik beat on Rhodes. Sami Zayn hits the ring and makes the save. Rhodes challenges The Judgement Day to a six-man match later tonight. Rollins doesn’t look happy. Rhodes and Rollins argue.

Backstage, The trainer tells Adam Pearce that Raquel Rodriguez isn’t cleared to compete. Rodriguez is upset. Indi Hartwell and Candace LeRae try to comfort her.

Intercontinental Championship Contender’s Match: Matt Riddle vs. Chad Gable vs. Ricochet vs. Tommaso Ciampa

Everyone brawls. Ricochet does a backflip off of Ciampa’s chest. Everyone tries a pin attempt. No one can get an early three count, which leads to a standoff. The crowd is overwhelmingly behind Gable. Riddle puts Ciampa in an ankle lock at the same time Gable puts Ricochet in an ankle lock. Ciampa and Ricochet both exit the ring to break the holds. Gable and Riddle exchange a bit of mat wrestling before Ciampa breaks it up by knocking their heads together. Ricochet sails in out of nowhere and catches Ciampa with a crossbody off the top.

Standing moonsault by Ricochet. Ciampa kicks out. Riddle drops Ricochet with a fisherman’s buster. Pendulum DDT by Gable. Ciampa pulls Gable out of his pin attempt and hits a reverse DDT. Ciampa tries the Fairytale Ending on Ricochet. Ricochet escapes and hits the Detonation Kick. Ciampa kicks out. Ricochet goes up top. Riddle cuts him off. Ciampa joins in. Gable follows, and German suplex everyone off the top at the same time. Ciampa avoids Gable’s Chaos Theory. Gable traps Ciampa in an ankle lock. Riddle breaks it up with a running knee to Gable’s face.

Check Out Last Night’s Coverage: WWE SummerSlam Results (8/5/23)

Powerbomb into a knee strike by Riddle. Ricochet breaks up the pin with a shooting star press. Riddle suplexes Gable. Final Flash knee from Riddle to Ciampa. Riddle superplexes Ciampa. Ricochet tries a shooting star press, while Gable tries a diving headbutt. Ciampa and Riddle get their knees up and roll their opponents into pins. Ricochet and Gable both kick out. Gunther is watching the match from a monitor in the back. Ciampa hits Willow’s Bell on Riddle.

Ricochet lands a dive that takes out Gable. Ricochet tries a springboard, but Ciampa counters with a knee. Project Ciampa by Ciampa. Riddle surprises Ciampa with Bro Derek. Gable breaks up Riddle’s pin with a diving headbutt. Riddle gets to his feet. Gable tries the Choas Theory on Riddle, but Ricochet breaks it up by hitting the Recoil on Riddle. Gable grabs Ricochet and tries the Chaos Theory. Ciampa breaks it up with a famouser to Ricochet. Gable says screw it, grabs Ciampa, and hits him with the Chaos Theory for the win.

Winner- Chad Gable

Backstage, The Miz gets upset because he has to wait for LA Knight to finish to start his photoshoot. Miz storms off, proclaiming Adam Pearce is going to hear about this. No one makes Miz wait.

Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Bronson Reed

Reed runs over Nakamura and mocks him. Nakamura lands a few kicks. Reed runs over him again. Nakamura fires up and lands good vibrations. Nakamura tells Reed to come on. Reed charges in and eats a dropkick. Reed rolls out of the ring. Baseball slide by Nakamura. Reed crashes into the commentary desk. Reed surprises Nakamura with a body block. Big elbow drop by Reed. After the break, Nakamura lands a knee strike off the second rope.

Reed lands a nasty running powerbomb. Nakamura kicks out. Reed goes up top. Nakamura cuts him off. Nakamura calls for the Kinshasa. Reed counters with a DVD. Nakamura kicks out. Reed tries a powerbomb. Nakamura flips out of it and misses a head kick. Lariat by Reed. Reed goes up top and misses the Tsunami. Nakamura blasts Reed in the back of the head with a Kinshasa. Nakamura does it again the proper way and pins Reed.

Winner- Shinsuke Nakamura

In-Ring Segment: Becky Lynch

Lynch says she is so close to the end. She has done everything in her power to end this thing with Trish Stratus. She’s tired, and she will end all of this when she gets her rematch next week with Stratus. The greatest of that generation against the greatest of this and every generation after that. No Zoey Stark, just one on one. Zoey Stark interrupts. Stark says Stratus beat Lynch and so did Stratus. She knows what this is, Lynch is scared of her. The Man left her balls at home. Lynch asks Stark what she’s doing. She knows Stark is good but is too stupid to realize Stratus is dragging her in the wrong direction.

Stark should be fighting for the Women’s championship, not following around Stratus. Shayna Baszler interrupts. Lynch notes that Baszler is looking rough. Baszler says Lynch should see what Rousey looks like… but she won’t because she drove Rousey out of WWE. Baszler says she thinks Starks was talking about her, so why doesn’t Stark show her who the baddest woman is? Stark says Baszler looks like the world’s baddest punching bag. If she isn’t careful, she will send her home with Rousey. Lynch says they should have a match right here, right now. Lynch asks for Adam Pearce to make it official. Pearce walks out on the stage and does.

WWE Raw Results Continue on the Next Page!

Shayna Baszler vs. Zoey Stark

Becky Lynch sits at the commentary desk drinking fresh lemonade (yes, you read that correctly). Baszler picks Stark’s leg and locks in an ankle lock. Stark breaks the hold. Stark goes after Baszler’s injured eye. Pretty much every part of Baszler is battered and bruised after her MMA rules match at SummerSlam this weekend. Stark works over Baszler. After the break, Baszler fires up. Stark floors her with a superkick. Baszler kicks out. Stark goes after Baszler’s injured arm.

Baszler somehow manages to gut-wrench suplex Stark for a near fall. Stark springboards into the Kirifuda Clutch. Stark rolls out of the ring to break the hold. Lynch drinks her lemonade and reacts to the fight in the ring. She’s enjoying the carnage. Stark lands a dive and stares at Lynch. Stark sends Baszler back into the ring. Lynch gets up and jaws at Stark. Stark gets distracted by Lynch. Baszler struggles but hits the World’s Baddest Slam (Piper’s Pit) for the win.

Winner- Shayna Baszler

Otis w/Maxxine Dupri vs. Ludwig Kaiser w/Giovanni Vinci

Kaiser pins Otis after interference from Vinci and Gunther.

Winner- Ludwig Kaiser

After the match, IMPERIUM beats down Otis. Gable makes the save.

Backstage, Rhodes and Rollins argue. Zayn isn’t cleared to compete tonight. Rhodes walks off. Nakamura walks up to Rollins and says he’ll be their partner tonight. Rollins agrees.

In-ring Segment: The Miz

Miz wants to know what happened to showing industry leaders respect. Miz complains about everyone focusing on LA Knight, Knight has no respect. Knight tosses Miz out of the battle royal at SummerSlam, and he didn’t bother to shake Miz’s hand and introduce himself before the match. Knight interrupts. The crowd goes nuts. Knight says they had a good introduction during the battle royal, but whatever. Knight introduces himself and offers Miz a handshake. Miz says no. Miz calls Knight a charisma-less version of him.

Knight is nothing more than an Attitude Era fanboy who doesn’t deserve to be in his ring. Knight says fair enough, but he doesn’t have an issue with Miz. He goes on to warn Miz not to make this personal. Miz goes on a rant about what he’s done for the past 20 years. Miz asks Knight what he’s done for the last 20 years. Knight says, ok, personal it is. Knight’s been crawling and scratching on the outside looking in while WWE picks all the wrong horses, Miz being one of them.

Check Out Last Night’s Coverage: WWE SummerSlam Results (8/5/23)

Miz has a 20-year head start because he was safe. They knew they could slap Miz around, and he would take it. Knight is a dangerous man. He isn’t getting kicked out of locker rooms. Knight says he’s climbing now, and Miz’s career is in the toilet. Knight says he’ll make Miz a stepping stone to the main event. Miz says Knight isn’t on his level. Knight tells Miz to prove him wrong, he isn’t going anywhere. Miz takes off his jacket. Miz throws his jacket in Knight’s face and attacks. Knight counters the Skull Crushing Finale with the BFT.

The Viking Raiders issue an open challenge.

The Viking Raiders w/ Valhalla vs. The New Day

The New Day wins after Trouble in Paradise, followed by the Limit Breaker.

Winners- The New Day

Backstage, Shayna Baszler Interrupts Beckyl Lynch. Baszler tells Lynch she didn’t need her help out there tonight. Now that Rousey is gone, she has a list of scores to settle. She’ll be coming for The Man sooner than later. Lynch says she’ll be waiting.

The Judgement Day vs. Seth “Freakin” Rollins, Cody Rhodes, and Shinsuke Nakamura

While The Judgement Day make their entrance, Raquel Rodriguez attacks Ripley. Officials and referees try to break it up. LeRae and Hartwell try to help, but Ripley tosses Hartwell into the barricade and LeRae down the ramp. A huge brawl breaks out. After the break, Nakamura tells Rhodes and Rollins he’ll start the match. Nakamura stomps Dominik’s head. Dominik rolls out of the ring. Nakamura tells all of The Judgement Day to come on. After the break, The Judgement Day is taking turns working over Nakamura.

Nakamura manages to tag in Rollins, who clears the ring. Rollins gets a near fall after a struggle falcon arrow on Priest. Tope Suicida by Rollins. Rollins tries a springboard, but Priest catches him with a right hand in midair. Bálor sends Rollins flying into the barricade with a Woo dropkick. After the break, Rollins is getting worked over by The Judgement Day. Rollins manages to tag in Rhodes. Rhodes knocks Priest off the apron with a disaster kick. Bálor walks right into a powerslam from Rhodes.

Check Out Last Night’s Coverage: WWE SummerSlam Results (8/5/23)

Bálor escapes the Crossroads. Rhodes tries the Cody Cutter. Bálor reverses it into a final cut. Rhodes reverses the sling blade into a Cody Cutter. Rhodes sets up Crossroads on Bálor. Ripley distracts the referee. Priest hits Rhodes in the back with the MITB briefcase. Rollins hits the ring and superkicks the briefcase into Bálor’s face. Sami Zayn hops the barricade and attacks Priest. Rhodes drops Bálor with Crossroads for the win.

Winners- Seth Rollins, Cody Rhodes, and Shinsuke Nakamura

After the match, Rhodes and Rollins argue. Zayn tries to calm them down. Rollins and Rhodes shake hands and celebrate together. Nakamura obliterates Rollins with the Kinshasa out of nowhere.

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