WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT Results (7/25/23)

WWE NXT Results Results
July 25, 2023
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

In-Ring Segment: NXT North American Champion Dominik Mysterio and WWE World Women’s Champion Rhea Ripley

Ripley says The Judgement Day runs WWE. She runs down the group’s many accomplishments, including Mysterio winning the North American Championship. Every time Mysterio speaks, the crowd drowns him out. He claims to have finally made the Mysterio name relevant. Ripley gets drowned out by a “cut the mullet” chant. Ripley says Mysterio’s mullet is immaculate, and he’s never cutting it. The crowd boos. Ripley tries to talk about her match with Lyra Valkyria, but Wes Lee interrupts.

Lee says it makes him sick to see Mysterio holding his title. Lee elevated it, and he wants his title back. Ripley says NXT needed a new North American Champion. Lee says he agrees, they need a new NXT Champion tonight. Mustafa Ali interrupts. Ali says all Mysterio does is steal things. He stole the North American Championship. Ali says Mysterio stole his chance at the title.

Check out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (7/18/23)

He tried to tell Lee not to take the match against Mysterio, but Lee was too stupid to listen. Lee slaps the mic out of Ali’s hand. Mysterio tells both men that this seems like a them problem. He’ll fight both of them, he doesn’t care, but he’s leaving. Mysterio pushes past Ali. Ali takes a swing at Mysterio. Mysterio ducks, and Ali clocks Lee. Lee and Ali fight as Ripley and Mysterio laugh from the ramp. Lee and Ali notice and stop fighting.

Backstage, Bronco Nima and Lucien Price get into it with Tony D’Angelo and Stacks. D’Angelo says he needs to shake off some of the prison rust, so they should have a tag match. Nima and Price agree. They are coming for whoever wins the tag title match at the Great American Bash between Gallus and the D’Angelo Family, so they are happy to get started early.

Backstage, Lyra Valkyria says she needs to know where she stands. She had to challenge Rhea Ripley to a match. Tonight is about her, and she is going to show the world who she is.

Camelo Hayes, Trick Williams, and Ilja Dragunov vs. Schisim

Hayes and Williams take turns beating down all three members of Schisim. Dragunov tags in and continues the assault on Fowler. Running senton followed by a King Kong knee drop by Dragunov. Reid tags in and gets German suplexes by Dragunov. Reid escapes Dragunov’s third suplex, but Dragunov destroys him with the Constantine Special. Williams tags in and eats a cheap shot from Reid. Hayes saves Williams from a double suplex. Hayes hits his springboard clothesline as Williams lands a leaping clothesline of his own.

After the break, Williams cleans house. Williams is sent flying over the top by Gacy. Dragunov tries to hit Reid with the Torpedo Moskau outside the ring, but Reid moves. Dragunov hits Williams and sends him head-first into the ringsteps. Hayes is distracted by Williams being hurt. Dragunov gets double-teamed in the ring by Reid and Fowler. Reid and Fowler get on the apron. Two of the Schisim soldiers pull Reid and Fowler off the apron. In the confusion, Hayes tags himself in, much to Dragunov’s chagrin. Hayes hits Nothing but Net on Gacy for the win.

Winners- Carmelo Hayes, Trick Williams, and Ilja Dragunov

After the match, Hayes has to hold Williams back. He wants a piece of Dragunov. Dragunov tries to apologize. Williams will have none of it.

Von Wagner w/Mr. Stone vs. Javier Bernal

Bernal attacks Wagner as soon as the bell rings. Wagner quickly takes control, pounding on Bernal in the corner. Big boot by Wagner. Wagner tosses Bernal all over the place. Wagner pins Bernal after the Freak Accident.

Winner- Von Wagner

After the match, the crowd chants for a table. Mr. Stone, who normally tells Wagner not to put people through tables, instructs Wagner to do it. Bernal deserves it. Wagner powerbomb Bernal through a table. As Wagner and Mr. Stone celebrate, Bron Breakker appears out of nowhere and Spears Wagner in half. Breakker grabs a chair. Referees and officials run down to ringside. One of the referees rips the chair out of Breakker’s hands. Breakker laughs as Wagner writhes in pain on out on the floor.

In-Ring Segment: Gable Steveson

Steveson thanks everyone in NXT. Steveson introduces himself to the crowd. A USA chant breaks out. He notes that next year he could become the first ever two-time Olympic gold medalist. Or he can go back to college and become a three-time NCAA Champion. He’s made his decision. Before he can tell us, Baron Corbin interrupts. Corbin tells Steveson to go back to college and win another championship. Or he should go back to the Olympics. Just don’t choose NXT. If Steveson chooses NXT, Corbin will have to make him do something he hasn’t done before: fail.

For eight years, he’s done what he’s asked, but Corbin no longer cares. Corbin says he’s a great white shark, and he smells blood. Steveson tells Corbin that he’s made his decision easier for him. Steveson challenges Corbin to a match at The Great American Bash. Corbin takes a swing at Steveson. Steveson German suplexes Corbin. Corbin tries another punch. Steveson ducks that and sends Corbin flying with a belly-to-belly suplex. Corbin rolls out of the ring and gets swarmed by referees and security.

Backstage, Hayes tells Dragunov that Williams is pissed. Williams barges in, and the two argue. Hayes tells Williams they need to be professionals. Williams says this isn’t about Hayes, it’s about him. He’s gonna call Dragunov out tonight.

WWE NXT Results Continue on the Next Page!

Backstage, Mysterio is helping Ripley stretch. Mysterio asks Ripley if the triple threat at The Great American Bash was a good idea. Ripley says Mami is always right and she’s always on top, just like she’s going to be after her match tonight.

Kendo Stick Match: Dana Brooke w/Kelani Jordan vs. Cora Jade

Brooke charges Jade on the ramp. Jade takes a swing at Brooke, but she dodges it. Brooke attacks Jade. Brooke tosses Jade over the commentary desk before picking up one of the many kendo sticks around the ring. The crowd chants, asking Jade if she’s ok (lol). Brooke stands on the commentary desk. Jade sweeps her legs. Brooke hits the table hard. Jade hits Brooke with a kendo stick over and over again. Jade lays a bunch of kendo sticks in the ring. Body slam on the sticks by Jade. Jade traps Brooke in a crossface using the kendo stick. Brooke fights out of it, before being driven into the corner. Jade hits Brooke in the corner with the stick. Jade traps Brooke in the corner using one of the sticks. Running knee by Jade.

Check out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (7/18/23)

Brooke manages to drive Jade into the corner. Jade and Brooke trade strikes. Brooke fires up and lands a cartwheel elbow in the corner. Jade surprises Brooke with a double-arm DDT. Brooke kicks out! Jade brings a chair in the ring and stands it up. Jade sits Brooke in the chair. Brooke is out of it. Jade gets distracted by Jordan, who hops on the apron. Brooke drop toe holds Jade into the chair. Brooke hits Jade with the chair. Jordan hands Brooke a pink kendo stick. Brooke wears Jade out with it. Brooke suplexes Jade on a pile of kendo sticks. Swanton by Brooke. Brooke pins Jade.

Winner- Dana Brooke

Backstage, Hayes tells Dragunov that Williams is going to call him out tonight, and he isn’t looking at a match. Dragunov says he’s fine with that. He admires Williams and Hayes friendship, but if Williams calls him out, Hayes knows what he’s going to do. Hayes tells Dragunov it doesn’t have to be like that. Dragunov says it does. Tonight, it will be Williams. At the Great American Bash, it will be Hayes’ turn.

Backstage, Damon Kemp asks Charlie Dempsy and Drew Gulak to be his new training partners. Dempsey agrees.

Scrypts is at the commentary desk for the next match.

Bronco Nima and Lucien Price vs. Tony D’Angelo and Stacks

Nima and Price get the early advantage. D’Angelo fires up. Stacks and D’Angelo double team Nima and Price. Nima sends Stacks into the corner. Price lands a nasty running clothesline in the corner. Stacks manages a diving European uppercut. Axiom appears and dropkicks Scrypts at the desk. Axiom and Scrypts fight off. Stacks and D’Angelo hits Bada Bing on Price for the win.

Winners- Toney D’Angelo and Stacks

After the match, Gallus appears on the ‘Tron. They promise to take out D’Angelo and Stacks at the PLE.

Supernova Sessions

The Meta-Four are in the ring. Noam Dar is still catatonic. Lash Legend, Oro Mensah, and Jakara Jackson prop Dar up. Legend announces Dar as the real Heritage Cup Champion. They make the point that Nathan Frazer didn’t beat Dar for the cup. Legend says they have a way to cheer Dar up. They reveal a replica Heritage Cup. Dar finally wakes up and celebrates with his new, but fake cup. Frazer and Dragon Lee interrupt. Lee and Frazer are looking for a fight. Mensah says their is four of them and only two of you. Valentina Feroz and Yulisa Leon hop the barricade and attack Legend and Jackson. Lee and Frazer take out Mensag and Dar.

Lyra Valkyria vs. WWE Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley w/Dominik Mysterio

Ripley and Valkyria circle each other. Ripley forces Valkyria into the corner, and pie faces Valkyria. Laughing, Ripley tells Valkyria to prove it to her. Ripley runs over Valkyria with a shoulder block. Valkyria surprises Ripley with a low crossbody. Valkyria steps over Ripley and laughs. Ripley tries a strike. Valkyria does a cartwheel to avoid it. Ripley boots Valkyria in the gut. Ripley works over Valkyria.

After a series of counters, Ripley sends Valkyria flying with a German suplex. Basement dropkick by Ripley. Valkyria rolls out of the ring. After the break, Ripley lands a flurry of offense, capped with a suplex slam. Valkyria kicks out. Valkyria counters Riptide with a sleeper. Ripley tosses Valkyria away. Ripley floors Valkyria with a headbutt. Mysterio cheers outside the ring. Ripley goes up top for a frog splash.

Check out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (7/18/23)

Valkyria cuts Ripley off and pushes her off the top. Valkyria tries a baseball slide, but Mysterio pushes Ripley out of the way. Mysterio eats the kick. Valkyria lands a diving rana off the apron. Frog splash by Valkyria. Ripley kicks out. Ripley catches Valkyria. Valkyria turns Ripley’s slam into a DDT. Valkyria tries a springboard, only to be kicked out of the air by Ripley. Ripley hits Riptide for the win.

Winner- Rhea Ripley

After the match, Ripley grabs Valkyria by the face and tells her to beat Jacy Jayne and prove her right.

In-Ring Segment: Trick Williams

Williams says he knows Hayes is going to take care of business at The Great American Bash. This isn’t about that. He want’s Dragunov’s ass in the ring right now. Dragunov power walks to the ring. Williams meets Dragunov on the ramp with a dropkick. Willams pummels Dragunov, sending him into the barricade and the ring steps. Williams leaps off the ring steps into a knee strike from Dragunov. Dragunov lands three consecutive German suplexes out on the floor. Dragunov beats down Williams.

Willams grabs Dragunov lands a knockout shot, followed by another leaping knockout shot. Williams is out cold. Dragunov drags Williams into the corner and sets up the Torpedo Moskau. Hayes hits the ring stands in front of Willams to protect him. Dragunov obliterates Hayes with the Torpedo Moskau. Dragunov picks up a mic and says Hayes is an honorable man. After the Great American Bash, all Hayes will have left is his friendship with Williams since he will be the new NXT Champion.

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