WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT Results (5/23/23)

WWE NXT Results
May 23, 2023
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

NXT Women’s Championship Tournament Semi-Final: Lyra Valkyria vs. Cora Jade

Valkyria and Jade trade strikes. Valkyria tries a springboard but slips on the rope. Jade tries to suplex Valkyria, but she escapes. Jade traps Valkyria in the ropes and lands a dropkick. Slingshot double stomp by Jade. Valkyria kicks out. Valkyria lands a dropkick. Northern lights suplex by Valkyria. Jade kicks out and tries to transition into a guillotine. Valkyria pushes Jade away. Jade tries a splash in the corner. Valkyria counters with a suplex. Valkyria surprises Jade with a spin kick to the head for the win.

Winner- Lyra Valkyria

After the match, Jade chopblocks Valkyria. Valkyria clutches at her knee. Jade hits Valkyria in the knee with a kendo stick. Referees check on Valkyria.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (5/16/23)

Backstage, a camera catches Dijak entering the arena. Ilja Dragonuv appears out of nowhere and attacks Dijak. Dragonuv tries to close a garage door on Dijak’s head. Dijak struggles to stop the door from crushing him. Referees and officials barge in and break it up.

Axiom vs. Dabba-Kato

Axiom lands a flurry of strikes before getting decapitated by a clothesline from Dabba-Kato. Dabba-Kato tosses Axiom out of the ring and lands a nasty chop. Dabba-Kato press slams Axiom back into the ring. Axiom lands a springboard dropkick to Dabba-Kato’s knee. Dabba-Kato drops to one knee. Axiom hits the ropes and runs right into another clothesline from Dabba-Kato. Dabba-Kato choke bombs Axiom for the win.

Winner- Dabba-Kato

After the match, Dabba-Kato attacks Axiom. Reggie hits the ring and attacks Dabba-Kato, making the save.

Footage of Tony D’Angelo being questioned is shown.

Backstage, Wes Lee says he knows everyone is looking out for themselves in NXT, but he thought he could trust Tyler Bate. Maybe he should stop letting people get close to him. McKenzie says she has someone who wants to speak to him. Tyler Bate walks in. Lee says he’s not interested and walks away. Bate says his shot at the title has nothing to do with their friendship.

Tyler Bate vs. Eddy Thorpe

Wes Lee is out at the commentary desk for this match. Bate starts off strong before running into a spinning splash from Thorpe. Thorpe works over Bate. Bate fires up and lands a suplex followed by a standing shooting star press. Bate eventually lands the Tyler Driver ’97 for the win.

Winner- Tyler Bate

After the match, Joe Gacy attacks Bate. Lee tries to help. Lee and Bate eat a double Upside Down from Gacy.

Noam Dar (c) vs. Nathan Frazer

Both men trade submission and pin attempts. Frazer sends Dar flying out of the ring with a dropkick. After the break, Dar is working over Frazer. Frazer fires up and hits a spinning suplex for a near fall. Frazer tries a phoenix splash, but Dar moves out of the way. Frazer lands on his feet. Dar eventually traps Frazer in an armbar. Frazer turns it into a pin. Dar kicks out. Frazer lands a superkick for a two-count. Dar and Frazer trade strikes. Dragon Lee walks down to ringside. Lee gets close to the cup. Dar leaves the ring to yell at Lee. Frazer surprises Dar with a dive. Frazer sends Dar into the ring and lands a phoenix splash for the win.

Winner- Nathan Frazer

Hank Walker vs. Tank Ledger

Walker and Ledger trade strikes. Ledger lands a huge body slam for a near fall. Walker and Ledger trade strikes again. Walker slams Ledger. Both men try a crossbody at the same time. Walker crawls over to Ledger and pins him.

Winner- Hank Walker

After the match, Bron Breakker hits the ring and spears Walker and Ledger. Breakker says he’ll see Melo at the PLE.

Luca Crusifino vs. Von Wagner w/Mr. Stone

Wagner tosses Crusifino all around the ring. Crusifino fires back and sends Wagner out of the ring. Crusifino walks up to Mr. Stone and pulls the baby photo of Wagner out of his pocket. Crusifino yells about how ugly Wagner is in the photo. Wagner gets up and destroys Crusifino with a clothesline. Wagner beats on Crusifino in the ropes. The referee disqualifies Wagner.

Winner- Luca Crusifino

After the match, Wagner tosses Crusifino into the barricade. Wagner sets up a powerbomb. Mr. Stone convinces him to stop. Wagner changes his mind and powerbomb Crusifino on the announce desk. It didn’t break. Ouch.

NXT Women’s Championship Tournament Semi-Final: Tiffany Stratton vs. Roxanne Perez

Stratton and Perez engage in a test of strength. Stratton wins out and gets a two count. Perez traps Stratton in a prawn hold for a near fall. Perez tries a ranna, but Stratton flips and lands on her feet. Stratton and Perez trade strikes. Stratton works a wrist lock. Perez counters with a spinning head scissors that sends Stratton flying out of the ring. Perez tries a dive, but Stratton catches her on her shoulders.

Perez counters into a ranna that sends Stratton into the apron, face first. After the break, Perez fires up and lands multiple tope suicidas. Perez tries a crossbody off the top. Stratton catches her and hits a senton. Stratton tries her patented moonsault, but Perez moves out of the way. Perez lands a spear. Stratton surprises Perez with a sky high. Perez kicks out.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (5/16/23)

After a struggle, Perez takes Stratton off the top with a ranna. Stratton kicks out. Stratton counters Pop Rock by tossing Perez into the top rope. Rolling senton by Stratton. Stratton hits the PME for the win!

Winner- Tiffany Stratton

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