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WWE SmackDown Results (5/12/23)

WWE SmackDown Results
May 12, 2023
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

World Heavyweight Championship Tournament First Round Match: Edge vs. Rey Mysterio vs. AJ Styles

Styles and Mysterio double team Edge. Edge fires back and stomps Styles into the corner. After a series of catapults, each man eventually ends up in a pinning position. Edge lands the Oscar on Styles for a near fall. Edge boots Mysterio out of the ring. Styles floors Edge with a flurry of strikes. Mysterio rolls back in the ring and walks right into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker from Styles. Edge is sent out of the ring. Mysterio lands head scissors on both Styles and Edge. Styles tries a sunset flip, but Mysterio rolls through and land as head kick.

Mysterio tries a springboard crossbody but is caught in midair by Edge. Edge kicks Styles in the face, and Fallaway slams Mysterio. Edge calls for a Spear. Both Styles and Mysterio boot Edge in the face. Mysterio takes Edge over with the code red. Edge kicks out. Styles slides Mysterio under the bottom rope. Edge catches Mysterio by the head. Styles baseball slides Edge, causing him to DDT Mysterio. After the break, Styles rolls Mysterio into the Calf Crusher. Edge rolls in the ring and applies a crossface to Mysterio. Styles headbutts Edge to break the hold.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (5/5/23)

Styles and Edge trade shots. Mysterio lands a ranna that sends both men into the ropes. Mysterio calls for the 619. Edge and Styles counter with stereo dropkicks. Edge sends Styles into the turnbuckle, face first. Mysterio cuts Edge off up top. Mysterio sets up a ranna. Styles picks Mysterio off the top and hits a running powerbomb. Mysterio kicks out at two. Styles sets up a superplex. Mysterio Sunset flip powerbomb Styles, who sends Edge flying as well. Mysterio sets up the 619 on Edge.

Styles breaks it up and calls for the Phenomenal Forearm, Edge ducks it and tries a Spear. Styles leaps over that. Mysterio surprises Styles with a senton. Mysterio tries a 619 on Edge, but Edge reverses it into the Edgucator. Styles tries to break it up. Edge puts Styles in the Edgucator. Mysterio breaks it up with a 619. Mysterio leaps off the top into a Spear from Edge. Before Edge can take advantage, Styles blasts him with the Phenomenal Forearm for the win.

Winner- AJ Styles

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