WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT Results (4/18/23)

WWE NXT Results
April 18, 2023
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Gallus, The Dyad, and The Creed Brothers are fighting as the show kicks off. They are eventually separated by referees and officials.

NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Gallus (c) vs. The Creed Brothers vs. The Dyad

Once things settle down, Julius body slams Brutus onto Reed. The Dyad works over Wolfgang as well. Coffey and Wolfgang fire up and beat down both the Creeds and the Dyad. Julius suplexes everyone. Julius lands a moonsault. Reid kicks out. Julius blasts Reid with a knee strike. Reid falls on top of Coffey. The referee is distracted so it takes him too long to start the count.

Coffey kicks out. After the break, all three team have a standoff that leads to a huge brawl. The Dyad sets up a Doomsday Device. Brutus breaks it up. Ried falls off the top and lands on Ivy Nile, who was jawing at Ava Rayne at ringside. Doomsday Brutus Ball by The Creeds. Julius realizes Nile is down so he goes to check on her. Back in the ring, Wolfgang and Coffey hit their finish on Brutus for the win.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE NXT Results (4/11/23)

Winners and STILL NXT Tag Team Champions, Gallus!

Earlier today, Dijak and Apollo Crews get into a confrontation.

During a new segment, Nathan Frazer tells us to never stop moving forward. That’s how he is going to get past his recent misfortunes.

Noam Dar vs. Miles Borne

Dar lands his running kick for the win.

Winner- Noam Dar

Briggs walks into Kiana James office. Jensen is with her and he is dressed preppy. Briggs wants Jensen to come with him. Jensen says he’s his own man now and he wants Briggs to leave.

Odyssey Jones vs…

Bron Breakker attacks Jones from behind. He grabs a mic and asks Jones if that hurt. Breakker says he told the fat rednecks last week that they were going to see a different side of him. Breakker says Jones, Andre Chase, and Carmelo Hayes felt it. Duke Hudson interrupts and tells Breakker to keep Chase’s name out of his mouth. Hudson challenges Breakker to a match against Andre Chase at Spring Breakin’. Breakker accepts.

Backstage, Cora Jade doubles down on her comments about the rest of the women’s locker room last week. Gigi Dolan walks in and says she’s going to take care of Jade tonight.

Backstage, Pretty Deadly challenges The D’Angelo Family to a no holds barred match next week.

Roxanne Perez vs. Zoey Stark

Stark and Perez trade takedowns and submission holds. Neither women can get the advantage. Perez tries a head scissor but Stark tosses her to the mat and soccer ball kicks her in the gut. Stark lays in a few elbows strikes. Head scissor takeover by Perez. Stark falls out of the ring. Perez tries a dive, but Stark catches her. Stark launches Perez into the ring apron. After the break, Stark floors Perez with a basement lariat. Perez fires up and lands a flurry of strikes. After a dropkick, Stark falls out of the ring.

Suicide dive by Perez. Perez tries a leap off the top, but Stark rolls through and almost gets a three count. Russian leg sweep by Perez. Stark kicks out. Running European uppercut by Perez. Stark avoids another attack and tries a springboard. Perez avoids that. Perez tries Pop Rocks but Stark counters and hits a half and half suplex. Stark tries the Z360, but Perez escapes. Stark sends Perez into the corner. Perez gets to her feet. Stark charges in and Perez surprises her with Pop Rocks for the win.

Winner- Roxanne Perez

After the match, Indi Hartwell walks to the ring and offers her a title match at Spring Breakin’. Perez accepts. Tiffany Stratton interrupts and craps on Perez and Hartwell. Hartwell says she doesn’t care, she’ll fight them both at Spring Breakin’.

Backstage, Von Wagner is following Mr. Stone around like a puppy. He doesn’t want Stone to leave him. Stone isn’t interested if Wagner isn’t going to try. Wagner relents and finally decides to open up. Wagner tells Stone he’s wanted to be in WWE his entire life. Its in his blood. Stone says that’s a good start and the two walk away together.

Cora Jade vs. Gigi Dolan

Dolan works over Jade. Jacy Jayne hits the ring and knocks Dolan into a pinning combination from Jade. Dolan kicks out. Dolan attacks Jayne. Jayne ends up in the ring. Dolan tosses Jayne over the accounce desk into Booker T. Dolan gets back in the ring and eats a DDT from Jade. Jade pins Dolan.

Winner- Cora Jade

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE NXT Results (4/11/23)

After the match, Jade grabs a mic. Before she can speak, Lyra Valkyria interrupts and challenges her to a match at Spring Breakin’.

At Fallon Henley’s family bar, Jensen and James walk in. Jensen challenges Henley and Briggs to a match. Briggs relcutanly agrees.

Apollo Crews vs. Dijak

Crews floors Dijak with a lariat. Headlock takeover by Crews. Dijak esacpes. After a tackle/dropdown spot, Crews floors Dijak with a dropkick. Crews lands two German suplexes. Dijak stuns Crews on the top rope. Dijak shoulder checks Crews off the apron. After the break, Crews lands a flurry of offense. Second rope blockbuster by Crews.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE NXT Results (4/11/23)

Crews German suplexes Dijak but he lands on his feet. Cyclone boot by Dijak. Crews kicks out. Crews knees his way out of a chokeslam attempt by Dijak. Dijak moves out of the way as Crews tries a standing moonsault. Dijak grabs Crews by the throat and hits High Justice. Crews kicks out. Dijak lands Feast Your eyes for the win.

Winner- Dijak

After the match, Dijak tries to attack Crews. Ilja Dragonuv makes the save.

North American Championship Match: Wes Lee (c) vs. Charlie Dempsey w/Drew Gulak

Gulak attacks Lee before the match while the referee is distracted. The bell rings and Dempsey works over Lee. Lee responds with a dropkick. Dempsey falls out of the ring. Lee lands a dive. After the break, Dempsey is working over Lee’s arm. Lee fires up and lands a flurry of offense. Basement dropkick by Lee. Dempsey send Lee flying with a butterfly suplex. German suplex with a bridge by Dempsey. Lee kicks out. Lee and Dempsey trade pin attempts. Neither man can hold the other down for the three count. Lee backflups out of a German suplex. Gulak gets up on the apron only to be knocked out by Lee. Lee lands the Cardiac Kick on Dempsey for the win.

Winner and STILL North American Champion, Wes Lee!

After the match, Gulak and Dempsey attack Lee.

Over dinner, D’Angelo tells Stacks they are going to challenge Pretty Deadly to the first ever Trunk Match at Spring Breakin’.

The Grayson Waller Effect

Waller introduces his guest, his opponent at Spring Breakin’, Carmelo Hayes. Hayes and Trick Williams join Waller in the ring. Hayes says he has to give Waller some credit. No matter how many times he loses, he keeps ending up in the main event spot. Waller says the difference between them is that Waller has become a bigger star than Hayes without a championship. He doesn’t need the title, the title needs him. Waller and Hayes bicker. Waller promises to do a shoe shot over Hayes after betting him for the championship. Hayes asks Waller how he’s going to do a shoey after Hayes tosses his sneakers on the powerlines.

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