WWE NXT Stand and Deliver Results Logo 2023
WWE NXT Stand and Deliver Logo 2023

WWE NXT Stand and Deliver Results (4/1/23)

WWE NXT Stand and Deliver Results
April 1, 2023
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE NXT Results (3/28/23)

Chase U and Tyler Bate vs. Schism (Winner gets control of Chase U)

Andre Chase is a house of fire against Reid. Bate tags in and lands a diving European uppercut. Duke Hudson tags himself in. Bate and Hudson Argue. Hail tags herself in, and Ava Rayne gets in the ring. Rayne smiles and tags Gacy in. Gacy drops Chase with a uranage. Gacy mocks the Chase U stomps. Chase catches his foot and tags in Bate. Tandem offense by Bate and Chase. Hail tags in, so Rayne has to get in the ring. Rayne drives a knee into Hail’s gut.

Rayne lands a suplex. Hail fires up, and butterfly suplexes Rayne. Slingshot senton by Hail. Reid breaks up the pin. The Dyad stuns Bate on the top rope. Schism takes turns working over Bate. Bate manages to tag in Chase. Chase lands a flurry of offense on Gacy. Chase and Bate send Gacy flying with a dragon suplex/rebound lariat combo. Fowler breaks up the pin. Hudson is just standing on the apron, watching. Hudson finally gets in the ring and takes out Reid and Fowler. Hail hits Reid with a tornado DDT. Hudson accidentally boots Bate in the face.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE NXT Results (3/28/23)

Gacy hits the Upside down. Chase breaks up the pin. Schism takes everyone out except Hudson. Hudson bows up at Gacy. Gacy whispers something in his ear. Gacy gives Hudson a Schism shirt. Hudson puts it on and stands with Gacy’s crew. Hudson rips off his Schism shirt and attacks Gacy from behind. Chase U stands united. Hudson and Chase hit the Frat Liner on Reid for the win.

Winners- Chase U

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