MLW Underground

MLW Underground Results For March 28, 2023: Microman Takes On Real1

MLW Underground kicked off with highlights from last week’s MLW World Championship match between Alex Hammerstone and Jacob Fatu.

After the opening, MSL is in the ring hyping up the match between Microman and Real1. They play a backstage vignette between Mance Warner and Microman, offering his support to Microman in his match with Real1. That match is kicking off the show.

Real1 comes out with a microphone and talks down to Microman before the match, calling him an Ewok and promising him that someone will be stretchered out tonight after their match ends.

Microman defeated Real1

  • Microman utilizes a drop-down trip to knock Real1 face-first into a steel chair he set up in the bottom turnbuckle earlier in the match. Mance Warner comes out and tosses a kendo stick to Microman as he distracts the referee. Microman hits Real1 with it and throws it away before securing the pinfall victory.

Microman and Mance Warner celebrate with beers while Real1 is stretchered out.

MLW World Heavyweight Champion Alex Hammerstone comes out on the stage and calls out Akira and Raven for the attack on him last week after his match with Jacob Fatu. Hammerstone said he’s going to show The Calling that there’s evil in his hands, and they picked the wrong man to target. Hammerstone said attacking him was the stupidest thing they could have done. Hammerstone said he wants The Calling in the War Chamber.

A video package is played to hype the importance of The Opera Cup tournament in Major League Wrestling. We hear from Davey Boy Smith Jr., who says he’s going to cripple Alex Kane in the ring later on in the show.

AKIRA defeated Mike Law

  • AKIRA hits The Death Penalty on Mike Law to pick up the pinfall victory in a relatively quick match.

The first participants for Battle Riot V are announced, including:

  • John Hennigan
  • Lance Anoa’i
  • Lince Dorado
  • Alex Kane
  • Calvin Tankman
  • Rickey Shane Page

We hear from Alex Kane ahead of his match tonight with Davey Boy Smith Jr. and said that 2023 is his year. He said he’s going to take care of Smith Jr. tonight and then straight for the MLW World Heavyweight Championship.

John Hennigan and Taya Valkyrie are backstage doing an infomercial type of promo asking for help in finding Cesar Duran and requesting people to call or text 1-900-LUCHA if they have any information on Duran’s current whereabouts.

It’s announced that Lio Rush will appear on MLW Underground next week.

A vignette is played for 1 Called Manders and they followed it up with the announcement that he’ll take on Rickey Shane Page in a hardcore match next week.

Alex Kane defeated Davey Boy Smith Jr.

  • While the referee is distracted, Alex Kane squirts something in Davey Boy Smith Jr.’s eyes and then hits the Mark of Kane to pick up the pinfall victory.

Alex Kane is interviewed on the stage following the match and is asked what kind of liquid that was that he squirted in Davey Boy Smith Jr’s. face. Kane played dumb like he didn’t know what she was talking about before calling it Bomaye Juice as the group laughs about it.

Backstage, Alex Hammerstone approaches the Second Gear Crew and they agree to team up for the War Games match against The Calling as MLW Underground goes off the air.

READ MORE: MSL: Microman Is Baby Yoda Come To Life, He’s The Real Deal

What did you think of this week’s episode of MLW Underground? What was your favorite match or segment? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.

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