WWE RAW Results

WWE Raw Results (3/20/23)

WWE Raw Results 
March 20, 2023
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

In-Ring Segment: Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn

Owens and Zayn laugh as the replay of their reunion on SmackDown plays on the ‘Tron. The crowd goes nuts chanting, “Sami.” Owens quips that he thinks the crowd likes Zayn. The crowd breaks into a “KO” chant. Zayn adds that he thinks they like Owens as well. Zayn is happy they are on the same page again. He acknowledges that he approached his attempts to get back in with Owens all wrong. They survived in their careers because they acted as brothers. Owens notes that for 20 years, he’s been Zayn’s biggest fan.

It pained Owens to see Zayn under Roman Reigns’ thump. He outgrew the Bloodline, and everyone knew it. Zayn was right, it’s time to take down the Bloodline together. Zayn adds that Owens knows what comes next. Both men glance up at the WrestleMania sign. The Usos’ music hits immediately. Jimmy and Jey march to the ring. The crowd showers them with boos. Jey notes Zayn is a backstabber. Jey says Owens and Zayn are gonna turn on each other.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE Raw Results (3/13/23)

Zayn says everyone knows Jey’s biggest dream is backstabber Reigns. They can look up at the WrestleMania sign all they want, ain’t nothing gonna happen at WrestleMania. Owens says there is only one place they can settle this. Jimmy and his brother vs. Owens and his brother (Zayn) at WrestleMania. Jimmy says they don’t deserve a shot at WrestleMania. They have only been on the same page for three minutes. Jey says to be honest, this may be their own shot to put this Owens and Zayn thing in the dirt.

They don’t have to wait till WrestleMania, they can do this right now. A brawl breaks out. Owens sends Jimmy flying over the barricade. Zayn and Owens bring Jey into the ring. Superkick by Owens. Zayn lines up the Helluva Kick. Jimmy pulls Jey out of the ring at the last second. Jey and Jimmy grab chairs as a flock of referees runs down to ringside to break this up. On the ‘Tron, The Tribal Chief Roman Reigns, Solo Sikoa, and Paul Heyman arrive in the parking lot. Jimmy and Jey look worried.

Montez Ford vs. Austin Theory

Theory grabs a side headlock. Ford sends Theory into the ropes. Theory runs over Ford. Theory poses in the ring. Ford grabs a side headlock. Theory sends Ford into the ropes. Ford leaps over Theory and lands a shoulder block. Ford does John Cena’s “you can’t see me” taunt. Theory slams Ford’s head into the top turnbuckle. Corner stomps by Theory. Ford turns it around, and mudhole stomps Theory in the corner. Ford lands a lariat. Theory is sent flying over the top rope by a clothesline from Ford. Ford sends Theory into the crowd. Ford follows and poses with some fans in the front row.

After the break, Theory tries a superplex. Ford pushes Theory off the top and hits a sky-high crossbody. A flurry of strikes by Ford. Back suplex by Ford. Ford gets a near fall after a standing moonsault. Ford tries a Rock Bottom. Thoery escapes and lands a big boot. Enziguri by Ford. Theory tries A-Town Down, but Ford escapes and lands a DDT. Theory rolls out of the ring. Superman dive by Ford. Ford tries his splash, but Theory moves. Ford lands on his feet and eats a rolling dropkick. A-Town Down by Theory. Theory pins Ford.

Winner- Austin Theory

Backstage, Chelsea Green tells Adam Pearce she found a new tag partner since Carmella isn’t here. It’s Piper Niven. Green wants Pearce to put her in the WrestleMania showcase match, or she will block him…

Omos w/MVP vs. Mustafa Ali

Ali tries to share his message of positivity with Omos. Omos pushed Ali clear across the ring. Omos runs over Ali. Dolph Ziggler is watching the match backstage. Choke Bomb by Omos. Omos pins Ali.

Winner- Omos

After the match, MVP grabs a mic and says Omos fears no man, animal, or beast. At WrestleMania, Brock Lesnar will learn to fear Omos.

WWE Raw Results Continue on the next page!

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