billie starkz
Photo Credit: Speedy Photos

Billie Starkz Had To Explain To Teachers She Had Bruises From Wrestling

Billie Starkz recalls having to tell her teachers that she was coming to school with bruises because she was a pro wrestler.

Billie Starkz is a rising star in the world of professional wrestling, and growing up, had to explain a lot of the bumps and bruises that come with training to be a star. 

In a recent interview with Steve Fall for WrestlingNewsCo, the 18-year-old wrestler looked back on training to be a wrestler while also going to school. According to Starkz, there were plenty of times when she had to explain her bruises to teachers.  

“It was definitely very strange for my teachers to see these things,” said Starkz. “In my middle school, everybody kind of just found out and it was like, ‘Oh, she’s a wrestler. It’s fine.’ Then when I went to high school, I didn’t think anything of it because I was in middle school and everybody didn’t really care,” Starkz said. “Then my first two weeks of high school, I had a teacher pull me out in the hallway and bless her heart, she was like, ‘Hey, these past few weeks, you’ve just been covered in bruises. Is everything okay at home?’ I’m confused. I’m like, what is this woman talking about? Then it was like, ‘Oh, you think I’m getting beat? Please don’t call CPS on my mother.’

“I explained that I was a pro wrestler and showed her videos and then it slowly leaked to everybody else. I remember freshman year, my career options class, my teacher would play my wrestling videos in front of the entire class. I was like, Oh, this is nice,” Starks said. “But I’m also one of those people that I don’t like watching my matches in front of people. So I have all my classmates and peers just watching me, and I was like, okay.” 

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