WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results – 08/01/22

WWE RAW Results – August 01, 2022

Becky Lynch comes out and talks about feeling like she didn’t know who she was after losing her title at WrestleMania, but SummerSlam made her remember who she was. Becky said it was not the flashy clothes that made her, it was the pursuit of being better tomorrow that did. Becky says she separated her shoulder at SummerSlam and continued to compete for 20 minutes, and it was in pursuit of making sure WWE had the best women’s division around. Becky says she needs to give Bianca Belair proper praise and calls her to the ring.

Bianca compliments Becky’s resolve and gives her a hug, then Becky tells her to hold it down and they’ll see each other soon. Becky leaves the ring, then Bianca says she has nothing but respect for Becky and knows that some people might not understand it. Bianca remembers all of the times Becky crossed her, but she always wanted to be the best and Becky made her work for that. We cut to a backstage area where Becky Lynch is being attacked by Dakota Kai, and Bianca runs back to check on her.

AJ Styles vs. Mustafa Ali vs. The Miz
(Winner moves on to United States Championship contender’s match) 

Styles goes for the Clash early but Miz pulls Ali out of the ring. Ali kicks Miz on the floor, then he rolls him in and slams him into the turnbuckles. AJ elbows and chops Miz, then he sets him up on the turnbuckles but Miz breaks free. Styles backdrops Ali, then Miz runs over and kicks Styles in the face as he’s getting up and goes right into a DDT on Ali. Styles goes for a scoop slam on Miz and drops him into a reverse facelock, but Ali jumps back in and hits a neckbreaker for two.

Miz tries to attack Styles and gets caught with a Pele Kick for two, then the action spills outside and Ali catches Styles with a tornado DDT from the middle turnbuckle. Ali steps back in the ring and gets caught with the Skull Crushing Finale by Miz, who is slow to make the cover because he’s favoring his injured ribs. Miz pushes Ali into the corner and gets caught with a kick to the face, then Ali heads up top and hits a 450 splash. Styles comes in and picks him up as he hits Miz and hits the Styles Clash for the win.

Winner – AJ Styles

Bayley is backstage with Iyo Sky and Dakota Kai, and Sarah Schreiber asks why they targeted Becky Lynch. Bayley says it was not about Becky, and everyone will see things more clearly soon. The Usos walk in and say hello, then they tell Schreiber why they will beat The Mysterios tonight.

Seth Rollins comes to the ring and brags about not having to deal with Riddle anymore. He says Riddle wanted to be just like Randy Orton, and now he is because they’re both on the injured list. Rollins says he can now focus on Roman Reigns, but the Street Profits head to the stage before he can continue. Rollins yells at the Profits and the fans to be quiet, but Ford says Rollins is “the guy that got his butt kicked by Cody Rhodes when he only had one booby.” Dawkins says one of them should fight Rollins and determine who will compete with a game of rock, paper, scissors. Ford runs to the ring with the referee, and the match is on.

Seth Rollins vs. Montez Ford 

Ford slams Rollins into the barricade, but Rollins jabs him and runs back into the ring. Ford gives chase and cracks him with a kick before heading up top, but Rollins slides outside again. Rollins attempts a Pedigree on the floor, but Ford backdrops him to counter. Rollins takes control and taunts Ford in the corner, then gets a near fall before pulling Ford up and throwing a few punches. Ford strikes back, staggering Rollins with a left, then he hops up and hits an enziguiri before a side suplex and standing moonsault for two.

Ford floats over to counter a suplex attempt, then he connects with a Blockbuster for two. Ford looks frustrated as he climbs the turnbuckles, and Rollins cuts him off with a roundhouse kick. Rollins follows with a superkick for two, then he connects with a buckle bomb and follows with a Falcon Arrow for two. Ford mounts a comeback and takes Rollins down, then he heads up top but Rollins blocks the frog splash with his knees and hits the Pedigree for the win.

Winner – Seth Rollins

Rollins tries to attack Ford after the bell, but Dawkins runs in and prevents him from hitting the Curb Stomp.

Alexa Bliss vs. Asuka

Bliss shakes off a forearm shot and hits a dropkick, then knees Asuka after taking a shoulder tackle. Bliss fires back with more knees and strikes and gets a near fall. Asuka connects with a low baseball kick and follows with kicks and a suplex, then knees Bliss in the face before Bayley, Iyo Sky and Dakota Kai hit the ring.

The trio attacks both Bliss and Asuka, then Bianca Belair chases them off and demands a match with one of them. Iyo points to herself and it looks like she’s stepping up to answer the challenge.

Result – No Contest

Dolph Ziggler vs. Ciampa vs. Chad Gable 
(Winner moves on to United States Championship contender’s match) 

Cable and Ciampa double team Ziggler before Gable turns on Ciampa, taking him down with a double stomp with the arms hooked. Ziggler hits a Famouser for two as we go to break, then we get back to see Gable going for an ankle lock. Ciampa runs in and hits a leg lariat for two, then Ziggler runs in while Gable is suplexing Ciampa to hit a Zig Zag. Ziggler backdrops Gable to the floor, then Ciampa and Ziggler trade off on roll-up attempts before Ziggler catches Ciampa with a superkick. Gable goes for a backslide pin attempt, but Ciampa kicks out and knees him in the face before hitting Fairytale Ending for the win.

Winner – Ciampa

Edge comes to the ring and says he’s been a bit of an asshole the past few months, but that changes now. Edge says he created Judgment Day to try and help the new generation and share his knowledge, but he thinks they got a taste of power and know everything now. He says they are dead wrong and they pulled something over on him with Finn Balor, but he pulled himself out of the hell they put him in. Edge says he’s back to kill what he created and he’s going to end Judgment Day.

Bayley, Iyo Sky and Dakota Kai are backstage and Bayley says people are talking about SummerSlam, but they aren’t talking about Bianca Belair or Becky Lynch. Bayley says that WWE needs her and she outsourced some help, and their role model is back.

Iyo Sky vs. Bianca Belair 

Belair hits Sky in the ribs and follows with a dropkick. Sky gets back up and snaps Bianca down on the ropes, the follows with a moonsault. Bianca regains control and hits a scoop slam and a few forearm strikes, but Bayley and Dakota Kai come to ringside as Bianca works over Sky. The distraction allows Sky to regain control by hitting a hurricanrana, then Belair mounts a comeback but Sky attacks her on the apron. Sky throws her on the floor and Bianca catches her attempting a dive, but Bayley and Dakota block Bianca from getting back in the ring. Alexa Bliss and Asuka come out to even things up as Belair hits a superplex and a standing moonsault. Belair hits a spinebuster and goes for the moonsault again, but Sky blocks with her knees. Sky goes for a rollup and puts her feet on the ropes, but Alexa pushes her feet off the ropes and everyone at ringside ends up brawling, leading to a no contest.

Result – No Contest

#1 Contender’s Match (United States Championship)
AJ Styles vs. Ciampa 

After both men trade submissions, Ciampa gains control with a shoulder tackle. Ciampa stomps Styles and throws him under the ropes into the ring post. Ciampa knees Styles in the head and gets a two count, then they trade forearm shots before Styles hits a facebuster. Ciampa rolls outside as Miz checks on him, and Styles gives chase. Styles hits a dropkick and Ciampa retreats once more. 

Styles hits a backbreaker and a facebuster, then goes for the Styles Clash. Ciampa gets away but Styles hits a suplex, then a forearm shot and heads to the apron. Ciampa stops him with a backstabber and goes up top for Air Raid Crash, but Styles counters and hits Styles Clash. Miz breaks up the pin and Styles runs outside, but Miz sends him into the barricade. The ref begins his count, and Miz hides behind the barricade, holding Styles’ foot to try and get him counted out. Styles breaks free and runs inside, but Ciampa cracks him with a kneelift and hits Fairytale Ending for the win. 

Winner – Ciampa 

Lashley comments on his new challenger and says Ciampa got help from Miz, but he has no problem defending his title. He says he humbled Theory and he will restore prestige to the US title. 

Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship
The Usos (c) vs. Dominik & Rey Mysterio 

The Usos start off on the offensive before Rey finally catches them off guard with a strike, and Dominik gets the hot tag and scores several neckbreakers on Jimmy and Jey. Dominik kicks Jimmy in the face and dropkicks him into the ropes, then Dominik goes for a 619 but Jimmy slides under the ropes. Dominik dives over the ropes and gets caught, and the Usos throw him into the barricade and watch the referee start his count. Dominik makes it back up and gets the tag to Rey, who hits the ropes and ends up springboarding right into a thrust kick by Jey. Jimmy tries to get involved by Rey kicks both of them, then Dominik assists with a 619. Dominik hits a frog splash but Jey breaks up the pin, then Rey throws Jey outside and Jey pulls him under the rope and superkicks him. Dominik dives on Jey before climbing back up top, but Jimmy catches him with an uppercut on the turnbuckles and goes for a superplex. Dominik throws a few punches and knocks Jimmy down, then dropkicks him into the ropes and goes for another 619. Dominik hits the ropes and doesn’t see Jey make the tag, and Jey pulls Jimmy out of the way before hitting the 1D for the win.

Winners – The Usos

The Judgment Day attacks The Mysterios after the match until Edge makes the save. Edge unloads on Balor and Priest, firing off punches before hitting an Impaler DDT on Balor. Edge goes for a spear, but Rhea shoves Dominik in the way. Edge inadvertently takes Dominik down, then he chases Balor through the crowd as the medical staff checks on Dominik.


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