Credit: IMPACT Wrestling

IMPACT Wrestling Results (5/5/22)

This week on IMPACT Wrestling, JONAH and PCO finally try to settle the score in a IMPACT staple: a Monster’s Ball match! Plus, Ishii battles Steve Maclin in singles action.

May 5, 2022
Commentary: Tom Hannifin & Matthew Rehwoldt

Tables Match
Brian Myers vs. W. Morrissey

Morrissey starts off on the offensive. He Pulls out a table and soon back drops Brian spine first onto the ring apron. He sets a table up on the entryway side and goes to powerbomb Myers but Myers lands on his feet and scurries back into the ring. He powers Morrissey over for a vert suplex. Myers talks trash and gets a boot for his troubles. He goes to powerbomb W. once more, but Matt Cardona coes out and it’s two on one. Morrissey gets double suplexed, but finds momentum with opposite corner splashes.  Morrissey hits a double chokeslam. Out comes Chelsea Green with Matt’s Digital Media Title. Morrissey aims to powerbomb Green once more, but the Major Players gang up on him. Morrissey avoids a powerbomb attempt from the MPs once more and fights on. He boots a broken table into the fact of Myers and he then scares Cardona off. Jordynne Grace comes from behind and gets Matt in the ring. It’s two on one and Jordynne nails a spine-buster. Morrissey  leans a table and Grace has Matt up in a powerbomb. Morrissey boots him down and through the table. Chelsea then gets chased off by Grace. Morrissey is hit with a half table. Myers talks trash and sizes him up for the Roster Cut, but Morrisey nails him with a sidewalk slam. He then hoists Myers up and sends him through the table on the outside.

WINNER: W. Morrissey

Willie Mack and Rich Swann are going to take on Jay White and Chris Bey, but get interrupted by Matt Cardona and his broken Major Players.

X-Division Championship
Rocky Romero vs. Ace Austin (c)

Rocky shows he has Ace well scouted and gets a nice offensive flurry in. Ace catches him with a drop toe hold, but Rocky ends up hitting repeated clotheslines in the corner but a kick to the face turns Romero inside out. We go to break.

Back from it, Austin keeps a pretty good range of control on Rocky as he takes it to Rocky on the outside. He tries to get the win via countout, but Rocky comes to and catches Ace with a hurricanrana to the outside. Back in the ring, Rocky hits a tornado DDT for a near fall. Rocky nails a sliced bread for another near fall.

Rocky catches Ace in an intense single leg crab but Ace makes it to the ropes. Rocky gives Ace a hard shot, but Romero gets caught with a spin kick. Ace sizes him up and hits The Fold. 1-2-3.

WINNER and STILL X-Division Champion: Ace Austin

Trey Miguel comes out and reveals that he’s going to face Ace at Under Seige.

Josh Alexander cuts a promo on his upcoming match against Ishii at Under Seige.

Damarus vs. Masha Slamovich

Very quick. Masha slams Damarus down with a Snow Plow for the 1-2-3.

WINNER: Masha Slamovich

Raj Singh has a warning for Bhupinder Gujjar.

Bullet Club vs. Rich Swann & Willie Mack

Mack and Swann show fluiditiy against the Bullet Club. They have major control but BC gets Willie isolated for Bey’s cutter and they get the win.

WINNERS: Bullet Club

Post-match, an all-out brawl goes down between Bullet Club and Honor No More.

Decay freaks Tasha Steelz and Savannah Evans out with smoke and mirrors trickery.

Steve Maclin vs. Tomohiro Ishii

Maclin starts off having some issues adjusting to Ishii’s hard hitting style and we cut to a break as he recoups and reasses. Maclin hammers away and Ishii stands strong until Steve levels him down for a two count. The game goes to submission and Ishii fights from underneath. The crowd soon chants for Ishii who makes it to the bottom rope in a Boston Crab. That’s the second time in the bout he had to get free from submission via rope break. Ishii finds his window back with a huge German suplex. Ishii favors his lower back which Maclin has worked a good deal of the match. Maclin nails a clothesline. Ishii fights back and gets nailed with a brainbuster. 1-2-3.

WINNER: Tomohiro Ishii

Monster’s Ball Match

The fight starts off backstage, but then they brawl onto the stage and down the entryway. JONAH feigns “begging off” but gives PCO a shot. JONAH nails a suplex on the diamond plated entryway and we head to break.

Back from it, weapons are strewn all throughout the ring as there are two chairs set up facing one another. PCO climbs up and nails a hurricanrana to JONAH through the chairs. JONAH goes outside to the ring and grabs hold of a sledgehammer. He nails PCO with the brunt of it. JONAH cracks him with a trash can lid. He jams PCO’s face into the leg of the chair. “PCO” chants go down for the French Canadian Frankenstein. He sits PCO in the chair and JONAH hits him with a crossbody. PCO is still stirring and trades shots with JONAH.

PCO dents a ladder with his body (big time). JONAH pulls out a table and brings PCO to the apron. The two monsters trade shots. PCO gets back in the ring and more shots are traded in the center of the ring. PCO nails a DDT to JONAH on a trash can. “PCO” chants once more leads him to nailing a senton to the outside.  He hits a Reanimator from up top on the apron to JONAH. He gets a near fall in the ring and then sends JONAH head first into the corner into a steel chair. JONAH gets a receipt by vaulting PCO into a pile of chairs mid-ring. JONAH is fiery and goes to the outside. He grabs thumbtacks.

A big spot occurs when PCO cracks JONAH in the head with a sledgehammer and he careens into the table on the outside. PCO nails a moonsault mid ring and picks up the win.