WWE WrestleMania 38 Results 
Credit: WWE

WWE WrestleMania 38 Night 2 Results (4/3/22)

WWE WrestleMania 38 Night 2 Results 
April 3. 2022
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Catch up on last night’s coverage here: WWE WrestleMania 38 Night 1 Results (4/2/22)

In-Ring Segment: Triple H

The crowd drains Triple H out with cheers. Triple H plays to the crowd before grabbing a microphone. Triple H says he just wanted to come out here and say thanks. To show us his love the best way he knows how; he screams welcome to WrestleMania. Triple H leaves his wrestling boots and the mic in the ring.

Raw Tag Team Championship Match: RK-Bro (c) vs. The Street Profits vs. Alpha Academy

Gable, Riddle, and Ford start the match. Gable shooshes Riddle and Ford. Ford and Riddle attack Gable. Ford and RIddle battle. Gable lands a German suplex on Ford. Riddle breaks it up with a broton. The ring eventually clears. Ford dives over the ring post and lands on everyone. Gable climbs up top and lands a moonsault to the outside. Otis and Gable land their German suplex/lariat combo. Otis flattens Riddle with a big splash. Gable and Otis take turns beating down Riddle. Ford eventually makes it back in the ring and lands a dropkick. Gable sends Ford flying with a monkey flip. Ford lands face first but manage to kick out of Gable’s pin. Ford backflips out of a suplex and tags in Dawkins. Dawkins suplexes everyone.

Silencer by Dawkins. Otis breaks up the pin with a splash. Riddle drops Dawkins with the GTS. Riddle finally manages to tag in Orton, who crushes Ford with a powerslam. Orton sets up a hangman’s DDT. Ford pulls Orton out of the ring. Orton suplexes Ford on the announce desk. Gable charges in and gets suplexes on the table as well. Orton and Riddle hit duel hangman’s DDTs. Riddle and Orton call for the RKO. Gable and Otis pull RK-Bro out of the ring.

Catch up on last night’s coverage here: WWE WrestleMania 38 Night 1 Results (4/2/22)

Otis and Gable land the Steiner Bulldog.  Ford kicks out. Ford flips out of a monkey flip and tags in Dawkins. The Street Profits hit a doomsday blockbuster. Gable kicks out. Dawkins sky-highs Orton. Ford goes up top. Dawkins hits a senton over the top. Riddle grabs Ford and hits the RKO off the top. Ford rolls out of the ring. Gable dives off the top and gets RKO’d by Orton. Orton pins Gable.

Winner and STILL Raw Tag Team Champions, RK-Bro!

After the match, Ford and Dawkins give Orton and Riddle cups to celebrate their victory. Ford yells for Gable Steveson to join them. As they toast, Gable rushes the ring and knocks the cup out of Steveson’s hand. Everyone leaves the ring. They don’t want any parts of this. Gable grabs a mic and tells Steveson to shoosh. Steveson waist locks Gable, walks around the ring, and tosses him with a nasty overhead belly-to-belly suplex.

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