WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE SmackDown Results (4/1/22)

WWE SmackDown Results
April 1, 2022
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Catch up on last week’s coverage here: WWE SmackDown Results (3/25/22)

Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal

The field thins quickly and the final four are Finn Bálor, Dolph Ziggler, Robert Roode, and Madcap Moss. Moss eventually dumps out all four men for the win…

Winner- Madcap Moss

Intercontinental Championship Match: Ricochet (c) vs. Angel Garza vs. Humberto Carrillo

Carillo and Garza immediately attack Ricochet, taking turns beating him down. Ricochet tries to fire up but as he tries a springboard Garza hooks his leg and keeps him in place. Carrillo hops up top and sends Ricochet flying with an arm drag. Garza and Carrillo hug before we cut to a break. After the break, Carrillo hits a disaster kick. Carrillo goes for the cover, which pisses off Garza. Carrillo goes up top for a moonsault.

Garza tries to cover Ricochet but Carrillo breaks it up. Garza tries the Wing Clipper but Carrillo rolls up Garza for a near fall. Ricochet is out on the mat as Garza and Carrillo argue. Ricochet takes them both out with a crossbody. Carrillo cuts Ricochet off as he goes up top. Ricochet pushes Carrillo off the top and he lands on Garza. Before anyone can react, Ricochet hits the 630 on Garza, then immediately pops to his feet and drops Carrillo with the Recoil for the win!

Winner and STILL Intercontinental Champion, Ricochet!

Naomi and Sasha Banks vs. Carmella and Queen Zelina

Vega and Carmella work over Banks. Banks manages to tag in Naomi. Naomi hits the Spiltlegged Moonsault for the win.

Winners- Naomi and Sasha Banks

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