Deonna Purrazzo Lady Frost Gisele Shaw
Credit: IMPACT Wrestling

IMPACT Wrestling Results (3/17/22)

Tonight on IMPACT Wrestling, Deonna Purrazzo puts both her titles on the line against Gisele Shaw and Lady Frost in a triple threat match.

March 17, 2021
Commentary: Tom Hannifan & Matthew Rehwoldt

Motor City Machine Guns vs. Chris Bey & Jay White

Alex Shelley goes for a handshake while Jay White goes for a “too sweet.” They exchange some offense briefly until Bey and Sabin get tagged in. Shelley wrenches the arm and focuses on Bey. MCMG isolate Bey. MCMG locks both BC members in octopus holds before doing a double team tope attack to the heels.

MCMG show their tag team expertise with continued smooth double teams. Sabin gets caught up top as Bey hits a dropkick from the mat to the top. After that, Bey senton dives to the outside on the Guns. Jay White gets tagged and jams his thumb in the eyes of Alex. He grounds Shelley for a chinlock and then elbows.

Bey hits a standing moonsault on Shelley, but Alex turns the tide with an flatliner in the corner. Sabin and White go at it. Big kick by Sabin dowwns Bey. Sabin puts White in a tree of woe as MCMG cannonball Bey into Jay. Big DDT from up top by Sabin. Snap suplex to Sabin to White in the corner. Bey takes over and hits a reverse TKO on Sabin. Two count. Two dragon screws to BC by Sabin. A DDT/kick double team by MCMG. Double kick to Bey in the corner. MCMG hit their neckbreaker dive double team to secure the split second win as Jay tries to make the save.

WINNERS: Motor City Machine Guns

Steve Maclin vs. Rhino

Anthony Carelli is on commentary. Bell sounds and it’s Maclin on the offensice. Rhino turns it around and gives some shots of his own.

After the break, Maclin is in vicious control. Maclin hits a DDT on Rhino for two. Maclin misses a diving headbutt. Rhino hits some thrusts in the corner before lariating him down. Maclin nails him with a belly-to-back suplex. Two count.

It’s Maclin who ends up Goring Rhino and getting the 1-2-3.

WINNER: Steve Maclin

Kaleb with a K is approached by IInspiration. They know his intentions were good at Sacrifice and they know he won’t let them down again.

Rhino is feeling the pain post-match backstage. Heath enters the picture. He says him and Rhino are better together and they should tag team it up again. Rhino is fired up.

Larry D vs. Bhupinder Gujjar

Brian Myers is on commentary (his own commentary table, mind you). Larry D corners Gujjar, but BG turns it around with a low dropkick. He nails a standing elbow drop for two. Out comes Raj Singh. Larry hits some hammer throws after Bhupinder with some hammer throws. A back elbow downs Gujjaar for a two count. Larry continues his assault by hitting a big time clothesline. Two count. Larry gouges the eyes of Bhupinder. D has Gujjar on the move, but Gujjar hits a slingblade and a backbreaker. Rip chord knee followed by a Samoan Drop downs Larry. Gujjar is fired up, but Larry feeds him a knee.  Larry stomps Gujjar down and gets a near fall. Gujjar ducks a lariat, but Larry catches Bhupinder up top. Larry goes for a superplex, but Gujjar punches him off. He nails his second rope spear for the victory.

WINNER: Bhupinder Gujjar

Post-match, W. Morrissey comes out to get Myers. Raj Singh comes in to raise the arm of Bhupinder, but Gujjar shoves him down. Singh finds himself on the outside staring at Morrissey who powerbombs Singh through Myer’s commentary table.

We see Honor No More. Vincent, Kenny King and Matt Taven call out Josh Alexander. They came here and took what they wanted. Taven is going to show Alexander that tonight. Alisha Edwards enters to confront Eddie. She tells him that he is going down the wrong path.

Champ-For-Champ Challenge
Gisele Shaw vs. Lady Frost vs. Deonna Purrazzo (c)

The three women trade pins and Frost ends up being dropped by both fighters. Deonna gets dumped to the outside. Deonna hits a standing moonsault before locking in an armbar on Gisele. Submission to from Frost to Deonna and it’s Gisele who breaks the hold with a rope break. Frost kicks Deonna down in the corner. Shaw sweeps Frost and hits a senton on Frost for a two count. A double German suplex occurs for all women. Lady Frost nails a superplex on Deonna.  Shaw gets rolled up by Frost, but Gisele hits a superkick. Kick out at two. Shaw goes for a running knee strike but Frost spin kicks her down. Big blockbluster by Lady Frost. Shaw hits a Queen’s Gambit DDT on Frost for the 1-2-3.

WINNER and STILL AAA & ROH Champion: Deonna Purrazzo

Alexander cuts a promo on Taven before turning his attention to Moose at Rebellion.

The Good Brothers will face VBD for the IMPACT World Tag Titles and D’Amore reveals that eight teams will compete at Rebellion to get that Tag Title shot.

JONAH vs. Zickey Dice

JONAH swiftly hits a Psunami splash on Zickey for the fast 1-2-3.


Post-match, PCO is wheeled out on the gurney and gets up to go down to the ring. He stares down JONAH, rips off his neckbrace and begins battling. Pull-apart goes down.

We see footage of Tasha Steelz attacking Mickie James at her concert. She has a street fight with Steelz next week and Mickie is ready to give her the ass whooping she’s never gave her. Chelsea Green pleads with Mickie to have her in her corner. Mickie tells Green that she’s injured and she says it’s not worth further injury. She wants to offer her another rematch down the road. She tells Chelsea to trust her.

Masha Slamovich vs. Arie

Big suplex by Masha. Arie fights back briefl but a spinning heel kick downs her. Snow plow. 1-2-3.

WINNER: Masha Slamovich

We’re backstage with Zickey Dice. He doesn’t understand what’s going on. He’s got one hole in his game and maybe he just sucks as a wrestler. There has to be some kind of dojo, or factory or center. Gia Miller suggests a wrestling school. Zickey likes that idea.

We see a fine PSA for Swinger’s Dungeon. Lance Storm makes a cameo.

Matt Taven vs. Josh Alexander

The two jock for position. Both guys get their respective offense but Taven hits a unique Russian Leg Sweep onto the apron and then boots Josh off for a commercial break. Back from break, Taven was in control. Elevated flatliner followed by a submission choke keeps Josh grounded, but Josh goes on a suplex session. That’s thwarted by a twisting neckbreaker. Alexander gets some offense in including an impressive Northern Lights suplex. Alexander goes for a C4 Spike, but Josh favors his arm. Taven hits Josh with an enziguri and then a Purple Thunder Bomb. German suplexes by Josh and he nails three. Taven ends up kicking Alexander in the face. Punches are traded. A cross body to the back of Taven sends both men to the outside. Alexander rolls Taven back in.  Alexander goes for a C4 Spike once more but Matt sand bags him. Taven rolls Alexander with a handful of tights, but Josh kicks out. Matt goes for the Climax, but Josh has the ankle lock in. Taven just makes it to the ropes. The finish comes when Alexander hits a superplex but holds on for a C4 Spike and the 1-2-3.

WINNER: Josh Alexander

We see Moose pull up to a house with an envelope. It’s Josh Alexander’s house. He approaches his wife and says hi to his kid before leaving. Fin.