IMPACT Wrestling
Credit: IMPACT Wrestling

IMPACT Wrestling Results (2/10/22)

Tonight on IMPACT Wrestling, Matt Taven and Mike Bennett of Honor No More take on Rich Swann and Rhino in a small teaser before No Surrender.

February 10, 2022, Fort Lauderdale, FL
Commentary: Tom Hannifan & Matthew Rehwoldt

Josh Alexander starts off the show. He says without IMPACT Wrestling there may not be a Walking Weapon. He says he’s proud to stand next to his IMPACT brothers on February 19. He notes the World Title match with W. Morrissey & Moose. Alexander puts Scott D’Amore’s decision-making in question as he says Josh can’t handle his temper, but Morrissey seems to not be able his. One thing is for sure, whoever comes up champion, he’ll be ready to fight for the title. He’s about to invoke his rematch clause when Big Kon (Konnor from WWE) walks out.

Alexander is in street clothes, but makes clear he’s ready to fight here and now. A ref comes out and we have a match.

Big Kon vs. Josh Alexander

It’s not a long match as Alexander has Kon in an ankle lock and he’s forced to tap.

WINNER: Josh Alexander

Post-match, security comes out and so does Scott D’Amore. Alexander shoves him to the ground. There’s some “you deserve it” chants. He didn’t come out to talk about emotions in check and he didn’t come out to talk about World Title matches, but to reminisce a bit. D’Amore brings up watching him grow as a wrestler, Josh marrying his wife Jen and three years ago when the entire wrestling world was abuzz about being the hottest free agent in the business. D’Amore said no he wasn’t as he offered a contract to Alexander. At the time Alexander said he’s going to be a future World Champion. And he did. What more do you want? Alexander said he doesn’t need an EVP he needs his old coach. He needs D’Amore to get out of his way. He’s worked too damn hard to get where he was. He’s going to become the champion and get this company to the heights it’s never been before. He wants to do it for his family and fans. He wants to win this for his son. D’Amore says he wants this too but it’s a process. Alexander interrupts, he’s done with the process. Alexander threatens his free agency. D’Amore says that he’s had enough, his match is off at No Surrender and he’s sending him home. Alexanderr says he is home in IMPACT. D’Amore wants Alexander to be professional about this: he’s going home.

After the break, Steve Maclin approaches D’Amore to be on Team IMPACT. Scott makes it clear he’s going to let Team IMPACT decide that.

Out comes the ROH Women’s Champion, Deonna Purrazzo.

Open Challenge For ROH Women’s Championship or AAA Reina de Reinas Championship
Deonna Purrazzo (c) vs. Santana Garrett

Santana chooses the ROH belt. Deonna starts off on the offensive but the two women trade pin attempts. Garrett offers a hand in respect, but Deonna kicks it away. Deonna dropkicks Garrett out of the ring and we head to break.

Back from it, Garrett is grounded by Deonna with an arm wrench. Garrett arm drags herself free. She hits some running forearms before doing a handsping in the corner. She goes for a cover but Deonna kicks out. Garrett flips over and wrenches the neck.

Santana gets some offense in, but Deonna locks in a Fujiwa armbar. After a struggle, Garrett does escape, but Deonna rolls her over for the pin and the 1-2-3.

WINNER and STILL ROH Women’s Champion: Deonna Purrazzo

Scott D’Amore is confronted by Team IMPACT and they want Jonathan Gresham as their partner.

IMPACT Knockouts Championship
Chelsea Green vs. Mickie James (c)

This match is competitive and Tasha Steelz is on commentary. Chelsea Green uses one of Steelz’s moves and that upsets Steelz enough to attack Green. Ssvannah Evans trips Green up and the ref calls for the bell.

WINNER: Chelsea Green

Backstage last week’s debutee of Bhupinder Gujjar is interviewed. He’s proud to represent India and is then interrupted by Raj Singh. Gujjar walks off as Raj notes there must be some misunderstanding.

Kaleb with a K is approached by IInspiration. They want him to take pictures. He reluctantly does and is caught by Madison Rayne.

Out comes Bullet Club. Jay White starts it on the mic. Tanga Loa starts cutting a promo and states that they’re going to beat the Good Brothers at No Surrender. Jay White says he had no idea that VBD were even bigger Bullet Club fans. Out comes VBD. Eric Young introduces himself to Jay White. They are what a real family looks like. They aren’t living in the past like Bullet Club. He lives in the ring now.

Jay White says Bullet Club is always on top, but he understands that they inspire Eric Young. He wanted to create his own BC with VBD. Problem with that is Eric is not Jay White. Eric wants a six man tag next week. How about right here, right now? That prompts the Good Brothers to come out. They credit themselves for making Bullet Club what it was. They want a “thank you.” Tama Tonga thanks them for leaving. Nobody remembers their several iterations of Bullet Club. GBs go over their tag team accolades.

“You got fired” chants occur before Tama tells Good Brothers they’re going to beat their ass at No Surrender.

Backstage, we see Jonathan Gresham laid out.

Matt Cardona tells Gia Miller that he was screwed out of the IMPACT World Title and he wasn’t offered a rematch. He said he was owed this World Digital Media Championship. He considers Jordynne the toughest opponent he’s faced. He knows at No Surrender Grace has her rematch. He’s always ready..

Honor No More (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) vs. Rich Swann & Rhino

Maria Kanellis is on commentary as Taven and Swann start it off. Swann low dropkicks Taven before giving Bennett an enziguri. There’s a confrontation on the outside between the rest of the factions and both get ejected.  We head to commercial.

Back from it, Taven hits a Blue Thunder bomb for a near fall on Swann. Swann gets attacked by both men as Bennett punts him and covers for a two count.

Rhino does get the hot tag and is on a tear, but Maria leaves commentary and throws salt in the Man Beast’s eyes. Taven hits a Climax for the 1-2-3.

WINNERS: Honor No More

Post-match, they take out Rich Swann before accosting Cary Silkin. Steve Maclin comes out for the save and Rhino gores HNM.

Ian Riccaboni thanks Steve Maclin for going out there. Maclin says HNM had it coming. Backstage, Maclin tells Team IMPACT they need him on the team. After much thought, they welcome Maclin to Team IMPACT.

Gisele Shaw made her grand entrance on BTI tonight and interrupted Lady Frost’s victory. Gia Miller asks about that moment and she says the spotlight is always on her. Next week it will be Shaw vs. Frost.

No DQ Match
Brian Myers (with Learning Tree) vs. W. Morrissey

VSK charges at Morrissey while entering and W. takes him out, then takes out Zicky Dice before the bell rings and he and Myers fight it out in the ring. VSK interferes. Myers hits a Roster Cut and Morrissey is laid out. He goes to pin but VSK stops him and they get the tables. Zicky crashes through it after a collision courtesy of Morrissey. The other table collapses before VSK and Myers set it back up. They lean it on the apron via the outside. Myers gets chokeslammed on the apron and Morrissey chokeslams VSK through the table. It looks like Learning Tree is out of the equation before we head to break.

After the break, the fight continues and we find a very near fall after Myers hits a Van Terminator on Morrissey with a trash can. Very close fall but Morrissey fights back. Several running avalanches in the corner. He smacks a kendos stick across the back of Brian before he breaks it in half. Big powerbomb by Morrissey. “One more time” chants. Morrissey presents a bag of thumb tacks. Morrissey powerbombs him twice on said tacks and picks up the 1-2-3.

WINNER: W. Morrissey

Immediately, Moose attacks Morrissey with a steel chair. Moose grabs another steel chair and choes Morrissey with it. He puts a chair over Morrissey’s head and smacks him with another chair against the ring post repeatedly.Moose holds up his undeserved title.