Photo Credit: Limitless Wrestling

Davienne Says Tommaso Ciampa Left A Lasting Impact On Her

Davienne is on a roll as Chaotic Wrestling Champion, but she literally rolled with Tommaso Ciampa while training back in the day. Davienne spoke with Emily Mae Heller and TK Trinidad of Women’s Wrestling Talk and discussed what it was like sitting under Ciampa’s learning tree back in New England.

“He probably doesn’t even remember me,” Davienne said. “I hope he does, because he did leave a lasting impact on me. When I first started training, I was probably close to a year, and I had my first match about eight months in. He was recovering from an injury. I was working very close to the New England Pro Wrestling Academy, so I would get to class 45 minutes to an hour early. He would just roll around with me and help me. The boys were like, ‘Why does Tommaso like you? He hates girls.’ I would reply, ‘I don’t know because I’m here and he just wants somebody to roll around with?’ Then when I was having my first match he went over stuff for me to do. He texted me after and asked if we got to do any of the stuff that we called. I told him no, and he was just saying, ‘Screw her. you’re better.’ One word of advice he gave me was when I went to Japan. I was 21, and everybody was saying, “Oh my God, you’re in Japan. Oh, it’s gonna be amazing.” He pulled me aside and said ‘try to not get too homesick, because I know it’s gonna be hard.’ He was the only one to say that. And I was like, man, like he just gets it. He’s just like one of the best, and to see where he’s at now is just so incredible. He’s so talented. He’s still one of my favorite wrestlers to watch.”

You can watch the full interview below:

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