IMPACT Wrestling
Credit: IMPACT Wrestling

IMPACT Wrestling Results (1/27/22)

Tonight on IMPACT Wrestling, Kaleb Konley subs in for Tenille Dashwood as The Influence takes on The IInspiration!

January 27, 2022, Dallas, TX
Commentary: Tom Hannifan

Tomm Hannifan reveals that Matthew Rehwoldt will be taking over color commentary moving forward as we start off with the opening match.

Chris Bey vs. Jake Something

Bey starts off with an explosive dropkick and his speedy offense until a back body drop and a massive right hand. Bey kicks at Something on the apron and to the outside. Bey does two high-flying manuevers to Something on the outside which downs the big fellow. Bey chokes Something with his boot in the corner. Neckbreaker by Bey gets a two count. A forearm to the face gete another count.

Something fires bac with a running body avalanche in the corner. A superkick to the jaw downs Jake and another two count for Bey. Rear naked choke by Bey as Something fights to get him off, even salmming his whole body on top of Bey. That still doesn’t break it, but Something powers up with a belly to back suplex.

Hammer and sickle by Something gives Jake a near fall, but a massive sit-out powerbomb flattens Bey for a two count. Jake goes for a spear in the corner, but Bey stomps on the spine of Jake. Something finally does hit a spear, but a reverse rana downs Jake. Two count. Bey punts Something down several times aand Jake keeps imploring hin for more. Bey kicks again, but a big body tackle levels Bey.  A spin-out powerbomb to Bey keeps him down for the 1-2-3.

WINNER: Jake Something

Post-match, Guerrilas OF Destiny invade to attack Jake. Mike Bailey comes in to help something. Jay White reverse half nelsons Bailey and G.O.D. stake their claim off-mic for The Good Brothers’ belts.

Before going to break, we see Honor No More is back in Dallas.

Back from break,  Josh Alexander, Chris Sabin, Rhino, Rich Swann and Eddie Edwards draw a line in the canvas as they protect the ring from Honor No More. Scott D’Amore comes out and after a confrontation with Maria Kanellis, D’Amore proposes a 10-man tag at No Surrender: IMPACT vs. Honor No More. If the latter wins, they’re “in.” Challenge accepted, but tonight it will be PCO vs. Chris Sabin in singles action.

Scott D’Amore introduces Honor No More to their “VIP room.” It’s a glorified storage closet. Enter Cary Silkin who makes clear that HNM doesn’t represent ROH in the right manner.

The Influence (Madison Rayne & Kaleb with a K) vs. The IInspiration

Cassie Lee and Rayne start things off.  Kaleb tags in and stares down Cassie. Lee catches him with a standing switch.  Cassie armdargs him down before he shoulder tackles her. Drop toe hold to aleb leads to a tag by Jessica McKay. IInspiration double team Kaleb and Rayne interferes allowing Kaleb to hit a superkick. We go to break.

Back from it, Madison has Lee grounded with an arm lock. Rayne taunts McKay as she feigns a tag to her with Cassie’s arm. Lee is cornered by Influence. Lee tries to fight back with a jawbreaker, but Madison maintains control. Hot tag comes to McKay when Kaleb hits his twig and berries one too many times. An indavertent DDT Rayne rfrom Kaleb gets a near fall for McKay.Kaleb soon gets slappped by McKay and hip tosses her before he uses a phone to take a photo. McKay boots Kaleb and tags in Cassie. Lee gets a near roll-up win, but aleb feeds a knee to her. Lee flips over for a Code Red like pin for the win.

WINNERS: The IInspiration

Backstage, Something thanks Bailey for his help. Enter Ace Austin and Madman. He feels bad he wasn’t there to help Speedball, but Something sees through that. Bailey says they could use the help against Bullet Club. Austin tries to weasel his way out of it, but Gail Kim overhears the conversation and makes it official: Bullet Club vs. Something, Bailey, Austin and Madman next week.

There’s a promo for Gisele Shaw coming soon.

Good Brothers approach VBD backstage about their troubles with the Bullet Club.  Eric Young isn’t too adament with helping, but Karl makes note that The Bullet Club is one more team in the way.  Good Brothers say they created BC, they have to kill it, but they need an injection of “violence.” Eric Young says the partnership will still continue.

Gail Kim introduces Mickie James for an address of the Knockouts Division. Mickie thanks Gail for her impact. She talks about the return of the Knockouts Tag Team Championship, Jordynne Grace as the Digital Media Champion, and the Ultimate X match. Mickie even gives credit to Deonna as being one of the greatest women wrestlers today. She says Deonna is #3 behind herself and Gail Kim. Deonna soon makes her exit. Mickie notes that they are two days away from a World Champion will be represented at the Royal Rumble. Mickie aims to win that and put her title on the line at WrestleMania: title vs. title, champion vs. champion. Chelsea happily interrupts. She says it’s not if, it’s when she wins the Royal Rumble. Chelsea asks to have the first shot at the Knockouts belt when she does. Mickie is about to okay that notion, but Tasha Steelz interrupts. She says she beat Chelsea not once, but twice. She says she plans to face Mickie at No Surrender. Matters unravel when Savannah Evans and Steelz attack Green and James. The good gals get the better of the heels and dump them out of the ring.

Steve Maclin is upset about his ROH Title match. He demands Gia to exit. Enter Jonathan Gresham. He offers Maclin another match next week, but not for the title and not under Pure rules. Maclin basically accepts.

We see Jordynne Grace get her win at TERMINUS. We cut to Gia with Grace who credits Cardona for pioneering the Internet Title, but that was back when MySpace was a thing.

Brian Myers comes out with a whole bunch of Learning Tree recruits to face W. Morrissey as Myers joins in on commentary.

W. Morrissey vs. Learning Tree (Nine other men)

Morrissey takes out Zicky Dice and four other men before taking to VSK. Big chokeslams to folks. W. throws VSK over the ropes onto his partners. Morrissey flips the remaining man in the ring and powerbombs him onto Zicky Dice. 1-2-3.

WINNER: W. Morrissey

Post-match, Brian Myers enters to talk trash and gives W. a cheap shot. He goes to chokeslam Myers, but Moose attacks from behind. The Learning Tree attacks Morrissey and the big man fights back only to be speared by Moose.

Raj Singh informs a miffed John Skyler that he’s got a new talent debuting next week.

Johnny Swinger vs. JONAH

Johnny goes for a single leg takedown, but JONAH knees him. Swinger rakes the eyes as we see AEW’s Dan Lambert in the crowd. Two running sentons keep Swinger grounded for his Psunami splash. 1-2-3.


PCO vs. Chris Sabin

PCO and Sabin fight back and forth. PCO powers Sabin around for quite awhile until Sabin dropkicks the knees and shoulder dives PCO down. Sabin goes for the Cradle Shock DDT, but Sabin can’t lift him. Honor No More trips Sabin up and PCO gets a near fall on Sabin. Eddie Edwatds then trips PCO up as a receipt. The ref sees that incident clearly and the ref tosses team IMPACT. We go to break.

PCO and Sabin both send one another to the outside, but it’s PCO who gets the advantage and senton cannonballs onto Chris through the ropes. He then do a dive from the top rope to the apron with another senton. He rolls Sabin back inside for a two count. Sabin rolls out of the way of a PCO moonsault. Sabin nails PCO with a missile dropkick before later nailing PCO with a leaping cross body. Two count. Sabin can’t get a cradle shock off but goes for a crucifix bomb pin for a near fall. A big shoulder block by PCO. Sidewalk slam to Sabin.

PCO goes for a Vader Bomb, but Sabin gets his knees up charging Enziguri to PCO. Sabin gets him up for a Cradle Shock and instead gets interfered with by the ringside Honor No More members. This allows PCO to hit a Bully Ray Bomb for the 1-2-3.


Honor No More immediately attack Sabin but back comes Team IMPACT. They trap Vincetn and Alexander gets him in an ankle lock. His heel team pulls him free and that ends the show.