WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (11/15/21)

WWE RAW ResultsWWE RAW Results 
November 15, 2021
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Catch up on last week’s coverage here: WWE RAW Results (11/8/21)

In-Ring Segment: Big E

Big E notes since he won the WWE Championship everyone has had their eyes on him. The matter at hand is Roman Reigns. Their match at Survivor Series was just supposed to be brand vs. brand, champion vs. champion, but Reigns put his hands on Big E’s family. Now, Big E is going to beat Reigns like he stole something. As for tonight, Big E wants Kevin Owens in the ring right now. Owens walks out on the stage. Big E stares daggers at Owens.

Owens says he’s got something to get off his chest. It was Big E’s fault he earned his third straight loss since returning to RAW. It’s Big E’s fault everyone is questioning his integrity. Last week, Owens snapped. Owens was never lying but since everyone loves Big E, they believe it. Everyone who believes Big E can go to hell. Perception is reality, so Owens is going to be the bad guy everyone says he is. Owens is about to break bad on everyone backstage.

Everything that happens from here on out is Big E’s fault. Big E tells Owens to bring his ass down to the ring. Owens walks away. Big E power walk up the ramp. The Usos attacks Big E from behind. The Usos drag Big E back to the ring and continue their assault. Jey grabs a mic and says Reigns sends his regards. Jey adds that RK-Bro can get it too. Riddle hits the ring and attacks Jimmy and Jey. Riddle and Big E clear the ring. Sonya Deville walks out on the ramp and books them in a tag team match right now. Seth Rollins walks down to the ring to watch the match.

Big E and Riddle vs. The Usos

Big E knocks Jimmy into the corner and lays in a few strikes. Corner spear by Big E. Rollins is at the commentary desk calling the match. Big E floors Jimmy with a back elbow. Riddle tags in and gets double-teamed by Jimmy and Jey. Jey whips Riddle into the corner but Riddle backflips off the ropes. Front kick by Riddle.

Riddle tags in Big E, who suplexes Jey in the ring and Jimmy over the top rope. Outside the ring, Big E launches Jimmy at Rollins. Rollins narrowly avoids him. Rollins gets in Big E’s face. Big E decks Rollins. Big E slides back in the ring. Rollins rolls in and attacks Big E and Riddle to cause a disqualification.

Winners- Big E and Riddle

After the match, Jimmy, Jey, and Rollins beat down Big E and Riddle. Randy Orton hits the ring and RKOs Jey.

Big E and RK-Bro vs. The Usos and Seth Rollins

Orton and Riddle land an assisted-standing floating bro. Rollins and Riddle trade strikes. The Usos take turns working over Riddle. Riddle manages to tag in Big E. Big E suplexes everyone. Big E lands a big splash on Jimmy. Jimmy surprises Big E with an enziguri. Big E stumbles into the corner. Jimmy charges in and runs right in to sit down. Big E crushes Jimmy on the apron with a splash.

After the break, Rollins and the Usos are working over Orton. Orton manages to back suplex Jey. Orton tags in Riddle. Riddle clears the ring with a flurry of strikes, suplexes, and sentons. Rollins elbows Riddle in the back of the head. Before Riddle can drop, Rollins elbows Riddle in the face. Rollins pins Riddle.

Winners- Seth Rollins and The Usos

After the match, Jimmy holds Riddle as Jey charges in. Orton hits Jey with an RKO out of nowhere. Big E grabs Jey by his beard and tells him to tell “hi daddy Roman” that his message has been received. Big E has one of his own before dropping Jey with the Big Ending.

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