GCW Matt Cardona Alex Shelley
Image Credit: Game Changer Wrestling

GCW Evil Deeds Results (11/12/21): Matt Cardona, Jordan Oliver, Alex Zayne And More Stars Compete

On November 12, Game Changer Wrestling will present its “Evil Deeds” event from Detroit, MI.

The star-studded card includes Matt Cardona, Chelsea Green, Effy, Alex Zayne, Tony Deppen, Alex Shelley, Jordan Oliver, and many more.

The results are as follows:

Second Gear Crew (Effy and Matthew Justice) vs. Alex Zayne and Tony Deppen

Both teams drink some beer before the match. Zayne begins the bout with Effy, who accidentally takes out Justice with a dive to the outside. “The Sauce” launches Deppen onto their opponents and follows him with a dive to the outside. Deppen dodges Effy and makes him collide into Justice. He gives Zayn a boost as he dives onto Effy.

Zayne and Deppen go for a double-team, but Effy fires back with a clothesline. Effy puts a Mance Warner mask on and works with Justice to take control. He pays tribute to Warner’s “Knee pad down” bit and gets a two count. Deppen powerbombs Effy, and Zayne takes Justice down with a hurricanrana. The Second Gear Crew isolates Zayne and drops him with a Doomsday Blockbuster for a two count. Justice gets a door from beneath the ring, but he and Effy opt for a table instead.

Effy rocks Deppen with a stunner, and Justice pins Zayne with a splash through a table.

Winners: Second Gear Crew  

Gringo Loco vs. ASF

Gringo and ASF go back and forth with some fast-paced offense. ASF gains the upper hand and drops Gringo with a hurricanrana. A dive to the outside gives ASF even more momentum, and he earns a two count with a frog splash. Gringo floors ASF with a powerbomb and a slam for a two count of his own. Another slam earns Gringo another two count.

ASF floors Gringo with a tornado DDT. A falling powerbomb from Loco leaves both men down. A flurry of offense helps ASF take control. A slam off the top keeps ASF down for the count.


Winner: Gringo Loco

ASF and Gringo hug after the match in a showcase of sportsmanship.

Jordan Oliver and Nick Wayne vs. Atticus Cogar and Eddy Only

Cogar and Only gang up on Oliver and double-suplex him. Wayne stops Cogar from using his signature skewers, and Oliver rallies with a missile dropkick. A standing shooting star from Wayne sends Only to the outside. Oliver and Wayne dive onto their opponents outside the ring,

Cogar regains the advantage and grounds Wayne, and he flips off Oliver. Only and Cogar continue to isolate Wayn, as Only drops him with chop. Oliver eventually makes a hot tag and takes the fight to both of his opponents. He tosses Only with a suplex and slams Cogar with a package driver. Oliver barely breaks up the pin when Cogar drops Wayne with an Air Raid Crash.

Stereo superkicks stun Cogar, but an interfering Eric Ryan helps Cogar and Only avoid disaster. 44OH!, joined by Gregory Iron, attack Oliver and brutally stomp his leg.

The referee calls for the bell as officials tend to a wounded Oliver and help him to the back. Wayne faces down all four members of 44OH! and the 16-year-old takes the fight to them. He dives onto Only outside the ring, but Cogar crushes his dreams with a headlock driver for the win.

Winners: Atticus Cogar and Eddy Only

44OH! celebrates after the match.

A video package hypes up Chelsea Green’s match with Allie Katch.

Chelsea Green vs. Allie Katch

Green comes to the ring wearing a “Chelsea 4:69” shirt. She takes the microphone and says, “I am not Matt Cardona, so give me a chance.” Green says she broke her arm again, so she can’t wrestle Katch tonight. She promises to wrestle the next time she’s in Detroit. Katch takes the microphone, and Green attacks her from behind. She flips off the crowd and tells the referee to start the bout.

Green gets an early two count with a dropkick. She slams Katch face-first into the turnbuckle and chokes her in the ropes. Katch rallies and blasts Green with a clothesline in the corner. A cannonball in the corner gives Katch more momentum, but Green squashes her surge of offense. She gets a staple gun and tries to nail a picture of Cardona to her face. Katch rallies and staples the picture of Cardona’s face.

A bicycle kick drops Green, but she hits Katch below the belt. Katch no-sells it, but Green whips her down by her hair. A curb stomp earns Green a two count.


Katch rallies again and plants Green with a piledriver. She locks in a crossface with Green’s cast and makes her tap.

Winner: Allie Katch

To celebrate her win, Katch rips up the photo of Cardona. Green gets mad at the crowd after her loss.

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