Photo Credit: Jacobs Prichard Wrestling Academy

Dr. Tom Prichard On Perception WWE Isn’t Making New Stars: There’s A Lot Of Elements People Don’t See

WWE creating new stars, or not doing that, is a hot topic among the masses. However, if you listen to Dr. Tom Prichard, it’s not just as simple as blaming the people in charge.

The former WWE trainer recently appeared on the ‘It’s My Wrestling’ podcast and talked about how fans critical of WWE’s perceived lack of star power will point the finger, but it’s a little more complicated than just telling the company to allow talent to just go out and get over.

“When Vince came out and went on public TV, national TV, worldwide global TV and told everybody we’re not going to insult your intelligence we’re sports entertainment, we’re not really doing what you think we’re doing. Well, if you remember, that was right before the Attitude Era and things exploded so people even though they knew, they still wanted to see The Rock, Stone Cold, Mankind, The Undertaker, Kane, all those guys. Where are your Rocks, Shawn Michaels, Undertakers, Kanes and all of those guys today? I mean we got [Johnny] Gargano, Adam Cole. We’ve got some of the guys they want to talk about in NXT. I’m not a big guy either, but they don’t look like that, ‘mega star’ power to me. The Undertaker is a star, The rock is a star, Austin a star, Shawn [Michaels] is a start, Hunter a star. I don’t want to, but as much as some people want to knock everybody who’s responsible, they got to look in the mirror. I’m talking about the talent now — they’ve got to look in the mirror.

“Austin took it upon himself to change his gimmick, shave his head come up with ‘Stone Cold.’ It was Austin, it wasn’t the office. Rock was the one who came back says, ‘why are they booing me? I’m a babyface I’m doing what you guys are telling me.’ Like, wait a minute — no, do what you feel, do what is in your heart, do what is authentic to you. I love Drew McIntyre, I do. He looks tremendous. A lot of guys they’re doing great, I love Sheamus he’s tremendous. Roman Reigns, oh my god. So what’s missing? Is it scripts? Are we giving the guys scripts for promos? I really don’t know. I read just like everybody else does [on news sites] that “somebody gave you a script or things change four times that day, five times, changes are still going on the air…” Guess what, that’s what happens when you’re doing a live TV show. And for people who’ve never been in that environment and don’t understand why things change, there’s no explanation, no explanation will do. For those that believe, no explanation is needed, for those that don’t believe, no explanation will do.

“So, until everybody who wants to be an armchair booker is sitting behind that switcher in the production truck or is sitting in gorilla calling the spots, you don’t understand that they had six minutes going out to the ring and got cut down to a minute-and-a-half, and those guys are scrambling and they don’t have 15-20 years under their belt. They have four in NXT, and they’ve got to learn how to do that on the fly. That’s why, going back to developmental and we used to do that on a few occasions, we’d give you time to work with and then tell the referee ‘oh we had six, now we have a minute and a half.’ Adjust and adapt, there you are. You’re thrown into the water, but you’re in a pool surrounded by lifeguards. If you’re on RAW or Smackdown, it’s your partner that’s your lifeguard, and sometimes they don’t know themselves. The referee can tell you what to do, but he can’t have the match for you. So, there’s a lot of elements people don’t see, a lot of issues people aren’t aware of.”

Prichard would also delve into the topic that while many think Vince McMahon is out of touch with current pop culture, it’s not as bad as you’d think, pointing to WWE bringing in Grammy Award-winning musician Bad Bunny for this past WrestleMania.

“I knew [Bad Bunny] wrote a song for Booker T. And I knew he was a wrestling fan, and I knew he was very respectful, and he loved the business which is great, those are the kind of guys you want to bring in and get eyeballs on you. He’s on Saturday Night Live with the belt. He was on the Grammys or whatever. The effort was there, and you’ve got to have people around you to know what’s relevant, who’s relevant. As much as people want to say Vince is out of touch – maybe, maybe not, I don’t know as I’m not there but he has people and that’s why he brings in the young writers. He brings in people who may not have experience in wrestling, but it’s not a wrestling company its sports entertainment. He’s looking for the most money for the stockholders, looking for the best interest of the company, and his employees, and doing the best he can with what he’s got. And if it’s not working, he’ll find somebody else.”

Related: Dr. Tom Prichard On Fundamentals Always Being Relevant, Wrestling Losing Credibility

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