Moose Eddie Edwards IMPACT Wrestling
Credit: IMPACT Wrestling

IMPACT Wrestling Results (9/9/21)

Tonight on IMPACT Wrestling Eddie Edwards will challenge Moose, Rosemary will battle Tasha Steelz and Chris Bey will take on David Finlay. Plus, Rich Swann and Karl Anderson will go toe-to-toe in a Bunkhouse Brawl match.

September 9, 2021, IMPACT Zone, Nashville, TN
Commentary: Matt Striker & D’Lo Brown

Tasha Steelz vs. Rosemary

Rosemary initially gets the better of her tussle with Tasha as she bites her and then suplexes Steelz.  This turns into an upside down attempt. Tasha hits a bicycle kick on Rosemary and she takes control of the bout. The tide turns with a reverse DDT for a two count. Steelz hits a step-up bulldog for a two count too. Rosemary avoids an attack by Steelz and spears her for the win.

WINNER: Rosemary

Post-match Tasha Steelz steals the tag titles and Savannah Evans levels Decay from behind.

Ace Austin says he’s been prepared to the be the World Champ for a long time. They approach D’Amore. He thinks Christian Cage should face Madman Fulton next week. He’s available. Instead, D’Amore books a ten-man tag match between them all instead. Austin finds Brian Myers and wants him to join his team next week. Myers is in.

Eric Young is with Rhino in his prison. All of VBD is dressed in black. He’s released Rhino who says he’s in his purest form and EY says he’s baptized him in the holy waters of change.

Bunkhouse Brawl
Karl Anderson (with Doc Gallows) vs. Rich Swann

The two immediately get to battling and Anderson goes through a piece of plywood. Swann dives on top of Karl and hits him with a trash can lid. He does the same to Doc. He buzzsaw kicks Karl on the stage and uses the trash can lid before Anderson stops him. The fight continues ringside. He gives Doc a cheapshot before tangling Karl in the ropes and kicks his arm. Doc gets choked with a rope. Swann continues to beat the breaks off both the GBs until Karl attacks him from behind to wear Swann out with the trash can lid. Karl gives a vert suplex on the ramp as we head to break.

Back from it, Anderson wedges a chair in the corner but it’s Swann who sends Karl into the steel. Anderson fires back with some harsh uppercuts. He sends Swann into the other piece of plywood. Two count. Karl sends him into it once more. “This is awesome” chants. Anderson charges with a hip attack, but Rich moves and Karl goes into the board. Karl goes to attack Rich with the trash lid, but hits himself in the corner. Rich makes him pay with the lid and then a swinging neckbreaker. Rich almost secures a fall after a flurry but Karl kicks out. Spinebuster by Anderson. Two count. Anderson sizes up Rich for the Gun Stun, but Rich reverses it into a pin attempt. Kick in the corner by Rich. Anderson turns him inside out with a lariat. Doc slides in a table and the GBs set it up.

Rich ultimately ends up getting Karl on the table and climbs up top, but Gallows crotches him. Anderson hits the Gun Stun on top of the table that doesn’t break and gets the W.

WINNER: Karl Anderson

Gia Miller is backstage with Mickie James. She asks about Deonna Purrazzo attacking her. She should have seen it coming. Deonna isn’t going to make a name for herself on account of her. Well she’s no longer a producer. She takes her career very very personal. Perhaps she’s forgotten what Hardcore Country is. Deonna is gonna learn.

We see Matt Rehwoldt says art comes from a fire that cannot be explained. He wants Trey Miguel next week.

Josh Alexander feels prepared for Chris Sabin at Victory Road. He says although he won the X-Division title eight times, that means he lost it eight times. Christian Cage approaches him and asks him to be on his team. Alexander would be honored. He likes what Alexander said that he wants to be the face of the company. Nothing but respect for him.

Rohit says a lot of people are upset with him right now because what he did to Chelsea Green. Raju said she wanted the Tiger Knee. She wanted a real man to take control. Cardona is looking at two real men. It felt great.

Chris Bey vs. David Finlay

Bey immediately hangs inside the ropes that has Finlay frustrated. He does it again. Bey then powders. Finlay goes after him and takes some shots, including a crisp European uppercut and a hard knife edge. He knocks Bey down. Finlay breaks the count. Bey slides himself back in the ring and continues to evade Finlay. He catches Bey with a quick back elbow ant then a senton. Two count.

Bey nails Finlay with an elbow as David hangs over the second rope. Kick out. Bey continues to stay on the offense. Finlay fires back but gets a thumb to the eye and flips him over for a neck whip and a two count. Corner splash and attack that leads to a cross body for a two count. Belly to back by Finlay on Bey.

Finlay hits a diving back elbow for a two count. Bey blocks a move and attacks, but Finlay rolls through and nails a uranage backbreaker. Kick out, but Finlay keeps hold to turn his attack into a crossface. He turns this into a modified crossface, rings of Saturn. Bey eventually gets his foot on the ropes to break the hold.

Finlay signals for the end, but gets rolled up in a small package for a two count. Big spinebuster by Bey. Two count.

The finish comes when Juice Robinson comes out after being gone for weeks. This is enough of a distraction  for Finlay to get the roll-up win.

WINNER: David Finlay

Post-match, Hikuleo comes out and attacks Fin Juice. He wedges a chair on Juice’s leg and stomps on it.

Backstage, Alexander and Sabin are sitting to sign their match contract. The two exchange words. Scott D’Amore tells them that they’re both outstanding pro wrestlers. When it’s all said and done, the winner will stand tall and he believes the two should shake hands. Alexander tells him to bring his best. He exits and Christian enters. He wants Sabin on his team as well. Sabin agrees.

TJP, Fallah Bahh and No Way all enter Swinger’s Casino. TJP lays all his money down on Steve Maclin beating Petey Williams. Swinger kicks them out but we see Kimber Lee lurking in the shadows.

Steve Maclin vs. Petey Williams

Maclin catches Williams after a cross body and turns it into a vert suplex. Double underhook backbreaker. Boos for Maclin. Hard chops from Petey. The two trad shots. German suplex by Williams. He then hits a Russian for a pin attempt of two. Baseball dropkick to Steve from the outside. He dives onto the floor from the outside. Springboard codebreaker by Williams. He goes for the Canadian Destroyer, but is interrupted by TJP, No Way and Fallah for a Conga Line. That gives Maclin enough for his Mayhem finisher and he gets the win.

WINNER: Steve Maclin

Eddie Edwards admits he got his ass beat last week and it won’t matter if there’s W. Morrissey in Moose’s corner. Sami Callihan interrupts him and says if he’s ready for his help yet. No way, Eddie says. Christian comes in and wants them both on his team for next week. Sami is down but Eddie isn’t. He lets the decision be Christian’s choice.

After the break, Morrissey and Moose want to be on Ace Austin’s team. That’s what’s happening too.

Moose  (with W. Morrissey) vs. Eddie Edwards

After the break, the two men trade shots. Moose soon gets the better of it with hops in the corner. Moose levels Eddie with a pop-up Manhattan Drop. More chops in the corner. Eddie does the same with rapid chops. He dumps Moose to the outside, but Moose leaps back on the apron to hang Eddie’s arm over the rope. This puts Moose back in control. Dueling chants for Eddie and Moose. The two fight to the floor. We go to break.

Back in the ring, further shots are traded between the two men. Eddie delivers an impressive lariat on Moose that is about to be capitalized by a Boston Knee Party, but Moose catches him for a powerbomb. Eddie hits a Radio silence on Moose and nearly gets the win, but he has to go after Morrissey on the outside. Getting back in the ring, Eddie gets speared and Moose gets the win.


Morrissey and Moose go on the attack, but Sabin comes in to even the odds. Brian Myers, Zicky Dice and Sam Beale enter the fold. Alexander does the same and hits  C4 spike. Madman and Austin come out next and we get Christian Cage. He goes for the Killswitch but Madman saves Austin. He gets the KS instead. Morrissey soon big boots Eddie Edwards. Moose and him once more attack Eddie. Alisha Edwards comes to attack with a Kendo. She is grabbed by Morrissey and the lights flicker. Sami Callhian hands Eddie the bat. The ring is cleared and Christian tries to play peacemaker between the two. The two men clang bats together in an indication of a clean slate. That’s how the show ends.