samoa joe
Photo Credit: WWE

Samoa Joe Has A Greater Appreciation For Broadcasting After His Run As A WWE RAW Commentator

Being a professional wrestling commentator isn’t as easy as it may seem, according to Samoa Joe.

The WWE NXT star recently appeared on the ‘Out Of Character with Ryan Satin’ podcast and discussed his time as part of the Monday Night RAW commentary team. Joe explained how he got started on commentary and talked about just how challenging it can be.

“I think I had done a few spots on the pre-show that they [WWE officials] enjoyed and when I got injured they asked me if I wanted to come in and do color [commentary] on RAW and I said sure. I really wasn’t asked it was just kind of ‘hey, what’re you doing on Monday?’ and they asked me to come on in and do color and it just kind of evolved from there. I never really thought about doing it, I never really thought of it as something that I was gunning for or that it would be something that I could see myself transitioning to after wrestling.

“But I had a lot of fun, it was a good time, it was cool to see a different aspect of the business after being in it for so long. Just seeing all the cams and being on the production end and getting a handle for everything that goes into the tremendous job of producing. Even as a wrestler, we don’t get a full scope of everything that goes on behind the scenes and how much these two fall into place at the exact right time and my experience on commentary definitely gave me a greater appreciation for that.”

Related: Samoa Joe On Giving Advice To Younger Wrestlers: You Need To Spend Time Observing Conflict