MLW Fusion results
Credit: MLW

5/6 MLW Fusion Results: El Jefe Arrives, ‘Open Draft’ Announced

It is the season finale of MLW Fusion (presented by and we are in store for quite the finish as Rush/Reed 2 is set to go down, but before that, another familiar face of the Middleweight division returns to make a statement in the squared circle.

Gringo Loco vs. Laredo Kid

Days after the historic title vs title match in February, Laredo Kid refused to acknowledge the title switch. The bone of contention? That Lio tapped out! Lio, never shy, took to Twitter to address the issue. Laredo has a new Cruiserweight title and insisted on competing tonight – the same night Lio is defending the World Middleweight Title. Think he’s sending a message? That opponent is the bigger Gringo Loco who attempts to use the weight advantage against Laredo, but LK shows his quickness with an off-the-top hurricanrana! LK feels that momentum and leaps out of the ring to hit Gringo with another one!

Gringo Loco manages to use power to his advantage by laying Laredo out with a Samoan Drop into a tornado DDT. Loco then locks him into a modified deathlock to wear LK down.

Gringo goes for a moonsault but Laredo avoids it. LK tries one of his own from up top, but Gringo catches him and plants him crisp on the canvas: 1-2-no!

Both men brawl it out in the corner and Gringo ascends the ropes, a kick dazes him and LK leaps off once more with another awe-inspiring hurricanrana! 1-2-kick out by Loco!

LK props Gringo up top and a kick to rib cage rattles Loco. Laredo lays it all on the line with a belly-to-belly somersault avalanche and the match is over!

WINNER: Laredo Kid

Last week, we saw Salina de la Ranta swept off by a mysterious man after going against El Jefe’s wishes and we’re hopefully going to get answers to her whereabouts tonight.

Alexander Hammerstone is really pissed off that Josef Samael denied his challenge for Jacob Fatu’s World Heavyweight Title, but then he realizes that’s exactly what Josef wants. Well now he’s thinking straight and there’s no question that he’s pulling the strings. Why is Samael protecting the Samoan Werewolf? He knows Fatu ain’t scared of anything, he believes that he’s unbeatable, but Samael doesn’t. He’s looking at the man who can unseat Fatu. Once “Daddy Josef” stops protecting Fatu, we’ll finally get the fight we’ve been waiting for.

Alicia Atout confirms that Josef is right that he can control who gets a title shot: there’s one caveat – Battle Riot 3. Atout additionally confirms an “Open Draft” over the course of the next month and it starts next week!

The Von Erichs were one for two following the last week, but Marshall wants to make a promise: there’s a reckoning coming July 10 in Philly. He’s going to end Lawlor with the Claw – he promises that.

Richard Holliday vs. Ariel Dominguez

Holliday makes sure his Air Pods are secure before the bell rings as Ariel amps himself up. Dominguez gets noted for his amateur wrestling background, but Holliday highlights his strength as he keeps his adversary grounded. That all gets with a major boot to the mush. All of it quickly unravels for Dominguez when Rich pops Ariel up high and then nails his 2008 finisher for the W.

WINNER: Richard Holliday

Post-match, Alicia is standing by to interview Holliday, but out comes Gino Medina. Atout makes clear it isn’t his time. Gino acts like he’s leaving but Medina hits Holliday hard from behind. “You didn’t fire me,” Gino states, “I quit, bitch.” Richard then gets DDT’ed on the stage which prompts the MLW medical staff check on him.

MLW World Middleweight Championship
Myron Reed vs. Lio Rush (c)

The prestigious prize is raised, the bell rings and Reed/Rush 2 is underway. Lio lightly shoves Reed before the two rivals lock up. Myron wrenches Lio down via the left arm, but Rush reads Reed’s game plan and rolls out of it.

The two men lock it up. and now it’s Lio wrenching the arm, but not to be outdone, Reed rolls out of Rush’s clutch. Myron catches Rush off at the pass not once, but twice. The two men have one another so well scouted that they both evade respective attacks.

Reed finds a window with a leg drop over the rope and on the apron. He then jumps in the ring to hit Rush with another leg drop to the back of the head. This causes Rush to roll out of the ring to reassess. It pays off as Lio lays in an enziguri to take control of the bout.

Reed soon goes for a lariat but Lio whips through for a Russian leg sweep. He hits a standing frog splash and that gets him a two count.

Rush begins to focus on the back leg of Reed before shoving him in the corner. He hits a crisp belly-to-back on the challenger for a near fall. Rush wraps Reed in a sleeper, but it’s Myron who shows strength by almost tossing Lio off. Rush stays patient and keeps locked in. He begins to torque the leg and limbs of Myron. Both men eventually do find themselves on their feet, but that doesn’t last long as Reed gets sent to the floor for an Asai moonsault attempt. Reed avoids that and leaps on top of Lio. Hot Fiyah is indeed fired up!

Back in the ring, Reed nails Lio with a leaping lungblower. Two count.

Ray Flores says it best as it is a “war of wills” between the two fighters. Lio shows that will with a reverse hurricanrana and then a one-man Spanish fly! Somehow Reed kicks out and Lio yells in frustration.

Lio quickly slaps at Reed for some head games, but Reed fires back with a headbutt. The scales of momentum go back and forth as it’s Rush who dives on Reed on two separate occasions!

Lio springboards at Reed for a Stunner, but Reed catches Lio for an inverted suplex. Reed hits a flying cutter and then an Air Raid slam for such a near fall! Myron can’t believe it.

Rush lays Reed out harshly with a swift spinning roundhouse. This allows Rush to rise up top, but Reed wisely rolls under the ropes to thwart any such high-flying. Reed catches Rush hard with a strike on the apron. He follows up with an attempted cutter on the outside, but Lio scouts it and shoves him into the post! Reverse hurricanrana before nailing his “Final Hour” frog splash. The momentum pops Lio off a cover and it allows just enough time for Myron to get his shoulder up at two.

Lio takes his time to assess what he’s going to do for a follow-up. He unwraps his wrist tape and then picks Reed up on his shoulders, but it’s Myron who hits the Cap’n Crunch and follows it up with his No Cap Splash! 1-2-3!

WINNER and NEW MLW World Middleweight Champion: Myron Reed

This victory marks Myron Reed as the first-ever competitor to become the lone two-time champion in Major League Wrestling history! Lio walks away frustrated as Jordan Oliver and Calvin Tankman join Reed in a well-deserved celebration to close out the season finale of MLW Fusion!

We’re not done however as we see a hooded Salina de la Renta brought into the office of none other than “El Jefe” who says she “failed his believers.” When he rescued Promociones Dorado from financial failure, all he asked for was gold and violence. She didn’t deliver, but that’s alright. Salina of all people should know that requires sacrifice. He receives a phone call and confirms that he’ll see the caller July 10 in Philadelphia.

Read More: MLW Open Draft Starts Next Week, Battle Riot Returns