MLW Fusion results
Credit: MLW

MLW Fusion Results (4/14/21)

There’s three championship bouts this week on MLW Fusion (presented by as we get set to see the Dynasty detonate as Richard Holliday defends his (suspiciously acquired from Savio Vega) Caribbean Championship against former Dynasty “bro” in Gino Medina.

Salina de la Renta however has arrived to the building and has a plan that will dethrone Alexander Hammerstone as Openweight Champion against Mil Muertes. It will leave her, “El Hefe” and Azteca Underground all the gold. As she continues to gloat, the mysterious associate appears and shoves the camera man. Is Salina going into business for herself?

IWA Puerto Rico Caribbean Championship
Gino Medina vs. Richard Holliday (c)

Bell sounds as the two former faction mates jaw jack before shoving and getting down to business. Gino capitalizes with a crisp calf kick that sends Rich rolling out of the ring. Shots and chops are traded between the two and it’s Gino who slingshots himself back in the ring to only receive a back elbow for a near fall.

The two competitors jock for position in the corner and Gino almost squeaks out a victory with his feet on the ropes, unbeknownst to the official.

Medina continues his offense with a massive short arm clothesline and stomps on the left hand of Rich. He chokes Holliday with his hoof in the corner. The mind games are very prevalent on the end of Medina, but it’s very much a teeter totter of hard shots. Holliday does catch Medina with a superkick and enforces a spinebuster for a very near fall.

Holliday further gets rocked with a snake eyes and then hits a big knee for another two count. The mind games continue with Gino as he hits Holliday’s own 2008 and covers: 1-2-no!

There is however an exposed turnbuckle and Gino does hit a 540 kick, but he ends up colliding with that turnbuckle. Richard hits his 2008 and gets the 1-2-3! Richard retains!

WINNER and STILL IWA Puerto Rico Caribbean Champion: Richard Holliday

A few weeks back The Von Erichs took on Violence is Forever in a Chain Ropes Match. We check in on Marshall Von Erich who was put on the 10-day injury list after the bout. Marshall is sick of Team Filthy and in comes Kevin Von Erich with some news. NOAH World Champion, Keiji Muto, wants to show the brothers a few things to enhance their in-ring acumen, but Kevin advises Marshall to stay home and focus on recovery. Ross, however, gets ready to pack his bags for Japan!

We see Hammerstone standing by in his locker room. He says tonight is the end of the Openweight run around as the “Man of 1,000 Deaths” becomes “The Man of 1,000 ass kickings.”

The bad blood has been brewing between TJP and Bu Ku Dao as the latter recovers. The former joins Alicia Atout for a sit-down interview. She brings up TJP’s fine and suspension, but TJP believes that such talk is unneccessary. Alicia then reveals that Bu Ku is cleared to compete. TJP is okay with that as it will be short and sweet. He’ll break him in half. This goes down next week!

MLW World Tag Team Championships
The Dirty Blondes (with Aria Blake) vs. Los Parks (LA Park & El Hijo de LA Park) (c) (presented by Salina de la Renta)

The Dirty Blondes and Blake are being bankrolled by Col. Robert Parker and they put their money where their mouths are by immediately beating down Los Parks. Michael Patrick pounds LA Park’s head against the corner while Leo Brien headbutts El Hijo. The challengers continue that offense and send the father and son colliding with one another.

The foursome get tangled up in the corner and it allows LA Park to slingshot crossbody himself on the Blondes for a near fall!

Los Parks looks to continue that offense, but Aria Blake and Brien pull the champs to the outside to incite a donnybrook!

Back in the ring, complete carnage commences with a series of clotheslines that has El Hijo standing tall. Patrick low blows the son up top and then crashes on top of him for a cover, but the father holds the hand of the official to prevent the win!

Patrick then low blows LA Park, but meanwhile, the Azteca associate lifts up the ring skirt to reveal LA Park Jr. As the official and Blondes have their backs turned, Park Jr. sneaks up with stereo low blows. This allows the legal Los Parks to roll the Blondes up for the three count!

WINNERS and STILL World Tag Team Champions: Los Parks

Post-bout, Blake and Salina slug it out as this chaos continues to go down!

The feed cuts to CONTRA’s Mads Krugger who claims that Hammerstone has lost his spark since the Baklei Brawl and he thoroughly enjoys hunting Hammer down as Mads madly awaits a shot at the Openweight Title!

Earlie in the week, Alicia Atout is shown sitting with Lio Rush who has some strong words about himself “The Man of The Hour”:

“I plan on doing exactly what I’ve been doing for the past six years of being the best wrestling in the world and that’s going out there showing the world exactly why I am the ‘Man of the Hour,’ why I am the ’25-Year Old Piece of Gold’ and you know what? I’ve got fans out there! They want to see me defend this championship so that’s exactly what I’m going to do.”

We then cut to Myron Reed who notes people have been asking him about his rematch. MLW is not holding him back, but CONTRA was in his way. He had to make sure that he didn’t sabotage said rematch. CONTRA has made him a stronger wrestler. Lio doesn’t deserve to have his belt: “Rush Reed 2 – let’s get it!”

Next week, MLW CEO Court Bauer will be in the house to detail some upcoming TV deals, but now, it’s main event time.

MLW National Openweight Championship
Mil Muertes (presented by Salina de la Renta) vs. Alex Hammerstone (c)

Bell rings and Hammer hits Mil with a pump kick. Muertes fires right back but Hammer throws him with a big time belly to belly. Mil continues to strike back, but it’s Hammer who downs him with a massive missile dropkick from up top!

The two behemoths battle on the outside and Mil sends him hard into the ring post before breaking the 20 count. He continues to dole out punishment on Hammer and Mil continues to stomp away at Alex in the corner.

Belly to back suplex by Mil. He feeds knees into the back of Hammer before stomping on the champs head. Hammer shows resiliency as he fights back, but Mil continues his frightening offense.

Vicious lariats in the corner by Muertes. Hammer gets a foot up but a big time clothesline downs the champion. Repeated shoulder thrusts in the corner. Hammer does elude a charge of Muertes and it causes Mil to crash in the post, but it’s not long before Hammer suffers the same fate. The two men lariat one another center ring!

The official begins a ten count and Mil is the firs to stir. Both happen to make it to their feet simultaneously and Hammer gets the better with a running lariat in the ring and then in the corner. A boot to the face before Hammer deadlifts Mil in a wrist clutch and suplexes him over. He covers, but Mil muscles a shoulder up.

Mil is quick to recover with a powerslam that gets a near fall on the champ. He picks Hammer up in a fireman’s carry, but Alex shakes free and kicks Mil down! He covers for a near fall. Just a devastating battle so far.

Mil hits a backstabber on Hammer for a near fall of his own. He tries to pick Hammer up but the champ fights back only to take a few headbutts. Hammer however hits a gigantic German suplex and then a sit-out powerbomb for such a close fall!

Mil makes Hammer dizzy with a jawbreaker and the two men trade shots on their knees. They both fight to their feet and Mil gets a series of right hands. Both men attempt their finishers, but it’s Hammer who gets the better and hits his Nightmare Pendulum for the 1-2-3 title retain!

WINNER and STILL MLW National Openweight Champion: Alexander Hammerstone

Post-victory, Hammer grabs the mic. “This was just step one,” says Hammer, referring to reacquiring his Openweight gold. Things are about to get a little more interesting. Next week he’ll have a press conference and he’s got some very dynastic news. “Tune in.”

These results were written by @DOMINICDEANGELO but are COURTESY OF MLW.COM. Watch the full episode of  this week’s MLW Fusion below:

RELATED: Richard Holliday Previews His MLW Fusion Fight With The ‘Undynastic’ Gino Medina, Says ‘He Never Tipped’