AEW Dynamite
Credit: AEW

AEW Dynamite Results (3/17/21)

Tonight on AEW Dynamite, it’s “Lights Out” as Thunder Rosa takes on Britt Baker in the unsanctioned main event in what should be stand-out battle between the two.

March 10, 2021, Jacksonville, Florida
Commentators: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone & Excalibur

Penta El Zero Miedo vs.

In an in-set promo, Penta tells Cody that he’s going to take an early paternity leave with a broken arm, Before Cody can make it to the ring, Penta dives onto him for an early attack. The brawl spills to the outside. Harsh sidekick by Penta. The action gets into the ring finally. Penta rips off Cody’s green shirt and chops him hard. He taunts before hitting another chop. Cody tells him to hit him again and Penta does. Gordbuster. Penta however catches Cody with a ssling blade. Two count.

Penta chokes Cody on the ropes but ref Aubrey breaks it up. Penta hits a backstabber for a two count after a cocky pin. The fight goes tot he outside again and Penta leans a guard rail on another guardrail before they go back in the ring. Cody hits a top-rope Frankensteiner on Penta.

Soon, Penta sets his sights on COdy’s shoulder. Big armbreaker by Penta. Cody catches Penta looking at Arn and starts his offense.  Disaster Kick catches Penta off the apron and it’s Cody tope suicida-ing his foe through the leaning barricade.Penta catches Cody witha kick on the apron. “Zero Miedo” Cody catches him with a thrust kick before hitting a destroyer and following up with a Cody cutter. Two count.

Cody hits the Cross Rhodes and covers, 1-2-no!

Cody nails him with a Vertabreaker and covers once more, 1-2-no (again!)

Cody slams Penta’s knee against the ring post and locks in the figure four in the middle of the ring. Penta makes it to the ropes. Cody goes for another figure four, but Penta rolls over and does his armbreaker. Cody catches him with a roll-up pin and gets the victory!

WINNER: Cody Rhodes

Penta immediately attacks the shoulder of Cody before The Nightmare Family come running in for the save.

Marvez is standing with The Young Bucks and they note that Rey Fenix beat both of them in singles, but these are Tag Team straps. Suddenly in comes Don Callis. He patronizes Papa Buck before saying they don’t look as Elite anymore and that he admits to not being kicked by the Bucks weeks ago. He asks Matt and Nick if they feel at the top of their game as they once did in New Japan? He leaves with that question.

Jade Cargill vs. Dani Jordyn

Bell sounds and Jade flexes before the two trade standing switches. Jade catches Dani hard with a powerful kick. Big time German suplex from Jade who kips right up.  She hits her “Jaded” Black Widow and gets the 1-2-3.

WINNER: Jade Cargill

Post-bout, she and Red Velvet argue at ringside before Bryce Remsburg breaks it up.

Out comes MJF and his new faction. Tully starts with the mic in hand. He talks about how they decimated Inner Circle last week. I guess that makes this group the baddest group in AEW. They’re at the pinnacle of this sport and that’s where they are. He started with the greatest group in pro wrestling and he’s going to finish his career with the greatest group in pro wrestling. MJF now has the mic. He calls himself Judas. He said he had to take a backseat to him for six months. He says he sang and he danced through all his bullshit. The coupe de grace was him acting like he wanted to take over The Inner Circle. The goal from day one was to take out Inner Circle. On top of its remains, he wanted to build one even better. He says “The Pinnacle” is exactly what they are. He introduces everyone formally and hypes them up like crazy. Then there’s MJF himself – the most talked about man in pro wrestling today. The guy who is unstoppable and the guy who is only 24 years old. He’s got 25 years plus left in the tank. Deep down you know that when his career is all said and done, he will be the GOAT, not Chris Jericho. They are “The Pinnacle” and they will dominate AEW. They’ll take what they want, when they want it. He wants Chris Jericho’s locker room, but he wants Chris to know that he’s better than him and he knows it.

Matt Hardy, The Butcher, The Blade & Inner Circle vs. Jurassic Express & Bear Country

Matt says in a pre-match promo about how is Empire is making money and that is indeed what he’s building.

Bell rings and Marko Stunt starts it off with Marq Quen, but Matt tags himself in. He kicks Stunt in the gut and goes for an Edge bomb, but Jungle Boy dropkicks Marko into Matt and a brawl breaks out. Matt’s Empire is on the outside and Bear Country vault Stunt on top of them. Jurassic Express take exception to that. Matt hits a Side Effect but only gets a two. Break time.

Back from break, Luchasaurus is on a tear. He takes out Private Party before unleashing on Blade. He gets suplexed and kips up.He goes to powerslam Isiah, but Marq pulls him free. He kicks both PP and chokeslams Isiah. gets a two count. Butcher comes in and lariats the hell out of Luchasaurus. Stunt hits and runs on Butcher. Bronson from BC gets tagged, but the chemistry soon changes between the teams and their foes take advantage of it. Marko is the legal man and PP double team him. Marko tries to fight off but Matt attacks him from the apron. Gin and Juice by PP. Matt demands a tag and Marq obliges. Twist of Fate and he gets the 1-2-3.

WINNERS: Matt Hardy, The Butcher, The Blade & Inner Circle

Eddie and Mox are not in a good mood backstage. Mox isn’t happy he got beat down during that deathmatch. Time to fix that problem – The Good Brothers. Mox doesn’t like them. He and Eddie call Doc Gallows “Forky from Toy Story.” Eddie says this ain’t Tokyo, this ain’t the IMPACT Zone. He quotes 50 Cent and Tupac.

Christian Cage is standing by. He mentions the term workhorse. He makes wrestling better. He makes wrestlers level up. He is the workhorse and you’re going to remember pretty damn quick. He might have ruffled some feathers.  He wants people to know that he’s there for one spot – the one Kenny Omega occupies.  He knes he’s got a ways to go but he’s going to do one thing: out work everyone.

Eddie Kingston & Jon Moxley vs. The Good Brothers

Eddie Kingston walks out to the ring, but as he enters the Good Brothers attack him. Mox comes in for the save and they all brawl it out before the bell has even rung. Good Brothers are on total offense as they beat Mox and Eddie down. They hit a Magic Killer on Mox. They toss Eddie in and the bell rings. Anderson attacks him and pins for a one count. He gouges Eddie’s eyes before tagging in Doc. They continue the assault,

Karl and Doc continue to take out Eddie. Doc hits a big roundhouse kick and covers for a near fall. Mox is shown fighting to his feet on the apron. Eddie chops away at Doc but Doc bicycle kicks Mox off the apron and we cut to break.

Back from it, Eddie is still being beaten up. Eddie tackles Gallows and is trying to find Mox and his corner. Eddie is blinded but he hits an exploder suplex on Anderson.  Tag to Mox. Hard lariats that hurt his shoulder. Suplex to Machine Gun. Shotgun dropkick to the corner. Mox climbs up and walks on Anderson in the corner. Big time lariat from Mox. Piledriver. Near fall, but Doc breaks it up. Mox knee strikes Doc and then topes on top of him. He gets back in only to be hit with a spinebuster for a two count. Big double team dropkick drop to Mox. They take out Eddie and cover: 1-2-kickout.

Mox slaps Karl from his knees but Good Brothers go for a Magic Killer. Eddie saves him and He and Doc battle it out on the outside. Mox catches Karl with a small package for the 1-2-3.

WINNERS: Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston

Immediately, Doc comes and attacks Mox. Kenny’s music hits and he and Don Callis come out. Kenny has a steel chair in hand. Instead of using it, Kenny sits down in the chair. Kingston comes in for the attack but they all beat him down before hitting him with a Magic Killer. They wedge Eddie’s leg in the chair. Mox tries to stop them but Karl comes from up top to stomp on that chair. Eddie is in great pain as Kenny celebrates. Next they wedge Mox’s head in the chair, but the Bucks come out and talks them down. All of them argue. Kenny tries to stomp Mox, but he gets stopped too. They all show a sign of “Too Sweet” but the Bucks leave them hanging. Kenny spins Matt around and implores them to “Too Sweet” but still they refuse. Mox gets to his feet wielding the chair and that sends them all bailing. Eddie wants to get in the ring with Mox for solidarity. He struggles, but he does.

We see Tony Schiavone who introduces STIIIING and Darby Allin. Darby limps out. Tony asks him about his match last week. He won that TNT Championship on November 7 three times. He says that’s a joke. He wants to defend it week in and week out. He wants to pay honor to the greatest TNT Champion of all time. He opens the challenge up to Dark Order, but out comes Lance Archer. He talks trash to both him and Darby and Jake Roberts calls him a “weenie” before addressing Sting and their history. They leave and out comes Team Taz. Brian Cage goes against the grain and says that Ricky Starks is wrong: Sting is still the icon. He walks off as Team Taz aren’t pleased.

We see Scorpio Sky video package stating that he’s willing to hurt people to make himself known.

Angelico vs. Rey Fenix

The two men feel one another out and Rey Fenix arm drags Angelico away. Fenix and he go back and forth, but Fenix catches him with a few pin attempts. Unique arm submission by Angelico. He sees the tape on Rey’s back and begins to focus on that before we head to break.

Rey Fenix spikes Angelico on the canvas with a leaping cutter for two.Angelico hits a elbow to the back and then hits the Navarro death roll submission, but Rey immediately latches onto the ropes. The two exchange pin roll-ups before exchanging kicks. Rey catches Angelico with a crucifix bomb and then hits a deep Thunder Driver for the 1-2-3.

WINNER: Rey Fenix

Miro says he’s not interested in that opportunity that “Charles,” but Kip Sabian walks in and says he isn’t done with them. He addresses Miro knocking Penelope off the apron at Revolution. Miro makes clear that isn’t important and that in the ring he doesn’t care about anyone, not Penelope, not Kip. Kip says he wants whats best for Miro and Miro says outside the ring, they’re still friends. Miro walks off. Alex Marvez asks Kip if they accept and Kip says of course they do.

Backstage The Dark Order decide that John Silver will challenge Darby Allin next week (before -1 nominates himself briefly)

Unsanctioned Lights Out Match
Britt Baker (with Rebel) vs. Thunder Rosa

Rebel hits TR with a crutch as the bell rings and Britt spears her through the ropes. Britt then hits her air raid drop on Rosa. She begins assaulting TR with a chair. TR however tosses the chair back at Britt and then hits her flush across the back twice. She takes out Rebel with it and then continues the beatdown on Britt.

Rosa tosses Britt over the barricade and the two brawl amongst the ringside wrestlers. Rosa tries to senton herself onto a sitting Britt but Britt moves. She covers for a two count. Britt tosses Rosa over the barricade and the two fight at ringside once more.Jade Cargill is shown sitting from afar smiling. Britt and Rebel set up a chair. Britt face stomps Rosa on the steel steps.

Baker tosses several chairs in the ring,She punches away at Rosa who’s bleeding from the forehead. We go do break.

Back from it, Britt superplexes TR onto the steel chairs and Rosa yells in pain. Rebel pulls a ladder out from ringside. She slides it in the ring and Rosa hits a facebuster on Britt on top of that ladder. She covers for a two count. Running corner meteroa by Rosa. She picks up the ladder and puts iton the bottom rope in front of Britt’s face. Shotgun dropkick by Rosa. Britt is now bleeding too. Rosa pulls out another table. Rosa stomps on Britt’s back (who is bleeding like crazy). Rosa leans the ladder on the bottom rope and then bites the cut of Britt. Superkick by Britt. Flatliner by Britt into the lader. Britt battles to her feet. She climbs up top Rosa catchs her hits a super DVD on top of the ladder. She covers, 1-2-no!

Rosa sets up a chair, but Britt DDTs her on it. Curb stomp on top of it. 1-2-Rosa kicks out!

Brett is smiling. She gets her glove from Rebel.  Rebel hands her a bag. It’s thumbtacks. She dumps them out in the center of the ring.SHe elbows TR and goes for a swinging fisherman’s, but Rosa frees herself. Rebel comes in with the crutch. Rosa catches it, hits her and then launches her through the table at ringside. She then powerbombs Britt on the thumbtacks. 1-2-kickout!

Britt turns the tables and locks in the Lockjaw on the thumbtacks, but Rosa frees herself once more by rolling Britt on top of it. The two fight on the apron by the other table, but it’s Rosa who catches Britt with her Fire Thunder Driver through the table and she gets the win!

WINNER: Thunder Rosa