AEW Dynamite
Photo Credit: AEW

AEW Dynamite Results (12/23/20)

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AEW Dynamite, December 23, 2020
Daily’s Place, Jacksonville, FL
Commentators: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone & Excalibur

Tonight on AEW Dynamite (The Holiday Bash rendition) “The Bastard” PAC takes on The Butcher, The Young Bucks defend their AEW Tag Titles against The Acclaimed and Sting will speak to Tony Schiavone.

Inner Circle (Chris Jericho & MJF) vs. Top Flight

Darrius and Jericho start off and Chris piefaces the youngster. Chris begins beating Darrius after taking a right hand, but an enziguri downs him. Dante and Darrius volley shots back and forth as Dante becomes the legal man. Tag to MJF. He chokes Dante with his boot. Collar and elbowand the two pieface one another. Big dropkick by Dante and MJF bails. The teams come face-to-face in the ring before brawling it out. Top Flight take advantage and they both do 10 punches in the opposite corner before backflipping off. Inner Circle go for a powder as Jake Hager checks on Chris. They trick Dante to charge at MJF which allows Chris to slug him. Inner Circle take control on the outside.

Back in the ring, Dante gets isolated and Darrius gets taunted by Jericho. Belly-to-back to Dante before a tag to MJF. Jericho and he double flapjack Dante. A fired-up Darrius makes trouble for his brother as it allows MJF to choke and poke Dante. Chris soon goes for a pin attempt with his feet on the ropes, but Dante still kicks out. Jericho elevates Dante on the top turnbuckle, but Dante punches him off before making a HIGH crossbody for a near fall. Darrius is begginfg for a tag and gets it. So does MJF, but Darrius is on fire. He delivers a standing Spanish Fly before a shotgun dropkick for a very near fall.

Top Flight are in major control. Dante leapfrogs over Darrius for a back combo and gets a close one. MJF catches Dante with a pop-up powerbomb and Jericho nails a lionsault for a close won. Jericho goes for a Liontamer and Dante rolls him up but gets a kick-out. A double team by TF sends Darrius top the outside and it leads to a close fall. MJF and he soon double teams Darrius. Darris, however catches them both with a double DDT. Big lariat by Darrius onto MJF, but Hager chokes him on the rope and it allows MJF to hit his Heatseeker for the W.

WINNERS: The Inner Circle

Post-match, Hager gets on the mic and congratulates the two. It’s been two weeks since Inner Circle came together as team. He says everybody has done their job except for Wardlow. Hager says everybody else is always there and he understands that Wardlow’s an asset, but he’s also an asshole. Hager reveals that he’s going to take on Wardlow next week.

A kinda awkward music video by The Acclaimed airs.


Tony introduces Sting and The Icon reiterates that he’s back in jungle. He loves it. Tony asks Sting why he’s hear as he points to Darby in the nosebleeds. When he’s asked about that that question, he goes back in time. He goes back in time where he was watching tape with the American Dream, Dusty Rhodes. He says Dusty was the one who pretty much prettied up The Stinger to fight Ric Flair in main event matches. So now when he sees Cody in the ring, he couldn’t just stay away. He wants to be a part of AEW. Big “welcome home” chants. Sting is about to address Darby, but out comes Team Taz. He says all the stuff Sting is saying is bringing a tear to a glass eye. He knows Sting is for Sting. Ricky Starks says they care that he keeps sticking his nose in their business. He’s gonna get hurt in this jungle. Taz prompts Team Taz to attack him, but the lights go out and in the ring comes Darby with a skateboard. Taz says cooler heads prevails and reminds Darby that he’s got a TNT Title defense against Brian Cage on January 6. Sting and Darby stand together but stare one another down.

MJF walks into a game of cards with Santana and Ortiz. MJF opens up and tells Santana that he knows he just suffered a family loss and tells Santana that he just lost his grandfather too. Santana tells him to keep his head up and the two embrace. Ortiz then shakes MJF’s hand who wipes tears from his eyes.

The Dark Order (10, 5 & Colt Cabana) vs. Jurassic Express

Colt teases Stunt and gets a dropkick for his troubles before Five tags himself in and gets a little offense from Stunt. Jungle Boy soon gets the tag which allows he and Stunt to double team. It’s not long until Stunt gets taken to the woodshed by Colt.  Somehow, he tags in Luchasaurus and it’s 10 who feels the wrath of some Jurassic Express double teams. An assited senton by Jungle Boy gets a near fall. A thrust to the gut on the apron by Colt hurts JB enough to get suplexed by 10 for a near fall. We get a picture-in-picture.

Back from break, 5 and 10 isolate Jungle Boy, but a rebounding lariat frees Jack Perry up. Big clothesline by Luchasaurus who lays it into Five with a massive German. Big hook kick to 10. Colt gets disposed of and Five gets a chokeslam followed by a moonsault. Near fall, but a break-up. Stunt hits a crossbody on Colt and then Luchasaurus boots him. Marko gets isolated once more.Big spinebuster by 10 as 5 splashes on top of him for a close W, but Jungle Boy makes the save.Double dropkick by JB and Lucha launches Stunt on top of 10 and Colt. This allows Luchasaurus and JB to do an impressive flipping powerbomb on 5 for the three count.

WINNERS: Jurassic Express

Post-match Tony meets up with Jurassic in the ring. Marko starts talking, but is interrupted by Tully Blanchard and FTR on the big screen. They’re looking at the 2020 Tag Team of The Year. He understands Jurassic Express wants to take them down. On January 6, they’re going to face them. Tully then threatens Marko to have a “flashback to the 80s.”

Alex Marvez is “creeping” on Don Callis and Kenny Omega in the hotel. Callis says wrestlers running amok in AEW has to stop. Marvez wants Kenny’s thoughts too. He wants to give a year in review to Rey Fenix. Three significant times he’s choked. What’s going to happen when he faces someone who doesn’t love him? Kenny’s worried he’s going to put Fenix out for good. Maybe he can go back to IMPACT or AAA (Konnan loves him there). He tells Fenix he’ll see him on January 6.

The Butcher (with The Blade and Bunny) vs. PAC (with Penta El Zero M)

Eddie Kingston is on commentary. Bell rings. PAC and Butch goes forehead to forehead. Hard-hitting. Butcher sends PAC over the ropes and PAC gets back in the ring. He plays mind games with Butcher before catching him with some stiff kicks.

Hard dropkick to the side of his head, but Butcher catches him with his patented crossbody. Kingston notes they’ve been studying Stan Hansen tag. Eddie and Tony Schiavone go back and forth on commentary. Butcher begins to manhandle PAC. Hard shot to PAC gets a two count on Butcher. Short Irish whip to PAC in the corner as Bunny screams at The Bastard. Butcher forces him in the opposite corner. PAC tries to fight back but Butch continues to beat on PAC.

Butcher continues to impose his will on PAC and it goes to the outside. Massive running boot by Butcher and we cut to a picture-in-picture break.

Back from it, PAC kicks away at Butcher. PAC sizes him up from the top and then hits a shotgun dropkick that almost knocks Butcher out of the ring. He goes for The Black Arrow, but Penta gets nailed by Blade and it distracts PAC for a massive offensive assault on PAC. Big running powerbomb gets a damn near close fall. Eddie implores PAC to finish him off. Eddie goes to the ring, but his progress is stopped by Lance Archer on the stage. This allows Butcher to get kicked by PAC. Black Arrow and we get the W.


Post-match, Archer and PAC stare one another down as Penta watches on. Archer grins and leaves.

We cut to Jade Cargill who congratulates Brandi before noting the convenience. They better find her opponent because time is ticking and she’s sick of this shit.

Kip and Miro are standing by with Schiavone. Kip talks up his big AEW wedding and are just about to show their wedding date on the screen, but The Best Friends music hits instead. Kip and Miro look angry, but they pulled a fast one. Instead they already attacked Trent backstage who gets loaded up in an ambulance as Chuck and Orange Cassidy accompany him. They then reveal the date to be February 3 at Beach Break.

Evil Uno vs. Dustin Rhodes (with Lee Johnson)

Uno sucker slaps Dustin as he gets in the ring. Hard shots in the corner, but once the bell rings, Dustin fires away at Evil Uno. He goes for his patented uppercut, but Uno steps on his hand and the two duke it out on the outside. Dustin ducks a chop which causes Uno to hit the post. The fight goes back to the ring and the two brawl and gouge at one another. Dustin begins to dominate with stomps in the corner. Big boot by Uno. Diving senton by Uno gets a two count. Picture-in-picture break.

Back from break, Evil Uno hits a hard piledriver on Dustin. Kick out. The two trade shots. Dustin does some fli-flop and fly (if you weeell). Running shot takes Uno down, but a spinning kick downs Dustin. The Natural manages to hit his running bulldog for the victory.

WINNER: Dustin Rhodes

Post-match Uno pleads with Dustin to join The Dark Order but he gets a boot for his troubles. In comes Stu Grayson hit a Knightfall on Dustin. In comes QT Marshall, but the numbers game is too much. Lee Johnson comes flying in with a double dropkick.

Shawn Spears is with Tony Schiavone. His confidence is fully intact, but management is weighing him down. He sees him going down the same path. Tony Schiavone interrupts him and says that maybe he’s the problem. Spears gets insulted and says that he’s gonna come back to the ring when he feels like it.

Shida is being interviewed by Dasha, but gets attacked by Abadon. This causes the whole thing to get disrupted and Shida eventually heads out for her match.

Hikaru Shida vs. Alex Gracia

Despite being attacked Shida starts off strong and her speed takes out Gracia to the ring. JR notes that her father has cancer and diabetes. Gracia cradles up Shida for a near fall. A running boot in the corner keeps Shida down for a one count. Shots by Gracia continues, but a delayed suplex keeps Gracia grounded and over the apron. Really big knee strike by Shida. Abadon is creeping on the barricade on the outside and Shida takes the fight to her. Shida almost misses the ten count. Gracia gets a near fall, but a backbreaker followed by a falcon arrow secures the W.

WINNER: Hikaru Shida

Post-match, Abadon looks dead and Shida pokes her with a kendo stick. This awakens Abadon and she begins attacking Shida and then bites her neck. No sign of blood but Shida screams in pain as Abadon walks out.

AEW Tag Team Championship
The Acclaimed vs. The Young Bucks

Max Caster and Matt Jackson start it off. Matt gets the better of the battle with a dropkick and an armdrag. Tag to Nick. Axe handle to Caster, but Caster runs and tags in Bowens. He gets double teamed. They suplex Caster on top of him. Bucks clear house before a pair of stereo baseball slides. Matt spears Caster. He and Nick hit Risky Business off the barricade.

A catapult intoa n enxiguri. Double foot stomp by Nick Jackson gets a two count. Matt begins to attack but Caster trips him up on the apron. THey isolate Matt, but Caster gets tossed and Nick becomes the legal mand. Springboard facebuster to Bowens before attacking Caster once more on the outside. Nick goes for a senton on Bowens but he gets the knees up. Caster slams Nick on the apron and Bowens continues his in-ring offense. We cut to picture-in-picture.

The Acclaimed are on the offense back from break. Nick does get the tag to Matt and he hits Bowens and Caster with a double DDT. Matt slides in and out of the ring and Caster gets kicked by Nick from the apron. Matt delivers a few of his Northern Lights suplexes and he locks in a sharpshooter. Matt will not break it. Nick locks Caster on the outside. Bowens makes it to the ropes. Bowens gets caught mid-air and The Bucks hits a springboard Doomsday Device. Bowens is down and Nick climbs up top. Caster sweeps a leg and Nick gets crotched on the top. Big superplex double team. Close fall, but Matt just barely makes the save. Caster gouges the eyes of Matt. Bucks superkick Caster and then ref Rick Knox (accidentally) Bowens hits Matt with the tag belt and covers him. In fcomes referee Turner to count, but Matt does kick out. Bowens gets taken out on the outside via powerbomb on a strewn barricade and it’s not long before a BTE Trigger get the win.

WINNERS and STILL AEW Tag Team Champions: The Young Bucks