AEW Dynamite Kenny Omega Joey Janela
Photo: AEW

AEW Dynamite Results (12/16/20)

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AEW Dynamite, December 16, 2020
Daily’s Place, Jacksonville, FL
Commentators: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone & Excalibur

This week on AEW Dynamite, Kenny Omega graces us with his presence once more as he takes on Joey Janela in singles action in a “No DQ, Anything Goes” World Title match. Plus, Cody Rhodes takes on Angelico, Sting is in the house and The Inner Circle seek to get on the same page once more as they compete in a 14-man tag match.

Adam Page & The Dark vs. The Hardy Party

Silver and Reynolds come dressed out like Howdy Doody cowboys as Hangman wants a little decorum going down.

Mark Quen and Hangman start matters off. Major quickness and athelicism shown at the start. The two talk trash to one another and Matt gets tagged in. Collar and elbow sends Hangman into PP’s corner. Hard elbows by Page but Hardy tags in for triple team, but Dark Order join in Hangman’s unison with some big boots to send Hardy sailing. They work on Isiah for a two count after a slam.

Dark Order do a double hip toss and then Hangman gets a standing moonsault fora near fall. It’s down to Silver and Kassidy. Kicks from Johnny Boy. “John” chants in Daily’s Place. Tag to Quen nd he takes out all his three adversaries. PP double team Manhattan drop on Silver, followed by a wishbone, followed by a dropkick.

Isiah corners Silver and Matt tags himself in. Innovative knee moonsault by Private Party. Quen tags in Hardy and Matt hammers away at Silver in their corner. Matt seeks a side effect but turns it into a sleeper hold on Silver. Silver powers up with a side suplex. Matt goes for another side effect but no dice. Modified neck drop by Matt.Hardy sizes him up but John hits a big brainbuster. JR mentions Killer Karl Kox as Hangman gets the hot tag. He and Isiah work on one another but Page lariats Quen off the apron. He leaps on top of Hardy to the outside and then hits a major league lariat on Quen for a very near fall. Tag to Hardy who hits a side effect on Hangman. Two count. Matt goes for a Twist of Fate, but Hangman hits him hard with a clothesline. Tag to Reynolds as he and Quen go at it. Rolling back elbow and then a spinning elbow followed by a standing suplex for the almost win, but Isiah comes to break it up. Dark Order double team the heck out of Quen followed with a sit-down bomb by Hangman. John jacknifes for a near win, but Hardy pulls Silver off and hits him hard over the pron. Hangman gets disposed of and it allows PP to hit the Gin and Juice. Hardy tags himself in and Matt goes for the cover. 1-2-3.

WINNERS: The Hardy Party

It’s clear that Isiah and Mark are not pleased with Hardy’s actions as Hangman looks on, frustrated.

Alex Marvez congrats MJF on his Dinner Debonair praise from The New York Times. Jericho notes that he was involved in it as well. MJF says he couldn’t have done it without him. He sees a mentor, the GOAT and a friend. He considers all the Inner Circle the same as well. Things kindaaa seem hunky dory, but a little tense.

Cody and Brandi receive a gift on their doorstep and here they reveal that they’re having a baby in 2021!

Cody Rhodes vs. Angelico

Big time “Cody” chants. Angelico is as cocky as ever as he eludes an attack. Another lock-up and the two go at it. Cody flips him by the arm. They trade arm wrenches. It’s a big focus of the first few minutes of the match. He and Cody lock it up once more. Another arm wrench. Big arm drag by Angelico and he welcomes Cody’s advances. Angelico tries to sucker Cody down to the mat and does so. Both men get vertical and the two pie-face each other. They leap frog joust, but it’s Cody who gets the better of it with a drop kick. Just a one count and we cut to break.

Back from it, both men are down after a trip-up, but a series of lariats leads to a powerslam by Cody. 1-2-(Leslie) nnnnope.

Angelico does a ground octopus mule lock and Cody literally bites the ropes to break the intense submission. Angelico washes his boot against said face of Cody. Cody gets backslide for two. He attempts a beautiful disaster kick but Angelico scouts it and he twists it into his Navarro Deathlock hold.

Cody, once more, gets to the ropes. Cody hits his patented right hand. Cross Rhodes gets reversed into an attempt of Angelico’s own version, but Cody springboards off the ropes for a long-range cutter. He gets the win.

WINNER: Cody Rhodes

Out comes Team Taz. Taz patronizingly congratulates Cody on the win and the baby news. “He’s going to be a daddy!” Starks says where’s their daddy congrats as Team Taz made him and Darby their kids last week. Taz threatens to put Cody on paternity leave, but Sting’s music hits and he comes out with a bat. Hobbs has to be restrained by his comrades as The Stinger stares on. He and a nosebleeding Darby Allin stare down one another from afar and Sting walks off.

We see Miro backstage in a light bright hoodie. Marvez notifies that AEW management is fining him $75,000 for his actions. As far as he’s concerned Orange Cassidy owes him that money. Now it’s the holidays. He’s going to defeat Sonny Kiss on Dark this week and then they got a big wedding date announcement for next Wednesday. “What about the folks in the hospital?” asks Marvez. Bah humbug!

Eddie Kingston comes out. He doesn’t care about anybody. He’s here to address his enemies. He mentions “The Big Guy Upstairs.” Eddie’s still here. How about PAC? He’s nursing his injuries. He ain’t coming back. He’s done. How about that big goofy bastard Lance Archer? Out he comes charging and Archer comes assaulting. Out comes The Butcher and The Blade. Big time numbers game. Here come The Lucha Bros. The numbers are even. In slides PAC! They clear house of The Kingston Family. Stereo kicks to Blade and Butcher by Lucha Bros. Archer soon goes to chokeslam Eddie Kingston but PAC comes in and kicks Eddie hard. They argue over the rights to Kingston’s hide as his “Fam” bails. Death Triangle and Archer stand tall.

Dasha is with Dustin Rhodes. Seven was a bad idea years ago and Seven is bad idea now. He’s not the third most important Rhodes and he’s calling Evil Uno out next week!

The Best Friends & The Varsity Blondes vs. The Inner Circle

Chris Jericho and Trent start it off, but Pillman Jr. wants in. Trent obliges. First lock up ever for the two and Brian gets an arm drag. Chris slaps him. He attacks Brian in the corner. Brian soon manages to fire back. Pillman hits his patented cross body and then dropkicks Chris mightily out of the ring. He vaults himself over on top of Chris as the rest of Inner Circle start down The Varsity Blonde. Back in the ring, Chris and he continue to fight back and forth.

Griff Garrison springboard leg drops Chris Jericho for two. Sammy gets a tag and it’s now these two duking it out. JR states that Garrison reminds him of Edge. Dante Martin gets tagged and Sammy flips him off. Big dropkick by Sammy and he takes a moment to show-off. Dante catches Sammy with a high-leaping leg drop. Two count. His brother Darrius tags in and Top Flight kicks Sammy flat.

Sammy soon slugs Dante hard. Santana and Trent tag in and it’s an all out brawl between everyone. MJF gets dumped to the outside and there’s a six-way hug between the good guys.

Action soon re-emerges and Santan & Ortiz double team Trent. Things begin to get a little scratchy as we cut to break.

Back from break, Jericho and Sammy pose while Trent is down. Sammy hits a bicycle knee on Trent and Ortiz gets the tag. Suplex by Trent. Darrius gets the tag and him and Ortiz go back and forth. Standing Spanish fly. Blind tag to Dante and big takeout at ringside with a dive. Ortiz gets a diving elbow in the good guys’ corner. Best Friends hit a half-and-half sole food. Varsity Blondes get involved. Big time shot by Jericho with his bat to Garrison’s back.  Hager hits a F-10 on Garrison as he tags in MJF for the cover and win.

WINNERS: The Inner Circle

They continue to attack after the match but Top Flight clears the ring. MJF and Jericho are not pleased.

Thunder Rosa addresses Britt Baker: she’s been wrestling all over the world and it was Britt’s fault she lost her match against Serena Deeb for the NWA Title. She talks major trash to Britt as Rebel interrupts.  This allows Britt to attack Rosa. Rebel pours water all over Rosa’s face as Britt has her Lockjaw locked in.

SCU (Frankie Kazarian & Christopher Daniels) vs. The Acclaimed

Big time rap battle between Castor and Kaz. It’s him and Anthony Bowens starting things off.

Sweet modified Northern lights suplex by Kaz. He tags in Daniels and they double attack Bowens. AB backdrops CD. Castor and CD go at it. Missile dropkick to Castor and CD tags in Frankie. Springboard assaults to Castor. Kaz is in control, but an attack on the apron leads to a shift in momentum as The Acclaimed take out Kaz to the outside. They stomp away at him as we go to picture-in-picture.

Back from it, The Acclaimed continue to work over Kaz, but it’s springboard DDT that evens the odds. Frankie goes to tag in CD and does. Daniels lariats Bowens and he hits an STO on Castor. Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall by Daniels. Uranage by Daniels before he shouts “BME!” Bowens thwarts that premontition. They’re on the top turnbuckle together and with help from Frankie, CD hits a cross body on Bowens for  near fall. Castor smacks Daniels hard with a boombox to the face and Bowens gets the pinfall victory.

WINNERS: The Acclaimed

Post-match, Max Castor raps away at The Young Bucks at ringside. Bowens challenges The Bucks for the titles next week. Kaz shows some frustration towards Daniels.

Top Flight challenges MJF and Chris Jericho next week on Dynamite.

Ivelisse & Diamnte vs. Big Swole & Serena Deeb

Ivelisse and Serena lock up twice. Lisse elbows Serena out of nowhere. The action soon changes to Swole and  Diamante as Swole takes it to her foe with some suplex. Ivelisse gets involved and it allows Diamante to get a German. We cut to picture-in-picture.

Back from break, Serena is taking it to Diamante and Ivelisse. She’s on a roll and gives a major dragon screw to the leg of Diamante. She hangs Ivelisse out to dry over the middle rope. Gut buster akin to Dean Malenko before channeling Ric Flair with a figure four. Ivelisse tags in Diamante. She fights with Deeb before the tag goes to Big Swole. Swole soon goes for Dirty Dancing. Ivelisse grabs the hair of Swole, but it doesn’t thwart her. Headbutt before she locks in her Clearwater Cloverleaf for the submission finish.

WINNERS: Serena Deeb & Big Swole

Post-match, Nyla Rose and Vickie Guerrero attack the winners, but Red Velvet becomes the counter balance with the steel chair.

Best Friends reveal with a stoic Orange Cassidy as they reveal that they’re going to be in attendance for Miro and Kip’s big wedding date announcement.

A highlight package gets shown of Jurassic Express which prompts FTR to interrupt commentary. They do not like being cast aside in favor of a fake Tarzan and a man dressed as a dinosaur. Tully tells the booth to “Fear The Revelation.”

No Disqualification AEW World Championship Eliminator Match
Joey Janela (with Sonny Kiss) vs. Kenny Omega (c) (with Don Callis)

Joey tosses a trash can at Omega as he walks down the entryway. Callis gets on the mic and implores Schiavone to leave commentary so he can sub in and Schiavone declines. Omega hits a fame asser on a chair. Callis begins to commentate on a live mic instead. A tope swanton by Kenny. Omega hits Janela with a “disgusting” cookie sheet. Kenny gets on the mic for some “play-by-play.” He continues to attack “The Bad Boy.” Kenny has the ref hold the mic as he gives a moonsault press to Janela with a trash can. Kick out at two. Kenny is upset and says as much on the mic.

He chops Janela with a slap.  Constant trash talk as he continues to assault Joey. A springboard double stomp with the trash can on the back of Janela. Omega sets him up for a One-Winged Angel but Janela hits a reverse hurricanrana on Omega. Sonny Kiss pulls out a table. Kiss sets it up by the stage and Janela punches at Kenny. He puts him up on the table. Janela climbs the turnbuckle and comes crashing down on Kenny through the table.

Janela misses a moonsault in the ring and Kenny hits two V-Triggers, then the One-Winged Angel for the victory.

WINNER and STILL AEW World Champion: Kenny Omega

Post-victory, PAC comes out with his Death Circle comrades. He asks Kenny to direct his attention to Rey Fenix who never lost in the tournament. PAC wants him to explain such avoidance to him. Don Callis says “wrasslers” don’t tell the AEW World Champion what to do. PAC reveals otherwise: December 30 Kenny will defend that belt against Fenix. Kenny ain’t pleased as the show ends.

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