MLW Fusion results
Credit: MLW

MLW Fusion Results (Episode 113): Violence Is Forever Debuts, CONTRA vs. The Von Erichs Ends In Chaos

Josef Samael is far from the palatial headquarters of MLW, but there is no reason to believe the league is safe. “We will win this war,” Samael states to start off Fusion (presented by Josef is readying a new wave of soldiers so if you think CONTRA is on the run, you are dead wrong. He cites the ambushes of Davey Boy Smith and Hammerstone as initial examples. Samael says tonight it’s the Von Erichs’ turn as Marshall and Ross defend their Tag Team Titles against Simon Gotch and World Champion Jacob Fatu in one of two double main events!

Zenshi vs. Calvin Tankman

The Chilean high-flier enters the ring and looks ever-ready, but he’s likely have his biggest challenge ahead of him (both in the figurative and literal sense) in league newcomer, Calvin Tankman.

Zenshi is soon to go for the legs of Tankman, but nothing doing and Zenshi clearly has to reassess his strategy as a dropkick only perturbs Tank. Zenshi backs off and utilizes his unorthodox style to send Calvin in the corner, but Tankman cracks him hard with a dropkick of his own. He then nails a pop-up standing spinebuster for a near fall. Tankman stays on the offense as Tankman sends Zenshi flying out of the corner. Calvin asks Zenshi if he’s done, but Zenshi shows some fight wearing down the legs of his much larger opponent. The gameplan appears to be paying off as Zenshi gets some kicks to Calvin’s upper body and flourishing it with a Pele kick. Tankman is dazed as Zenshi ascends the turnbuckle, but it’s Tankman who catches him with a vicious backhand to the throat! He sends Zenshi packing with his Tankman Driver for the victory, bringing the big man to 2-0.

WINNER: Calvin Tankman

“You line ’em up and I promise you I’m gonna knock ’em down! Heavyweight Hustle never gives up. Heavyweight Hustle has got people waiting on him to bring that money home so he can feed his babies! Heavyweight Hustle is more determined, more strong and faster than anything you have ever seen,” Tankman states post-match. He wants anyone to come test themselves against the best, because he promises them all they’re not going to like what they see.

Related: Calvin Tankman Aims To Knock People Out In MLW (WZ Interview)

Revenge has taken Salina de la Renta in the darkest corners of Mexico. She shares a story back in 1985 when a child of only seven lost everything due to a massive earthquake in Mexico City. This man rose to throne of greatness until his temple fell. He then wandered the earth until “The Bruja” summons that individual: Pasqual Mendoza.

Dan Lambert isn’t happy that King Mo is an Opera Cup alternate. He can’t believe that doctors cleared Low Ki to compete, so therefore, don’t come crying to him or King Mo when he knocks out The Lone Wolf of Brooklyn.

Violence Is Forever (w/ Tom Lawlor) vs. Jason Dugan & Robert Martyr

Team Filthy introduced Kevin Ku to us on an episode of Pulp Fusion earlier. He’s on the same page and believes that violence is sorely missing from the league.

Bell rings and it’s Garrini tossing Dugan. The Bone Collector uses takedowns to keep his adversary on the mat, and it’s not long before Ku takes over against Martyr. Dugan soon tags himself in and he’s about to regret it as VIF take him out with a brainbuster superkick combo to get that near-seamless victory.

WINNERS: Violence Is Forever

Low Ki’s strategy against Richard Holliday is going to rather simple: air him out of that “rarified air.” He can take Rich out in several ways so we’ll have to wait and see.

Richard Holliday reiterates that he’s dedicated his opening match of The Opera Cup to Hammerstone, but he just hopes Low Ki can indeed handle that aforementioned “air.”

Myron Reed challenged Lio Rush weeks ago on Fusion and we see Lio sitting in his $100,000 car. He’s heading to the studio, about to make a hit. Before that, CEO Court Bauer requested he make a video for the league. Here’s the rub: he has some things he’d like to get off of his chest. He’s all about Myron Reed putting his Middleweight Title against The Man of The Hour, but the thing is, Rush calls the shots. December 23 isn’t going to be that date. He’s been a naughty little champ. He wants Court to write up the papers. He wants January at Kings of Colosseum. That’s the date and he sure is coming to collect. In the meantime, go get his off-brand cereal, cry in his 300-square-foot room and gameplan for the real “Moneyweight” Champ.

Alicia Atout is with MLW via a feed from Toronto. She asks him about Mads Krugger’s impressive debut. Hammer admits he’s never been hit as hard with a chair like Krugger did. That doesn’t scare Hammer, but it puts him on another level and is sure to have a Nightmare Pendulum in store for him. The National Openweight Champion then has a big announcement: he’s cleared to wrestle and wants to challenge Mads Krugger to Kings of Colosseum. The feed cuts and Mads Krugger wants to go up against our boy Hammer.

2020 Opera Cup Semi-Finals
Richard Holliday vs. Low Ki

Before the match begins, Rich Bocchini makes it known that Gino Medina went after Holliday earlier and has since been escorted out of the building. Low Ki has to have gotten in Holliday’s head as he takes a moment to knock his Air Pods off the stand of The Opera Cup.

Bell rings and both men look to lock up. Holliday takes a leg shot, but Holliday takes some big-time boots to the corner. Richard is extra vicious as he stays on top of The Professional. He seems to seek a back body drop, but the speed of Low Ki allows him to evade. Holliday delivers some hard shoulder thrusts in the corner, but Low Ki fires back with a splash and a hard elbow to the end of Rich.

Low Ki goes for another running corner attack but Low Ki’s chin gets dropped right on the turnbuckle. Holliday his an axe handle cross body for a pinfall attempt and continues to keep Ki grounded with stomps and an elbow to the side of Low Ki’s left knee. Big back suplex by Rich gets a two count. A series of shoulder blocks wrenches Low Ki, but he does hit a ground double stomp. It winds Rich, but he does hit a backbreaker for the momentum to get back in his favor. Richard punches away at Low Ki in the corner. Low Ki goes for the choke that helped take out Davey Boy Smith Jr. but Rich does reach to the ropes. Chops in the corner followed by some hard kicks. Holliday counters with an elbow.

Holliday slows the pace and looks to go for his Market Crash, but Low Ki fights free to hit a huge enziguri. Holliday it’s a major league clothesline as we’re nearing the seven-minute mark.

Low Ki has a burst of energy and hits a savate kick to the mid-section. Somehow hits a big powerbomb and Low Ki kicks out at two.

Holliday is irate and frustrated. Low Ki drives Holliday in the corner and then takes him to another one for a mounted series of sharp elbow to the head. Big spinebuster by Holliday gets him a count of 2.5!

Holliday is the first to his feet and has Ki hooked for suplex, but Low Ki is resilient and fights off. Dropkick in the corner knocks Holliday down in the prime position for a Warrior’s Wrath top-rope double foot stomp. That secures him the victory and Low Ki is heading to The Opera Cup Finals.

WINNER and ADVANCING To The Opera Cup Finals: Low Ki

Who will Ki face in the finals? Tom Lawlor or ACH? We’ll find out next week, and we find that Low Ki doesn’t mind taunting the fallen Holliday with his Caribbean Title before exiting.

It’s official: Myron Reed will defend his World Middleweight Title at Kings of Colosseum against Lio Rush.

Myron states how ready he is for that bout. It’s time to find out who the best Middleweight is. He’s not taking that belt away from him and that’s a promise. “And that…that’s justice.”

World Tag Team Championships
CONTRA (Jacob Fatu & Simon Gotch) vs. The Von Erichs (c)

Fatu and Gotch look intimidating as ever, but it in no way phases Ross and Marshall Von Erich. The brothers immediately charge at their foes as the fight starts outside.

The four go in an all-out brawl as the official has a rough time keeping a stranglehold on the chaos. Ross and Gotch find their way to the canvas and the match officially begins. Big dropkick by Ross in the corner leads to a fisherman’s suplex.

Simon soon flips Ross and then tags in the World Heavyweight Champion. The Samoan Werewolf bites the forehead of Ross in his own corner before yelling “Hail CONTRA!” A vicious superkick by Fatu and Simon gets the tag. He pulls on the left arm of Ross and then delivers some crisp uppercuts to RVE on the ropes. Tag to Fatu. Ross tries to get to Marshall but the Heavyweight Champ keeps him far away on two separate occasions. He chokes the life out of Ross, but the ever-strong Von Erichs keep at it. Fatu literally chews at Ross’ wrist.

They continue to lay it into Ross who is in the opposite corner of his brother. Gotch tries a flipping pin attempt, but only gets two. Another pin attempt yields the same results. Crossface by Gotch in the middle of the ring, but Ross powers his way to the ropes. Thigh kick to Ross followed by brainbuster and a tag to Jacob Fatu. Jacob has plenty of trash to talk as he continues the attack on Ross, but he low bridges the ropes on the big man to send him out.

Marshall gets the tag and holy smoke, the blonde bomber is on a run as he clotheslines the heck out of Simon.

Marshall hits a big pop-up spinebuster but Fatu breaks it up. The fight goes to the outside and Marshall gives Gotch a claw into a loose board at ringside. The match finally gets thrown out as Violence is Forever and Jordan Oliver run in. It’s just complete and utter chaos as we run out of time!

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